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According to the American Chronicle, disclosure has happened.

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 07:43 AM
"lol i always laugh when i hear that - '' land on the Whitehouse lawn '' why the whitehouse?? they could land anywhere on Earth and it would be excepted, not just in the states. The UFO's arent gonna come here and say or there is the USA we had better see them first.

We are all the same!"

sorry if i didnt quote right, but i totally agree with this statement.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:14 PM
Its my opinion that the Governments of the world have known for a long time that unidentified objects are entering and leaving our airspace as and when they feel like it, but that they dont really know what they are or where they come from- the French government have pretty much admitted it with their COMETA report (even though it wasnt directly commisioned by the French government, it was known to have 'official' backing). Heres a wiki quote about it:

"The group was responsible for the 'COMETA Report' (1999) on UFOs and their possible implications for defence in France. The report concluded that about 5% of the UFO cases they studied were utterly inexplicable and the best hypothesis to explain them was the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). The authors also accused the United States government of engaging in a massive cover-up of the evidence."

I doubt that 'disclosure' would happen at any time unless there was a completely irrefutable mass sighting, as it would be admitting that they could not control and police their own airspace, with knock on effects for the defence industry / governments, and society as a whole.

Just my opinion though, and you know what they say about those!

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:02 PM
there are many layers to what we 'disclosure'. personal disclosure has already happened for some, based on experiences they might have had with craft which are assumed to be of extraterrestrial origin. disclosure of the masses is something which can be speculated upon to varying degrees, but most logically minded people won't reach any solid conclusion regarding disclosure unless they are either exposed to, or shown valid evidence of said extraterrestrial phenomena.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:19 PM
I think this is all a part of a controlled collapse of the Ego's of humanity, to prepare for the coming truth of reality and all that exists within the spectrums of light and energy.

Many of you do not realize the emotional consequence of truly witnessing the reality of our true nature and the reality of life everywhere around us.

For example, many people have heard of lions. But does the simple mentioning of it compare to the experience of being in front of one? The same will apply to the structure of one's own identity, with just the tiniest change in perspective the truth of their mental and physical prisons will be revealed. Brief psychosis will be experienced by all who rely on their logic to dictate their lives, for truth is far beyond anything you can logically embrace. Especially for those who do not believe in anything higher than themselves.

So disclosure is a highly sensitive operation capable of bringing everyone to the edge of insanity if they are not gradually exposed to the idea of it. Most people still believe that UFO's and aliens are what T.v. portray them to be. This is far from the truth.

In order to embrace the influence and level of intelligence that these beings have on our lives would unveil the truth of the connectivity of the human mind to all life in the universe. This will reveal the truth of soul, and ultimately the truth of the living Prime creator or God. Which is above even the most divine creatures on earth.

The rabbit hole goes quite deep I'm afraid......wait...I should not be afraid...all of you should not be afraid.......
edit on 24-10-2010 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:20 PM
Since the beginning there have been courageous men and women stand up to testify that the saucers are real.
It is ludicrous to cling to doubts with the massive volume of reportage both civilian, and military.
Testimony offered by hundreds of professionals be they doctors, professors, officers of the military, and police agencis, airline pilots even politicians have testified to the veracity of the alien presence.
We all do those alive, and passed on a supreme disservice by insisting that there is no evidence or that we need further confirmation...meh...i dont think so......
Regardless of he US position, France, japan, brazil,belgium, and other countries have gone public with the information they have available on ufos.
Some actively accuse the US of cover up, and secrecy on ufo matters.
These are official bodies and organisations both govt and private.
How can one convince himself that the reality is we are alone?
We are virtually buried in data confirming their existance, yet it is as if we are asleep or stubborn beyond reason...
Many have examined the information available, and come away convinced of ufo reality....
Why is it that as time passes they relapse into the maybe maybe not frame of mind again?
Ive experienced this myself over the years.
then i stumble caross more data and am again sure they exist....but after some time it seems to go out of my head, and then i finsd some other document or statementy etc...
subtle mind control by media manipulation?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

Yet another in the long line of "Disclosure is coming threads".

Firstly, acclimation? No. If anything the UFO community has been hindered over the years. Look over all of ufo history in the modern times, beginning with kenneth arnold until today.

The 50s and 60s saw UFO fever, with almost everyone knowing something about them, papers having articles about UFOs and flying saucers, generals and govt officials calling press conferences.

Where is it today? Today, the UFO field is considered one of crack pots, conspiracy theorists, etc etc.

Why? 2 reasons.

1. The field has become inundated with crackpots, who craft out huge crazy stories and scenarios on no evidence whats so ever. Examples? Lets see, there is dr greers stories and ideas, that get really crazy and have no proof, the star child skull, the alien base fight, alien base conspiracy theorists, the ufos as angels in demons in a war, David Ickes theories about the world leaders being reptiles, the whole shadow govt new world order UFO connection nonsense, etc. Theres just too many to go on. It doesnt hurt that the UFO field doesnt police itself either. For example, in any other scientific field, if someone makes a crackpot claim with NO evidence, his peers will call him out on it during peer review. In the UFO field this doesnt happen often. The only times I personally can recall are when Stanton Friedman exposed Bob lazar, and then Philip Corso as frauds.

2. In Leslie keans new book, she calls for a scientific investigation of UFOs. Thats all and great, but another problem the UFO Field has is any time science has gotten involved, and its conclusions didnt mesh with what the believers preconceived notions were, UFO believers have gone on the , " Its a cover up! / big meanie scientists dont want to believe anything new! / science wont allow anything that doesnt fit into its preconcieved notions!" bit.
Even now there are threads on this board claiming science doesnt allow for anything new and shocking. Which is a load. Tell that to galileo, coprenicus, einstein,newton, Kepler etc.. Science advances when big discoveries that change the paradigm are made, it doesnt spend its time trying to stifle such things. Were that the case the aforementioned people would not have been successful. If the UFO field wants to be taken seriously, it has to get used to the idea that claims need evidence, not just conjecture, but real, empirical evidence. Crying foul whenever something doesnt agree with your preconcieved notions wont get you anywhere.

and on disclosure. Ive been following the whole UFO thing for over a dozen years now, and theres always no short supply of people claiming disclosure is imminent for one reason or another, and no matter what theyve said, it doesnt materialize.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

There does seem to be a lot of UFO related news coverage of late. The recent sightings that people have been getting worked up about, though, seem to be rather incidental to any planned disclosure that may be taking place. Most of the one's I've noticed in the past few weeks seem to be either fairly easily explained or, at best, unremarkable. What I find more interesting is the coverage given to subjects like the UFO/nukes press event and Leslie Kean's book. Overall, the coverage is still quite smirky and light, but at least the info is getting out there.

It would, I think, be interesting to compare the amount of UFO/alien related entertainment content on television in the past year to that of ten years ago. If one were to look at all TV programming from the year 2000, for instance, would the amount of UFO-related stuff be approximately the same as what we have seen from 2009 to 2010? If not, why is that? If I were in charge of easing people into the idea of accepting the reality of UFOs and non-human intelligence, television would absolutely be my primary tool. Featuring the subject in an entertainment, or "infotainment", format would probably be the best strategy early on. You can't just shove the president out on stage to drop the bomb on us all at once. People need to be slowly prodded into figuring this stuff out for themselves. And I think it would have to be quite slow, like the frog in a pot of slowly heating water.

Regarding whether or not there is any plan for any kind of disclosure, I think there would have to be, and my reasoning proceeds thusly:

If you look at the serious literature on the topic, it's hard to get around the notion that the phenomenon is real and seems to involve, at least in part, some kind of non-human intelligence. The people at the top (whoever they might be) surely realize this. Regardless of the ill effects these people fear they or society may suffer as a result of this information becoming common knowledge (eg. loss of power over the population, social or economic upheaval, general shattering of the status quo), they have to realize that this info could come out on it's own at any time. In other words, this is probably not going to remain a "secret" forever. Knowing this, it would make sense that they would want to control the manner in which the information comes out to the extent that they are able. I liken the situation to an airline pilot who doesn't - for whatever reason - want to land his 747. He just wants to keep flying indefinitely. The pilot knows, however, that the plane is eventually going to run out of fuel and - whether he wants it to or not - come down to the ground. Is he going to try to land while he still has time to do so in a controlled manner, or is he just going to ignore the situation until the 747 runs dry and starts coming down on its own? Either way it's coming down, but one situation allows him to maximize his control of the descent, while the other is more likely to result in, at best, an extremely bumpy landing, if not a fiery crash.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by stirling

can you provide any links to all this information that these other countries have declassified?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Orkojoker
reply to post by W3RLIED2

There does seem to be a lot of UFO related news coverage of late. The recent sightings that people have been getting worked up about, though, seem to be rather incidental to any planned disclosure that may be taking place. Most of the one's I've noticed in the past few weeks seem to be either fairly easily explained or, at best, unremarkable. What I find more interesting is the coverage given to subjects like the UFO/nukes press event and Leslie Kean's book. Overall, the coverage is still quite smirky and light, but at least the info is getting out there.

It would, I think, be interesting to compare the amount of UFO/alien related entertainment content on television in the past year to that of ten years ago. If one were to look at all TV programming from the year 2000, for instance, would the amount of UFO-related stuff be approximately the same as what we have seen from 2009 to 2010? If not, why is that? If I were in charge of easing people into the idea of accepting the reality of UFOs and non-human intelligence, television would absolutely be my primary tool. Featuring the subject in an entertainment, or "infotainment", format would probably be the best strategy early on. You can't just shove the president out on stage to drop the bomb on us all at once. People need to be slowly prodded into figuring this stuff out for themselves. And I think it would have to be quite slow, like the frog in a pot of slowly heating water.

Regarding whether or not there is any plan for any kind of disclosure, I think there would have to be, and my reasoning proceeds thusly:

If you look at the serious literature on the topic, it's hard to get around the notion that the phenomenon is real and seems to involve, at least in part, some kind of non-human intelligence. The people at the top (whoever they might be) surely realize this. Regardless of the ill effects these people fear they or society may suffer as a result of this information becoming common knowledge (eg. loss of power over the population, social or economic upheaval, general shattering of the status quo), they have to realize that this info could come out on it's own at any time. In other words, this is probably not going to remain a "secret" forever. Knowing this, it would make sense that they would want to control the manner in which the information comes out to the extent that they are able. I liken the situation to an airline pilot who doesn't - for whatever reason - want to land his 747. He just wants to keep flying indefinitely. The pilot knows, however, that the plane is eventually going to run out of fuel and - whether he wants it to or not - come down to the ground. Is he going to try to land while he still has time to do so in a controlled manner, or is he just going to ignore the situation until the 747 runs dry and starts coming down on its own? Either way it's coming down, but one situation allows him to maximize his control of the descent, while the other is more likely to result in, at best, an extremely bumpy landing, if not a fiery crash.

While I dont share the view that aliens are visting Earth, lets, for the sake of argument in this thread, suppose that they are.

Isnt it more likely, given the superiority of the so called aliens, that if they are indeed visiting Earth, the governments of the world are just as clueless as individual people are? By what means would the government have to understand the situation anymore then the layman given the lack of physical evidence, etc etc?

Even if you beleive as some of the others here do, that our govt has wrecked saucers, etc, they would be useless. Imagine Christopher columbus' getting posession of a wrecked Boeing 747. The scientists of his time would be unable to do anything with it, given he technological differences.

So, if it turns out aliens have visted, my guess would be the government would be just as clueless, and you cant have disclosure when you have nothing to disclose yourself.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by NavalFC

The "powers that be" - or whoever we're talking about - certainly have access to the same information we do, possibly more. In my view, the information that is publicly available is enough to come to a reasonable conclusion that there have been things flying around under intelligent control since at least the 1940s that are in all likelihood not man-made. If a reasonably intelligent Joe Sixpack can realize this, I would think those at the top realize it too. That's not to say they have all the answers, or even know much more than we do. Disclosure wouldn't really need to be anything more than an acknowledgment that they are as aware of this whole thing as we are. As it stands now, they are simply feigning ignorance.
edit on 24-10-2010 by Orkojoker because: removed an unnecessary comma

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by NavalFC

Regarding lack of physical evidence, there is some, although it's not a chunk of a UFO. There are lots of documented anomalous environmental traces associated with UFO "landings" as well as very consistent patterns of electromagnetic effects on aircraft. Not to mention some unexplained, yet apparently unhoaxed, photographs and film footage. There are also a good number of official government documents indicating that something quite abnormal is going on regarding this phenomenon.

If you need UFOs to be littering the countryside with shavings from their hulls before you will begin to consider the possibility of their reality, you might remain forever doubtful. There are many other phenomena, however, for which there is no available physical evidence but which most people accept as part of reality; for instance, most commonly acknowledged historical events, the entire field of psychology, and consciousness itself. One question I rarely see addressed by people who ask for physical evidence is this: What kind of physical evidence would you expect to find in relation to this phenomenon?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Orkojoker
reply to post by NavalFC

Regarding lack of physical evidence, there is some, although it's not a chunk of a UFO. There are lots of documented anomalous environmental traces associated with UFO "landings" as well as very consistent patterns of electromagnetic effects on aircraft. Not to mention some unexplained, yet apparently unhoaxed, photographs and film footage. There are also a good number of official government documents indicating that something quite abnormal is going on regarding this phenomenon.

If you need UFOs to be littering the countryside with shavings from their hulls before you will begin to consider the possibility of their reality, you might remain forever doubtful. There are many other phenomena, however, for which there is no available physical evidence but which most people accept as part of reality; for instance, most commonly acknowledged historical events, the entire field of psychology, and consciousness itself. One question I rarely see addressed by people who ask for physical evidence is this: What kind of physical evidence would you expect to find in relation to this phenomenon?

A UFO hull would be helpful yes. Ground traces and blurry photos dont say much. As far as the documents go, documents of the time seem to suggest that the govt viewed UFOs in the context of possible soviet aggression. people need to remember that the cold war was a time of utmost paranoia and nothing was above reproach, lest we forget the age of McArthystic paranoia. So it seems reasonable that the govt would express concern to people reporting unknown aircraft in US airspace.

As to the types pf physical evidence id personally want to see? some kind of tangible item or technology from an alien ship or ship itself, that shows to be of nonhuman origin or the ship to come into such close proximity that one can tell it is an aircraft under intelligent control. In all of these UFO photos and videos, the object is always so far away from the viewer it appears as a light, or if its closer its always so blurry. a case wherein a UFO appears close enough to those who observe it to distinguish it as an intelligently operated aircraft would be helpful.

But UFO reports tend to follow in droves of the same description, when large demographics hear one report others start "seeing" things like it.

For example, George adamski is mentioned in another thread. During the "contactee" era, Aliens were described much the way adamski described his aliens, as being human like and benevolent in demeanor. Then enter Betty Hill, obsessed UFO'er who has an alien encounter. From then on the aliens take a similar stance , in the reports, and the classic grey is born.

Infact, I bet if I took a given location, and invented a story with regard to anomalies that were supposed to have allegedly been seen at that location, then spread the story that soon reports of anomalies as described would flood in, even though I made the entire history up.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by NavalFC

Originally posted by Orkojoker
reply to post by NavalFC

Regarding lack of physical evidence, there is some, although it's not a chunk of a UFO. There are lots of documented anomalous environmental traces associated with UFO "landings" as well as very consistent patterns of electromagnetic effects on aircraft. Not to mention some unexplained, yet apparently unhoaxed, photographs and film footage. There are also a good number of official government documents indicating that something quite abnormal is going on regarding this phenomenon.

If you need UFOs to be littering the countryside with shavings from their hulls before you will begin to consider the possibility of their reality, you might remain forever doubtful. There are many other phenomena, however, for which there is no available physical evidence but which most people accept as part of reality; for instance, most commonly acknowledged historical events, the entire field of psychology, and consciousness itself. One question I rarely see addressed by people who ask for physical evidence is this: What kind of physical evidence would you expect to find in relation to this phenomenon?

A UFO hull would be helpful yes. Ground traces and blurry photos dont say much. As far as the documents go, documents of the time seem to suggest that the govt viewed UFOs in the context of possible soviet aggression. people need to remember that the cold war was a time of utmost paranoia and nothing was above reproach, lest we forget the age of McArthystic paranoia. So it seems reasonable that the govt would express concern to people reporting unknown aircraft in US airspace.

As to the types pf physical evidence id personally want to see? some kind of tangible item or technology from an alien ship or ship itself, that shows to be of nonhuman origin or the ship to come into such close proximity that one can tell it is an aircraft under intelligent control. In all of these UFO photos and videos, the object is always so far away from the viewer it appears as a light, or if its closer its always so blurry. a case wherein a UFO appears close enough to those who observe it to distinguish it as an intelligently operated aircraft would be helpful.

But UFO reports tend to follow in droves of the same description, when large demographics hear one report others start "seeing" things like it.

For example, George adamski is mentioned in another thread. During the "contactee" era, Aliens were described much the way adamski described his aliens, as being human like and benevolent in demeanor. Then enter Betty Hill, obsessed UFO'er who has an alien encounter. From then on the aliens take a similar stance , in the reports, and the classic grey is born.

Infact, I bet if I took a given location, and invented a story with regard to anomalies that were supposed to have allegedly been seen at that location, then spread the story that soon reports of anomalies as described would flood in, even though I made the entire history up.

NavalFC, I would definitely like to have a UFO to examine too, but I don't think it's reasonable to expect that to happen. The phenomenon seems to be rather elusive by nature. Ground traces may not say much, but I wouldn't say that empirically detectable anomalous environmental changes found at sites where UFOs are claimed to have touched down and which are consistent across hundreds of cases on several continents are anything to sneeze at.

I too lament the dearth of really good photos and videos, but there are some nice ones to choose from. The famous pic taken during the Belgian wave of 1989-90 is pretty exceptional in my opinion. As I understand it, the McMinnville photo has undergone some pretty extensive analysis and has stood up quite well. I've seen some decent-looking videos as well, but I could never rule out fakery on any of them Any photo or video is only as reliable as the witness testimony that accompanies it, and if you are not willing to accept witness testimony, photographic evidence goes right out the window.

It should be pointed out that many of the earliest reports came from within the U.S. military itself. Reports from Air Force pilots were what initially piqued official interest, not stories told by civilians. And if you read the relevant literature, you find that the idea that UFOs were a Soviet creation was discarded pretty early on. A couple good places to start are with Edward Ruppelt's book, which can be read for free at this link:

...and this paper written by Michael Swords, which details the early days of Project Sign:

As far as documents go, Richard Dolan has written a good article that briefly discusses a few of the more interesting documents that have been released:

In response to your last statement regarding how easy it would be to get loads of people to report anomalous events just by planting a story in a community, I don't think you could do that nearly as easily as you think you could. And if you are trying to attribute the core of the UFO phenomenon to that kind of sociological effect, I'm going to have to guess that you are relatively uninformed on the topic.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:39 PM
Disclosure has happened? That's kind of an empty statement, to be honest.

That's like saying rapture has already happened.

And for the record, Maybe... Maybe not's new picture is seizure worthy.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:18 PM
I would argue that there is enough to sway anyone to either side. But the evidence does seem to be mounting in one side as opposed to the other.

But that not what I want to post about. Think of anything that you would consider as disclouser. Anything at all. Now think of how that won't work with 100% effectiveness.

Alien making a broadcast to all the world, hijacking our airwaves or let on there willfully by all the worlds media outlets. Some people will think it some dude in a suit, or will panic that Aliens can so thouroughly destroy our communications network at a whim.

Ufo's landing in every major city on earth. Not everyone lives in a major city. And we really don't trust each other. People would question the inentions. People would hole up in places and try to keep aloof, or keep protected.

Announcements from goverment officals or public servants. Take a look at many of the treads here, people on this forum, and many around the world don't trust the intentions of their leaders enough to believe anything they say. I mean think of what they could say. 'Aliens have been visiting us for ever. Everything you know is wrong.' I'm not even sure I need to delve into the worst case scenario for that. I mean, people wouldn't like that. Really. Unless, in the rare cases, it jives with their exisiting belifes.

Or how about this announcement, 'Aliens have been visiting us for years for sinister purposes, we will fight them.' I can garuentee you that some people who believe all extra-terrestrial beings are non-violent, would probably get a bit violent themselves over that.

Seriously though, reagradless of what you think of as disclouser, you can pretty much be sure that someone else would rebel over it. So then, to echo the OP what is it we want?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 08:03 AM
Here is a tantalizing article about Virgins program from this morning.

SOS for Territory space cadets

THE Territory is famous for UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters but aliens may be spotting Territorians in space in the not too distant future.

Ten Australians have already signed up for the $200,000 trip to space, but a Territorian is yet to put down the $20,000 deposit to book a seat on a spacecraft

I find it interesting that the future flights will be taking customers through a UFO hot spot! How awesome does that trip sound? Any one got 200 large?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
Hard evidence? Like the old cliche of a flying saucer landing on the white house lawn? We'll be waiting for that forever.
NY News Post: UFO over China, New york, El Passo....

UFO expert talks about 'years of data'

iNewswire: Kate Valentine discusses'UFO's and Nukes'...

USA Newsweek: Latest UFO sightings.... List is Growing!

Latest news articles via Google News

Those are all from the last 24 hours. They aren't from underground ufo sights.... or even mufon or anything like that! They are from major news outlets. The evidence for disclosure would be all the attention the subject seems to be getting right now. What's the evidence that we're waiting for?

Physical. I think we all agree that witness testimony, traces, etc are all pieces of the puzzle and, yes, there has been an obvious increase in coverage during the last few months.

I have been noticing this pattern since 2008, but others may have noticed it since earlier. Many countries have independently declassified UFO reports and some authorities like the Vatican have stated their acceptance of an extraterrestrial reality if it were to be discovered.

I find this far too coincidental not to be driven by a singular force, maybe those who have controlled the secret.

But at the same time, what I am hungry for is details. For me disclosure has happened the day that we have an UFO museum or interviews with aliens. The day that we can freely ask as many questions as can be answered.

As far as I can see disclosure has not happened, and there is no indication that it is imminent (say within this year), although something is coming, not sure exactly what. Maybe more and more teasers like the one's we've already seen.


posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:02 AM

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:19 AM
There is nothing to disclose, the aliens don't exist, face it...
If aliens won't appear to my town in my life time, I will consider them not existing...
Face it, it is greatly possible that you won't see aliens in your life time, so why care?
Maybe they actually never existed...

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:30 AM

Even if the planet isn't 100% ready, is it time to accept our place in the Universe as small but intelligent players in a game that so vast its hard to comprehend?

Intelligent players in a game?

You mean observers watching on the sidelines....

And as far as intelligent, well that is debatable, considering how much of our actions on this planet seek self first, and then all other things second. Maybe that is why the current environment of everything really really sucks right now on the ground. I would say that still waging wars for resources, and a public that condones it, places us at the bottom of the stupid pile.

I like what Dr. Hawking observes about the matter:

Hawkling prefers another possibility: that there are other forms of intelligent life out there, but that we have been overlooked. If we should pick up signals from alien civilizations, Hawking warns,"we should have be wary of answering back, until we have evolved" a bit further. Meeting a more advanced civilization, at our present stage,' Hawking says "might be a bit like the original inhabitants of America meeting Columbus. I don't think they were better off for it."

Seeing how he is one of the smartest People on the planet, and the cream of the crop when it comes to this intelligence you are talking about, I can only logically take to heart the truth of what he says.

I mean think about it. Most of the populations of the World follow around their Governments as if they are saints. Meanwhile the entire time they are raping and plunder those People. But everyone is all giggly about the "Aliens", and how they are here to help, etc, etc, etc. If in fact much of the esoteric information is true concerning other beings both in physical space, and interdimensional space, then they are already here, and have been for a very long time. As well as this entire time have been manipulating us.

Much indigenous knowledge, as well as the esoteric describes these being as the Genetic creators of Humanity to begin with, for the purpose of slavedom. And then there is the entire space travel conundrum of how would they travel here to begin with. And on and on and on.

They are already here, have been for a very long time. 90 percent of our DNA does not originate on the Earth.
DNA does not originate on Earth

How can we expect to be any types of participants in anything external from this Earth, when we dont even know the true reality of such things to begin with.? How could we even trust the sources of such external information when we cant even trust each other?

I agree with Dr. Hawking. We need to mature first, before getting further involved with the dramas of the external happenings. I dont trust their version of 'them' anyway. Do you?

Why should anyone be surprised, their are hieroglyphs of UFOs in the pyramids, and in many cave paintings. If they have in fact been manipulating us for all these years, then the question is how to make it end, not run to find more of them..

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