posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by illuminotreal
I have to add my 2¢ worth. I research BF as a real animal. It leaves real evidence - footprints, dermal ridges, hair, DNA, and sound profiles.
Therefore it is real.
Does that mean it has to be natural? Jesus was supernatural, but he appeared to us in a natural form for 33 years. Angels appear real, they talked
with Abrabam, took Lot by the hand and lead him out of Sodom and one scared Mary with his appreance to annouce she was to have the Christ child.
So, can't they be both?? What about the son's of God - daughters of men controversy. Just those who worship God v. those who prefer a pagan way, or
does refer to the mixing of human and angelic genetics? If you check out the attributes of fallen angles, you get a profile that is not unlike a BF.
Big, humanoid, smelly, appears/disappears, associated with nonChristian forms of worship, can be helpful or harmful. Could be...
edit on
10/23/2010 by zachi because: Clarify meaning and correct spelling