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i know what its like to kill ,i know what its like to except death ...

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:11 AM
first ,i would like to say that if this is in the wrong area please move it to its proper place ,thanks in advance and sorry about my grammar and spelling

I know it may be hard for some of you to except what i am about to type ,but i would like to start off by laying some ground on why i believe i know what its likes to kill and except death ..

when i was in my early teens ,i was in the stage that every male goes through and its the stage when girls become important . i like every male out their was always hoping and wishing for my time to come ,with a woman , and like every guy i had the dreams i felt the sensations ,and i always wondered if what i experienced in my dreams was how it really was in the real world , and some years later my chance came along ,and i can tell you that after everything was said and done ,i knew my dreams years earlier proved to be accurate except the sensation was a lot more intense

and i have had dreams like this too about other stuff ,such as riding a sport bike ,flying in a plane ,skydiving ,and they all proved to be accurate in the real world ,

with that said i just woke up from a honorably bad dream ,it was so very real and very scary , my dream consisted of a hostage situation with kids ,and i was the only one who was able to do anything and during my dream i was victorious in stopping the situation but not before i had to except death and take a life ,

its hard for me to explain the feeling of taking a life but i know its something i would have a hard time doing ,it felt like instinct ,it felt like power ,it felt dark , it felt like at the point that i took the life that a peace of my life had been taken as well ,even though i took a life to save lives it still felt so very wrong ,

now excepting death was a lot more easier , and at the moment that i excepted it knowing that i was going to die to save the lives of children i felt no fear , i felt divine i felt and unknown feeling of love , but at the same time i was determined to do everything in my power to live ,but if i died it was ok ...

so i would like to ask the members out their if they have ever had any experiences in dreams that produced the very same feeling in the real world ? have you ever had to except death ?have you ever had to kill?

once more it is very hard for me to describe my feelings that i had with thees two experiences ,but if i find the correct words i will edit this post and try to describe it more

maybe someone out their can interpret my dream , anyway i hope all this made sens and if their is anyone els out their that has had dreams proven to them ,like i have please share your story

thank you so much

with love


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:26 AM
When you kill someone in reality your brain has a way of making it go away. Its quite a traumatic thing, taken a life. In your post all those feelings sound more like fantasizing.
So I'd imagine if those feelings lingered ya might want to start lookin up local public prosecutors failures and change your name to Dexter.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:27 AM
Hi Nephi, well I have to say I certainly have had some intense dreams about death. Never taking a life but of basically my own demise. I have had a recurring dream (nightmare really) of actually being dead and knowing that I'm not going to see my children and husband and I actually wake up gasping for air as if I was coming out of a death almost. I call it death anxiety and it's a new experience to me and one that caused me insomnia for a couple of weeks. It felt very real to me and I had a hard time shaking it...didn't feel right for several weeks. I lost two people I loved in two years and wonder if that had anything to do with it. The thing that was most upsetting to me was how real it felt...I saw myself being in the ground and I have this thing about worms...shudder. Anyway, I think our minds have a way of working through our darkest thoughts through our subconscious mind through dreaming. Just be aware of who you are inside and try to learn from your dreams.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337
there's nothing "special" or "divine" about killing someone or dying. All it is, is what you make it to be. I'm sure if you killed someone you would either a) kill yourself, b) your brain proves itself to be a survivalist and just adapt by rationalisation, or c) not care. Morality is perceptive, and i'm sure that you place so much a feeling of "special" to death or killing due to societal programming.

Don't sweat it man.

edit on 21-10-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: sorry, meant to reply to nephi

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by BlastedCaddy

please , try and put some good hard thought into your posts before you reply
i see the sarcasm in your reply ,but i also find it a bit weak ,

but thanks ....i guess

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by Somehumanbeing

first thank you for your reply , but can you please tell me how you came to this answer ? i need more detail man !
how do you exspect me to take in what your saying without a who what when where why?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

Really???? Not being sarcastic at all... I put down this long diatribe bout this and that at first and said to myself i was rambling... So I condensed it down... Guess how I can see how you thought it was sarcasm but it wasn't. Shoulda said something as follows... Dreams are a great way to explore are deeper darker selves and experience things that would have an otherwise lasting effect in our lives. I see in your post you used some power descriptive wording around the time you decided to take that life. Seemed a bit fantastical but its a dream and dreams are allowed to be as fantastical as ones mind. Luckily you have the common moral sense, as relayed in your descriptive passage about making the decision to take another's life. Blah blah etc etc... So I just figured i would cut out all that and get to the point. No offense intended.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:47 AM
I work iaw enforcement first off i will not explain and deadly sistuations i have been in as they were traumatic. I had a dream that my car was being stolen and as I confronted the man he shot at me. I pulled out my pistol and killed him. I was in fight or flight mode and did not think or feel anything as it was instinct to kill somene who is shooting at me. I began to feel it later on in the dream and it was horrible as I experienced the feelings of what I had done. The whole next 2 days I thought about and wondered if had actually killed someone or if it it was a dream. The most vivid and real dream I ever had if it was indeed a dream. I don't ever want to experience it again even if means saving lives to kill a threat it's a horrible feeling and takes months to recover. Unforunately I have faced similar situations in my line of work and the feelings in the dream are the same as in real life but they are much more intense in real life.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by BlastedCaddy

my good man ,please forgive me for i misunderstood your words , i am very sorry ..thank you for your understanding and i see now what you speak of ..

sorry brother


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

yeah I do see how my statement was a bit superficial. I'll dive deeper

What I mean to say is that without systematic morality that society has instilled within people, death and killing would be as mere as walking. Picture everything that you believe is right, then picture people that you know that are against it. They believe that you are wrong, while you believe that they are wrong. You both believe you're right, because you both believe you have the utmost logic in whatever belief you believe is right. But these rights and wrongs can be manipulated by other people to conform to their agendas, this is where we have debates, arguments, so on.

If you strip people of these rights and wrongs (morality) they are bare, and will do the most logical things for self-gain with no regard for killing, hurting, things that "normal" people take as some divine equilibrium. Where as soon as you hurt or do something contrary to the "law" of what is morally right or wrong, you tip over to the wrong side, and once you do, you are labeled some form of psychiatric disorder, because it is not "normal".

The point is, that you shouldn't worry if you dream something that you currently perceive as terrible because having dreamt this, you are prepared to experience it, By the looks of what you wrote, you seem to think this is some form of emotional premonition? as in, you're not prophesing (sp?) that something is going to occur, but you now know what to expect as an emotional response. I have read studies done on dreaming where they found that dreams are a form of psychological training for real-life situations based on past experiences (which is why you dream an amalgamation of things you saw, felt, experienced that day).

Everything I wrote might have been a bit redundant or drifting off into brief tangents, I apologise if that is the case, heh.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by Nephi1337

Hey killer, I think the word you meant to use us "accept" I know, the English language is jacked up.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:19 AM
BC - I wouldn't joke about people who fantasise about killing, becoming dexter,

There's that 16 year old kid in the US who killed his 9 year old brother remember, because he idolised Dexter.

But it's a damn good show!

My dreams don't let me enjoy things like this... the feeling of a knife going into someone feels as real as hell in there, and often I panic because I fear they'll get it off me.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:54 AM
I had a dream that I killed someone once. I don't recall the circumstances but I do remember the overwhelming feeling of guilt and despair. In the dream it lasted for 2 days or so and it felt very real.

Needless to say I was extremely relieved when I finally woke up. It left me feeling really strange for the rest of the day and I will forget never the intense emotions.
edit on 21-10-2010 by Wide-Eyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by i am just saying

wow ok ,kido thanks for the correction ,now please kick rocks and stop posting here , thanks


sounds kind of childish eh ? i was thinking the same with your reply

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

ya ,thats what happend to me ,i had a really bad feeling all night ,

thanks for posting


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by kid_cudi

hey kid,first thank you so much for your reply , and i would like to also thank you for your conformation , this is how i feel as well , i have had this bad feeling all night ,i even fell back to sleep and woke up and i still have this feeling ,and also when i first woke up my self i i did indeed think 'what if ' i kills some one ,cause it felt so real
and man i tell you its a bad feeling a bad bad feeling

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:17 AM
Interesting OP.

I've had dreams where I've killed and BEEN killed. Very remarkable how realistic the mind can make those experiences.

The experiences of killing people in a dream...well, I'll skip that for now as I suspect my "interpretations" are slightly askew from the norm on that.

But the dying bit. I've had dreams where I've fallen and "died" on impact. Or been shot in the cheek or stabbed in the side, etc. What happens for me in my dream is, I *know* that what has just happened has "Killed" me. Or i should say, it's regsistered in my dream that I am dead. Yet I am full aware and awake - but not able to move.

It's kind of like when you used to play war games as a kid. "Bang bang, you're dead - now you have to play dead". So you lie there, not moving, but awake.

That's the feelings I have in my dreams when I "die" or get killed. Never painful, never sad or regretful. Just...curiousity, for the most part.

However, having said that, I have recurring dreams where I can breathe underwater by breathing through my nose. It's so realistic I'm often tempted to try it in real life, just to see if I can

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by noonebutme

lol, ya the underwater dreams ,i get thoes alot my self ,it starts out sorta like me trying to make my self take a breath underwater and when i do its like oh wow i can breath ,then after that i can feel my self breathing in a strange pattern so i dont drowned , but i really like the underwater dreams they are super cool every time ,now have you ever had the dreams where ,you get into a fight or you try to run and move in slow motion ? i seem to get them kind of dreams allot aswell ,its like you get one chance to through a punch and you have to make it count and it ends up being in slow motion it sucks ..........anyway thanks for the reply my good man


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Nephi1337
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

ya ,thats what happend to me ,i had a really bad feeling all night ,

thanks for posting


It is a terrible feeling to have but If killing is your last resort and you are protecting something that you love anmd cherish like family or a wife and kids or a girlfriend it the only thing you can do to protect yourself and others depending on the situation. I would also like to appologize for the gramatical errors in some of my postings, My keyboard on my laptop tends to stick every now and then and it wont let me type the letter but i dont realize that til after I post it.

I dont ever want to have a dream like that agian though, It was scary and it was terrible and I spent all trying to get away and I woke and i dont know what elese to say because it was so wicked that i cannot explain nor could i ever show you the emotions i went through,

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Thought I would add that the bad and dark feelings you describe as experienced in dreaming, or killing someone, is probably the reaction of a normal person faced with that dilemma. Bear in mind that many people who kill, feel nothing, except curiosity and excitement in watching the person die.

Sad but true.

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