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The Conspiracy against Sexual Energy

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:40 AM
Sexual energy is a very volatile energy, and crude. At least.. in the way that it is manifested in this society... As I said earlier there's a difference between appreciating and recognizing a woman for her divine beauty and being like "damn!" "F***!" which might jsut be honest but only kind of vulgar.

The language in this society also makes it hard.. people find it hard to truly express what they feel.. poetic words are too soft, bad and harsh words say it, but it's vulgar.

It's explosive.. at least mine is. Very powerful, very strong, and when it comes it's BANG, and it's violent.

I'm not sure if the following is true but it was on my mind:

People are taught that this is sexuality. It's good to be bad. It's good to be cruel, and harsh, and it's tied in now with sexuality. The good guys get screwed over thinking he's doing good by being courteous but little did he know his woman is off "doing the NASTY" with "bad boy" over here who's not afraid to be show his violent and aggressive crude passion because well, she understands this too. But good guy wouldn't do that because he thinks it's demeaning, but also she wouldn't accept it from him, only BAD guys can do it because it's in their nature to be bad right?

It's absolutely heart breaking, just like a father of his sweet young daughter who's just gone off with the baddest most meanest gangster in town, and he's ugly and dirty as hell! But he has violently strong passion because Good Guy is all focused on upper chakra and denies the violent nature of the lower chakras (at least in their unrefined form) but he may not know how to channel it upward. The bad guy is all lower unrefined chakra energy which has a very strong aggressive and violent pull.

But these are extremes because, the girl looks to the good guy for upper chakra imbalance, and the bad guy for lower chakra imbalance. If the good guy knew how to use the lower chakra energy and channel it upwards he would be better than the bad boy.

but this is just an example of the cruel reality the ignorance and wrong teaching of sex has caused. It causes a division such as this.

Therefore, this energy needs to be refined, before it is used violently and aggressively. And it makes people seek more their own pleasure than that of their partner... Most people know this and come to accept it the way it is,they stoop down to a level of experience where this energy IS supposed to be aggressive and violent and self pleasure seeking, but not even for pleasure, for release of pent up burning itching sensations which are associated with dopamine release, and that's why we have many problems with crimes of passion and lust causing violence and evils all over the world.

If this energy was refined, and in a way that can be channeled to higher chakras, or even refined and used in the lower chakras that would seem like it would be best.

But it is explosive in it's crudest form, and it can be destructive if it can't be used properly.

edit on 24-10-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by antar

When you reach to this root chakras highest potential, it is no longer the burning pyre, it becomes more like a glowing ember no longer consumed by its own magnificence, but a steady warmth which transcends from passion to compassion.

You've become a real writer antar...very nice.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

So how do I do this? I'd reallly like to know..

I've tried meditating on my root chakra with red colors, and tracing awareness all over it, even trying to force it open by trying to channel aroused sexual energy into it.

Grounding exercises like standing meditation, horse stance, kung fu.
edit on 24-10-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Actually, sexuality IS special, especially when it is being taught to be wasted or supressed. You are right, sexuality is actually being wasted just as the OPs post said, it is also being supressed when we are taught that sexuality can only manifest in one way, and we restrict ourselves, it builds up tension.

There is not much real knowledge as to how to use sexual energy for divine purposes... only suppression, and waste.

There are hindu traditions which only teach suppression of sexuality in place of devotion, but at least they have their deities and their spiritual practices to channel that energy to. It's still sexual though.

This is why I looked towards taoism and karezza.
edit on 24-10-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
reply to post by Skyfloating

So how do I do this? I'd reallly like to know..

I've tried meditating on my root chakra with red colors, and tracing awareness all over it, even trying to force it open by trying to channel aroused sexual energy into it.

Grounding exercises like standing meditation, horse stance, kung fu.

Do what, intensify Compassion? You repeatedly decide to project Compassion in hundreds of day-to-day situation until it becomes second nature. Id go for Compassion itself instead of focusing on colors or chakras.

Yes, the heart chakra does warm-up when practicing Compassion, but that wasnt my initial focus.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm

Yes I know all of that already... yet it still creates problems for me. Mostly because of the fact that society keeps this knowledge hidden and I'm so different from the rest of society. I dont think anyone can master the root chakra in the first place in such a non-conducive environment. I am very lonely and frustrated and i cannot for the life of me ever meet a woman if she could help me with my path to just learn about it. I'm 24 and a virgin and never even had a freind, nor can because of the sexual reality in the USA. It's hard when just about every aspect of social life depends on knowledge and experience of sexuality, which is just repressed in me and cannot manifest because of some limiting factors like my history as a virgin. It's hard when you have an overstimulating society such as this one which makes all aspects of life unbearable to be lonely like me.

And please don't refer me to any pick up artist material, in many ways that industry contributes to the issues at hand.

Maybe you can try seeing it differently: Its human nature, so everyone wants it. You have something to offer that everyone wants.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:47 PM
ok well I just got done reading the whole thread.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I meant to open the root chakra...

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by The Quiet Storm

The reality is that it is already open, it was open from the time you were born. This is why it is a known fact most babies are born with an erection and the old man often dies with one. It is natural.

Let me say this, when you try to open a window that is already open, you can mess with it all you want but at the end of the day all you will accomplish is exhaustion.

Time now to relax. you cant pass this stage by doing anything about it, in the same essence if you do nothing then also nothing will come out of it. I know for an intellectual this seems like a paradox, it is in fact one of life's greatest paradoxes.

You can not think the chakra open, and if you are a male, it can be even more perplexing, because the male mind works so differently than a females. The male mind naturally wants to intellectualize, yet in this situation the mind will only interfere.

In Tantra, the female will start by coaxing the male to open first the heart energy, for a female this is where she begins the process but for the man it is almost impossible to begin from the heart, so rather than starting with the root, try focusing your energy to the heart chakra first, once you are fully in the heart energy and have become receptive, yin, open, then slowly and on the breath move into the base.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Perhaps he has been a Monk or Priest many times in past life and so has a deep rooted subconscious level desire to maintain that energy. Perhaps something more dynamic is in order, lol.

You know meditation and sex are so similar, and in the western mindset people want it fast and they want it now. Instant gratification. Throw in cultural repressive behavior patterns and it would take some advanced clearing groups to really help let go of the unconscious restraints.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 07:54 PM
hi everybody! I'll admit I skimmed through the thread
I'm not coming here with a bunch of research but I wanted to add some thoughts if I may ,

I think we misunderstand any kind of concept of Higher and lower energy especially when we talk about sex energy

if we want to do something about sexual repression a start would be to stop calling it lesser or lower energy form,I don't think it is

if we say it is lower we may think it can be replaced or made subject to something Higher whatever that is

I think it takes just as much spiritual direction and discipline to use sexual energy as it any other form of personal power and celibate people can use it too
anyone with awareness can use the passion love creative spark fire to create and enrich a thesis or a work of art or or a symphony or any endeavor as they would a romance and cleave to and pleasure a lover

sexual energy is way more than just a physical exercise which I gather is what we are discussing ,all things like the rapes in the Congo to female circumcision to Girls gone wild is all an attempt to derail and choke off the fountainhead of creativity and the passion for real love, joy and productive Ideas in humanity as a whole

anyway I hope that wasn't to stupid or boring ,but it is nice to see some one care about this huge problem ,all hail Skyfloating!

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Holist1c

I work out
if i have too much sex/masturbation i feel much weaker.
less energy, less strength.
i have stopped the sex/masturbation and have noticed a difference

Imagine your spinal colum as a pipe containing a liquid that naturally flows upwards. Along the pipe there are several pressurized chambers corresponding to your genitals, your heart, your brain, and a few others. Over time, liquid collects in these chambers and is avaialable for use.

When you open one of the chambers, the pressurized liquid is expelled. This expulsion "manifests" in various ways. Liquid released from the heart chamber will generally express itself emotionally, liquid from the brain chamber intellectually, and liquid from the genital chamber sexually.

Liquid is constantly flowing into this system from the bottom. Each chamber can accomodate a certain amount of pressure, but beyond that, extra liquid has to go somewhere. It can be directed upwards to the next chamber along your spinal column. But sometimes the width of the pipe upwards from the gentials isn't quite as big as the width of the pipe leading up into them. Or there might be obstructions in the pipe that hinder flow. So more liquid, and thus "greater pressure" tends to collect in some chambers than can be comfortably directed upwards. Sometimes, this pressure needs to be released or a chamber risks damage (or great discomfort) due to overpressure. The act of masturbation is much like a release valve for the pressure chamber at the genitals. As is, for example, watching youtube videos of kittens much like a release valve for the chamber at the heart. These are not unhealthy acts if they release pressure beyond what the system can accomodate.

But, if the pressure from a lower chamber is released more quickly or more often than the upwards flow rate can accomodate, the higher chambers are left with less pressure, and thus less liquid is available for their use than the system would otherwise be able to grant them.

Congratulations. You now understand chakras.

Sex is Pseudo Bliss.-Adi Da
Sex is a ritual reenactment of Shiva-Shakti, the Union of Shiva and Shakti.

In the usual non spiritual person energy descends the spine and is vomited out in the front in various activities including sex.
When a person goes through a true and complete spiritual conversion this is reversed. The energy descends in the front and rises up the spine and is Conducted as the Current of Life.

The Problem of the Chakras is principally one of constriction of the flow of energy. The usual person spends a great deal of time meditating and constricting the second chakra and thus feeling horny all of the time.
The usual person is satisfied with emptiness, the extraordinary one is satisfied with desire itself.-Adi Da

The spiritual person having learned the Secret of Real Meditation releases this contraction and conducts the energy up the spine.
The energy does not come from the first chakra. It comes from the Self or Shiva. The Chakras are not the Path.

Adi Da:
The Unique Nature of Adi Da and His Teaching

What makes Adi Da teaching unique is not only his teaching argument about the self-contraction and it's consequences but what one does (or doesn't) do about it.

Those who do investigate the phenomena of the self-contraction generally sense that is it best to 'relax' the tension of the self-contraction and find some relief from tension it causes. The common approach is to search for cure.

"Our reaction to pain, our desire to avoid it, causes us to react and to contract. The contraction itself generates at least a subtle pain in the manifest being, and therefore the being constantly seeks, through addictive strategies, to relieve pain through all the means of pleasuring." - Adi Da Samraj

This search to find relief from the tension of the self-contraction creates a endless cycle in peoples lives.

"...all your seeking is search for union with this that or the other thing founded on stressful desiring or stressful activity that you are seeking all the time in many directions.

It’s always the pursuit of union of one thing or another and it’s always stressful. It’s always agonizing. It’s always basically disturbing in some fundamental sense, even pleasurable desiring when you examine it is full of stress. You must come to this realization of this level of understanding of what you are seeking".

Prior Unity

The Argument and the Demand

This unique teaching is what is most appropriate for our time. It is unique and appropriate because it has never been brought to the world before by anyone and it is exactly what needs to be comprehended and understood. Without this understanding we sit in our defensive positions, separated out from one another where we side with only those who agree with us.

The only 'thing' that 'creates' division is the separate sense of self. The reflective mechanism of 'ego'. In its vital, subtle and causal forms

We are all convicted of the self-contraction and it is final. This conviction is crucial, the conviction is exactly what must occur. YOU are creating the divisions and YOU must understand yourself. who understands and enquires sees that all suffering, every moment of seeking, and the knot that results is not something happening to him but something he is doing"

There is Only One World showing itself in the multiplicity of Many Worlds. Until this understanding is in and at the level of your heart the self-contraction (you) will only look in the mirror, enamored and defensive; fightened, divided and ultimately alone in its (your) death defying position of me!

"...Narcissus appears in the form of self-involvement, ego, or individuation. But in fact he is self-doubt. This is his origin, as it appears to understanding. To himself, Narcissus appears as aggressive self-enforcement and survival by stealth. He is his own disease. He dies as a function of his own drama and nature"

In this late time, we do not have time nor is it even possible to 'figure it out', as Adi Da says in The Knee of Listening:

"There is no simple origin to the entire process. It is not a specific origination understandable by recourse to the viewpoint of time and space. It is simply in the nature of Reality to formalize and witness its own possibility without creating divisions in itself"

It's time to Wake Up and understand. You must, because the Truth of Life is staring you in the face. The message is clear. There is One Divine Living Truth.

"The Way is to yield the self, the self-contraction, in all of its faculties, to the degree of Samadhi, and then to be drawn in that Samadhi to My Perfect Position, Prior to the body-mind, and enter into That Most Profoundly until you Realize there is only Me. And in that Realization it will be the same as to say that there is only You."
Adi Da Samraj

"the Heart and arises as love... Love is the original, creative impulse. It is the generative source and primary form of all creativity, all manifestation. The man of understanding arises as love, mad with love. He is not Narcissus. Creativity is love. The world is love"
The Knee of Listening

"I do not speak from mere sentiment. I am trying to describe what is actually the case. The man of understanding appears as love. He is not separate from love. He does not remain only as the prior Self, pure existence, functioning only as compassion. He is generative love. Love is also that Self. It is the fulness, the light, the brightness of Reality. It is the Form of Reality. I am He"
The Knee of Listening

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

Actually yes I agree with this statement. And I'm sorry if I seemed to associate TRUE sexuality with negative connotations. I believe true sexuality is not a 'lower energy', I just believe that in this society is has come to be associated as a "lower energy."

When I say "in it's most crude form" I mean, as in unrefined with negative connotations or association.. as in, not pure. Perhaps that is what you think is the same as "raw", as in "raw" meaning pure in the context that it is the Primal essence.. which I agree with . But it can also be taken in the context that raw/crude means unrefined and not pure.

So it's just context here. But I don't believe it should be associated with negativity. In fact all is Perfect right? Isn't that what tantra teaches?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by The Quiet Storm

I do believe that Tantra teaches this ,I also think that true being contains this and tantra is a path but not the only path
I think living well is also a path and being true to yourself in all things the outcome is 'pure sexual or Root Chakra energy it's a flow that comes from peace joy and health and perhaps tolerance

I think

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
I meant to open the root chakra...


(sorry for the one-liner Mods but I really just want to know why)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Edrick

So, are you saying that people who are very successful
in relationships, are Vedic Masters?

Or, that they even know what a Chakra is?

It's not necessary to know about electrical wiring to able to flip a light switch.

To me you seem to be a person who has been given a room in some Vedic Master's house, learning their ways until you are able to leave the nest and go build your own house. If you knew how the wiring works and how the electricity is generated, you would have been able to build your own house.

.are you planning to design physical vessels for inhabitation by consciousness any time in the near future?

There is the physical and then there is the opposite. The latter is where the house is built, the former is simply a staging ground, a place built by something that transcends all belief systems. You can take up residence in any religious house, even spaceships these days, in order to work on your non-physical vessel so you can go anywhere in this nonphysical existence once you leave this house we call Earth. Ofcourse if you believe you need more information you can always take rebirth, or if your vehicle isn't sound enough to travel (or do whatever you intend to do) you must return to work some more on it.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:03 PM
There are ancient belief's that sexual intercourse is a form of meditation & you can reach 'heights' in the act.
And there are also ancient beliefs (from the opposite side) that meditation itself is wrong and it's followers are barred from trying it.

Similarly, in today's world it's hard not to notice that though the taboo factor is still in place, sex sells!
Everything you can think of has a sexual innuendo to it.

There is one good reason for cover-up. The popularity of one religion/god/sect over another. Perhaps the light & the dark sides at war.


We'll probably never know in this life time. Until then, enjoy what you have

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:58 PM
Freedom,Evolution of self/soul, and the power of Creation. It is the Current of Godspark flowing out... Knowing the Divine and what it is like to be on that state.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:06 PM
Anyone who has orgasm, releases semen, fornicates, are wasting their sexual energy. Believe it or not. It is truth, and will alway be truth. Even if you deny it. Only sexual relationship with no fornication, no semen release, no orgasm is saint, and will only improve your stage in all angles of life.

Inverencial peace to all!!!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by ANSPHAR
Freedom,Evolution of self/soul, and the power of Creation. It is the Current of Godspark flowing out... Knowing the Divine and what it is like to be on that state.

When women go wrong, men go right after them.

- Mae West

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