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Originally posted by Orkojoker
reply to post by W3RLIED2
There does seem to be a lot of UFO related news coverage of late. The recent sightings that people have been getting worked up about, though, seem to be rather incidental to any planned disclosure that may be taking place. Most of the one's I've noticed in the past few weeks seem to be either fairly easily explained or, at best, unremarkable. What I find more interesting is the coverage given to subjects like the UFO/nukes press event and Leslie Kean's book. Overall, the coverage is still quite smirky and light, but at least the info is getting out there.
It would, I think, be interesting to compare the amount of UFO/alien related entertainment content on television in the past year to that of ten years ago. If one were to look at all TV programming from the year 2000, for instance, would the amount of UFO-related stuff be approximately the same as what we have seen from 2009 to 2010? If not, why is that? If I were in charge of easing people into the idea of accepting the reality of UFOs and non-human intelligence, television would absolutely be my primary tool. Featuring the subject in an entertainment, or "infotainment", format would probably be the best strategy early on. You can't just shove the president out on stage to drop the bomb on us all at once. People need to be slowly prodded into figuring this stuff out for themselves. And I think it would have to be quite slow, like the frog in a pot of slowly heating water.
Regarding whether or not there is any plan for any kind of disclosure, I think there would have to be, and my reasoning proceeds thusly:
If you look at the serious literature on the topic, it's hard to get around the notion that the phenomenon is real and seems to involve, at least in part, some kind of non-human intelligence. The people at the top (whoever they might be) surely realize this. Regardless of the ill effects these people fear they or society may suffer as a result of this information becoming common knowledge (eg. loss of power over the population, social or economic upheaval, general shattering of the status quo), they have to realize that this info could come out on it's own at any time. In other words, this is probably not going to remain a "secret" forever. Knowing this, it would make sense that they would want to control the manner in which the information comes out to the extent that they are able. I liken the situation to an airline pilot who doesn't - for whatever reason - want to land his 747. He just wants to keep flying indefinitely. The pilot knows, however, that the plane is eventually going to run out of fuel and - whether he wants it to or not - come down to the ground. Is he going to try to land while he still has time to do so in a controlled manner, or is he just going to ignore the situation until the 747 runs dry and starts coming down on its own? Either way it's coming down, but one situation allows him to maximize his control of the descent, while the other is more likely to result in, at best, an extremely bumpy landing, if not a fiery crash.
Originally posted by Orkojoker
reply to post by NavalFC
Regarding lack of physical evidence, there is some, although it's not a chunk of a UFO. There are lots of documented anomalous environmental traces associated with UFO "landings" as well as very consistent patterns of electromagnetic effects on aircraft. Not to mention some unexplained, yet apparently unhoaxed, photographs and film footage. There are also a good number of official government documents indicating that something quite abnormal is going on regarding this phenomenon.
If you need UFOs to be littering the countryside with shavings from their hulls before you will begin to consider the possibility of their reality, you might remain forever doubtful. There are many other phenomena, however, for which there is no available physical evidence but which most people accept as part of reality; for instance, most commonly acknowledged historical events, the entire field of psychology, and consciousness itself. One question I rarely see addressed by people who ask for physical evidence is this: What kind of physical evidence would you expect to find in relation to this phenomenon?
Originally posted by NavalFC
Originally posted by Orkojoker
reply to post by NavalFC
Regarding lack of physical evidence, there is some, although it's not a chunk of a UFO. There are lots of documented anomalous environmental traces associated with UFO "landings" as well as very consistent patterns of electromagnetic effects on aircraft. Not to mention some unexplained, yet apparently unhoaxed, photographs and film footage. There are also a good number of official government documents indicating that something quite abnormal is going on regarding this phenomenon.
If you need UFOs to be littering the countryside with shavings from their hulls before you will begin to consider the possibility of their reality, you might remain forever doubtful. There are many other phenomena, however, for which there is no available physical evidence but which most people accept as part of reality; for instance, most commonly acknowledged historical events, the entire field of psychology, and consciousness itself. One question I rarely see addressed by people who ask for physical evidence is this: What kind of physical evidence would you expect to find in relation to this phenomenon?
A UFO hull would be helpful yes. Ground traces and blurry photos dont say much. As far as the documents go, documents of the time seem to suggest that the govt viewed UFOs in the context of possible soviet aggression. people need to remember that the cold war was a time of utmost paranoia and nothing was above reproach, lest we forget the age of McArthystic paranoia. So it seems reasonable that the govt would express concern to people reporting unknown aircraft in US airspace.
As to the types pf physical evidence id personally want to see? some kind of tangible item or technology from an alien ship or ship itself, that shows to be of nonhuman origin or the ship to come into such close proximity that one can tell it is an aircraft under intelligent control. In all of these UFO photos and videos, the object is always so far away from the viewer it appears as a light, or if its closer its always so blurry. a case wherein a UFO appears close enough to those who observe it to distinguish it as an intelligently operated aircraft would be helpful.
But UFO reports tend to follow in droves of the same description, when large demographics hear one report others start "seeing" things like it.
For example, George adamski is mentioned in another thread. During the "contactee" era, Aliens were described much the way adamski described his aliens, as being human like and benevolent in demeanor. Then enter Betty Hill, obsessed UFO'er who has an alien encounter. From then on the aliens take a similar stance , in the reports, and the classic grey is born.
Infact, I bet if I took a given location, and invented a story with regard to anomalies that were supposed to have allegedly been seen at that location, then spread the story that soon reports of anomalies as described would flood in, even though I made the entire history up.
THE Territory is famous for UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters but aliens may be spotting Territorians in space in the not too distant future.
Ten Australians have already signed up for the $200,000 trip to space, but a Territorian is yet to put down the $20,000 deposit to book a seat on a spacecraft
Originally posted by W3RLIED2
Hard evidence? Like the old cliche of a flying saucer landing on the white house lawn? We'll be waiting for that forever.
NY News Post: UFO over China, New york, El Passo....
UFO expert talks about 'years of data'
iNewswire: Kate Valentine discusses'UFO's and Nukes'...
USA Newsweek: Latest UFO sightings.... List is Growing!
Latest news articles via Google News
Those are all from the last 24 hours. They aren't from underground ufo sights.... or even mufon or anything like that! They are from major news outlets. The evidence for disclosure would be all the attention the subject seems to be getting right now. What's the evidence that we're waiting for?
Even if the planet isn't 100% ready, is it time to accept our place in the Universe as small but intelligent players in a game that so vast its hard to comprehend?
Hawkling prefers another possibility: that there are other forms of intelligent life out there, but that we have been overlooked. If we should pick up signals from alien civilizations, Hawking warns,"we should have be wary of answering back, until we have evolved" a bit further. Meeting a more advanced civilization, at our present stage,' Hawking says "might be a bit like the original inhabitants of America meeting Columbus. I don't think they were better off for it."