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AE911Truth Delivers the Evidence to the Media: Press Conference - National Press Club

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:51 PM
"Why was Nist holding all those videos with people saying explosions all of these years? They said they had no eyewhitness testimony of controlled explosions so they didn't test for it."

Excellent point. Keep the massive eyewitness testimony about explosions out of public view for about a decade, and when people move on with their lives and forget about the events surrounding 9/11, release the damning evidence and continue to play stupid. However, in this case NIST doesn't have to "play" stupid, since their organization consists of members who really are stupid in covering their tracks.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by benoni
If you see nothing sinister in the mysterious inclusion of nanothermites in the rubble and dust particles then why are you even bothering to argue the issue...its a non-issue surely???

Not only can I not see any definitive evidence of nanothermites, I can see no use for them either. If there is no known mechanism for them to be used in the demolition of the WTC, then as a consequence there is a lot of doubt cast on the report claiming to have found them.

Originally posted by airspoon
Sure, that's how planned and transparent demos work but did WTC1 and WTC2 look like conventional demos? Of course not and thus conventional demos weren't used, that I'm certain of. If demolitions other than the aircraft were used, I think it's safe to say that conventional demolition materials weren't used, therefore if we consider ulterior demolition materials, we have to consider materials that probably aren't used on normal demolitions.

I don't have a problem with that, but unfortunately that's usually where the 'consideration' from the truth movement ends. Simply the suggestion that there might be another way to do it is generally considered proof enough. I have some more stringent requirements though.

Now, most of this advanced engineered nano-thermitic materials is being researched for the military (or government) and so logically, it wouldn't really be available for the handful of demo companies. However, elements inside government, such as intelligence agencies would have access to it. Regardless, the nano-thermitic material is being engineered (sometimes inside explosives) for the purposes of destruction.

Again this is all fine, but we know from simple observation that the WTCs were not destroyed by any sort of large overpressure explosion. For a start, you can watch the smoke as the top falls, any sort of large detonation is going to produce an extremely visible shockwave. We know that 'bunker buster' type bombs cannot have been used simply by the failure mode and visual observation, so what exactly was used and how?

2. More than 100 first responders reported hearing explosions and seeing flashes of light at the onset of destruction. Light flashes indicate explosive detonations. These witnesses are documented in NYC’s “Oral Histories” by City Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen

Originally posted by impressme
Yet, the OS communities call s these people liars. Who is being dishonest here?

You are, I don't know of any 'official story supporter' that calls these people liars. I tend to call the author of the paper rather disingenuous. It's the easiest evidence to dismiss, because anyone who's actually read the paper that makes these claims knows just how tenuous most of these 'explosive' connections are. Many of them are the building collapsing, many others are similes etc.

3. Multi-ton steel perimeter wall sections were ejected laterally at 60 mph to a distance of 600 ft. That speed and distance indicates that a high-pressure explosion initiated the ejection

Again the OS community denies this fact, actual News videos proves this without any doubt

They show the opposite, material free falls from the impact zones, with no large detonations being visible. If such a high pressure explosion did exist, not only would we hear it, we would see it incredibly clearly.

4. 90,000 tons of concrete and metal decking was pulverized in mid-air, again indicating explosions.

And Again the OS community denies this fact as well they will tell you that your eyes are lying to you. Do not listen to them, they are lying to you.

How would explosives possibly explain this? To properly fracture concrete you have to drill holes every few inches and insert small charges, these charges would not be set off in mid air. This is just meaningless speculation attempting to fit unreliable theories to incorrect facts.

This post carries on, but I haven't the heart to respond to the wilful ignorance shown within.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by exponent

2. More than 100 first responders reported hearing explosions and seeing flashes of light at the onset of destruction. Light flashes indicate explosive detonations. These witnesses are documented in NYC’s “Oral Histories” by City Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen

Originally posted by impressme
Yet, the OS communities call s these people liars. Who is being dishonest here?

You are, I don't know of any 'official story supporter' that calls these people liars. I tend to call the author of the paper rather disingenuous. It's the easiest evidence to dismiss, because anyone who's actually read the paper that makes these claims knows just how tenuous most of these 'explosive' connections are. Many of them are the building collapsing, many others are similes etc.

This goes to “prove” you never researched 911. The author is not quoting from some paper he is giving you the evidence from the oral reports that the FBI buried because they did not want the truth told by these professional whom went on record and told their stories and now you have the audacity to call the author a liar. Having an opinion is one thing, but to call the author “disingenuous” without proven your opinions. The more you distort these facts the deeper you bury yourself and the less credibility you have

How would explosives possibly explain this? To properly fracture concrete you have to drill holes every few inches and insert small charges, these charges would not be set off in mid air. This is just meaningless speculation attempting to fit unreliable theories to incorrect facts.

I dissagree, you are just giving your opinions based on your patriotic beliefs on the topic that is not a fact. Do you have the scientific evidence to prove the WTC were not destroyed by demolition? No you don’t. You are in the “I can’t believe inside job stage”. Eventually you will come around perhaps, when you are the only one left supporting the OS fairytale and no one is listening to you anymore.

This post carries on, but I haven't the heart to respond to the wilful ignorance shown within.

willful ignorance”? Perhaps, you need to take a long look at your beliefs and do some real researching and stop preaching the OS proven lies, either you are for the Truth or are you against the Truth. The fact is more and more people are waking up to the fact that 911 was an inside job, perhaps you feel supporting the perpetrators in our corrupt government is being patriotic. Supporting treasonous acts makes one just as guilty as the real perpetrators and many of the OS defenders have been showing the scientific evidence repeatedly that proves that our government science of 911 is a fraud. So playing ignorant will not work for any of you anymore.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
"Does not mean, and should not be construed to mean that there is any interest by the press."

Of course the press has no interest in investigating and reporting what really happened on 9/11? Where have you been for the past 9+ years?

Busy out here in the real world. The press has already reported what really happened on 9/11, that is why there is no interest in fringe conspiracy groups with the possible exception of "human interest" and trying to understand what drives people to detach from reality.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:29 AM
Good for them and it helps those who are still sleeping to maybe give a cough or even a stretch...... but....

9/11 is past and gone and all the continued hype and arguments are a distraction. A distraction as perfect as any magician could employ. Its become the old " slight of hand" trick where we watch the right hand and the left pulls the trigger.

A question...If today TPTB said " ok ! youve got us, we did it", what diffirence would it make? the answer....None.
They know we know and they know we are powerless to do anything about it. If you think you can you are deluded.

Those that continue to expell their energies, their research and their anger would be better using them to look to the future and not to the past. There is worse than 9/11 heading our way, be it ww3, the police state or even the total loss of all of our freedoms.

Do I believe the official story? No, Im not stupid. Can I personally do anything to honour those who died that terrible morning? Sadly no, I cant, its gone. Dont forget 9/11 happened for a reason. Lets concentrate on defeating the murderers when they next attack our freedom and our childrens freedom.

Stand up and be counted for your future, for all our futures, not for something that happened in the past.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by captiva

I believe you're wrong, as I believe it would make a huge difference. The power lies with the people, always has and always will, only in years past, control was through physical and mental force when today it is through information.

However, when the people overcome the force that is holding them back, revolutions occur and the people remain in power until the next generation becomes far too complacent.

What difference would it make if the government is found guilty? Not only would it send a very strong message that America is still the land of willful freedom, but justice has a chanced to be served for all of those affected. By allowing the perps to get away with 9/11, we are only setting a precedent that will be exceeded.

If certain factions within government were found guilty, whether through investigation or admission, then they would certainly be deposed. They wouldn't be able to say, "so what? There is nothing we can do about it" because there is.

The government only holds power because the people enforce that power. The government can set whatever policy it wants but it needs the people to enact and enforce that policy. The government is no good without the people and they are rendered ineffective without our enforcement.

Take for instance a law. What good is a law if the people refuse to enforce it? They can hand down all of the orders they want but they need the people to carry out those orders.

Believe it or not, the military serves the people of this country and the Constitution, not any politician or government office. When an officer takes the oath and becomes commissioned in the US military, he is actually swearing to uphold the Constitution, not any particular politician or political ideology. Most military officers are patriots and that is why they do what they do.

Factions within the government couldn't publicly admit that they committed the acts on 9/11 and then sick the military on the people and in fact, I would assume that the military would take control of government to restore it back to it's intent, if they so needed to.

So, what difference does it make to seek justice for the events of 9/11? A big difference as it is paramount to upholding justice and the rule of law. It's what makes us a civilized society and it is the principals for which this country was founded. To let this go without justice being served, is unAmerican and the very anti-thesis of freedom and the rule of law.

It is extremely important that we root out those who are responsible and ensure that justice is served, if for nothing other than to prevent it from happening again. If they get away with this, then they are certainly going to do something else, if not them, then someone else taking their que.

The people hold the power in this country, even if it doesn't seem like it, though the trick is exposing the truth so that the people have the right information to go on. What they do, is manipulate the information and obfuscate the truth, thus allowing them to manipulate the power (the people).

Also, most Americans don't know the truth. Most Americans may believe that there is something government is hiding in regards to 9/11, but most Americans don't believe that government actually had something to do with 9/11, whether through denial or ignorance. It is our mission to deny that ignorance and hopefully serve justice on a silver platter so that this country may one day get back to the principals for which it was founded.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by impressme
This goes to “prove” you never researched 911. The author is not quoting from some paper he is giving you the evidence from the oral reports that the FBI buried because they did not want the truth told by these professional whom went on record and told their stories and now you have the audacity to call the author a liar. Having an opinion is one thing, but to call the author “disingenuous” without proven your opinions. The more you distort these facts the deeper you bury yourself and the less credibility you have

On the contrary, this idea comes from "118 Witnesses: The Firefighters’ Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers" which includes such quotes as:

All of a sudden we heard this huge explosion, and that's when the tower started coming down. We all started running.

Is it just me, or is this sort of thing not particularly convincing there was a demolition explosive going off?

I dissagree, you are just giving your opinions based on your patriotic beliefs on the topic that is not a fact. Do you have the scientific evidence to prove the WTC were not destroyed by demolition? No you don’t.

My opinions are not patriotic, as I am not American. I don't have scientific evidence to prove a negative, just the evidence to prove a positive, which I've pointed out.

You are in the “I can’t believe inside job stage”. Eventually you will come around perhaps, when you are the only one left supporting the OS fairytale and no one is listening to you anymore.

This won't happen, while I'm sure you can convince many laymen, I have yet to come across a professional in any field I do work that would agree with you.

willful ignorance”? Perhaps, you need to take a long look at your beliefs and do some real researching and stop preaching the OS proven lies, either you are for the Truth or are you against the Truth.

I have read every single report I can, seen every conspiracy documentary I am aware of. I've researched basically every theory that you could think of, and I know the problems with a lot of them. You can make these silly claims all you like, but if you actually read my posts you'll see that I do 'real research'.

The fact is more and more people are waking up to the fact that 911 was an inside job, perhaps you feel supporting the perpetrators in our corrupt government is being patriotic. Supporting treasonous acts makes one just as guilty as the real perpetrators and many of the OS defenders have been showing the scientific evidence repeatedly that proves that our government science of 911 is a fraud. So playing ignorant will not work for any of you anymore.

Going a bit far here accusing me of treason aren't you? There's a lot of hyperbole in this quote, but no reality.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Wow, the speed at which the dis-info army got onto this thread means we're finally getting somewhere. Big clue here fellas - this is gonna be big.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by hmmmbeer
Wow, the speed at which the dis-info army got onto this thread means we're finally getting somewhere. Big clue here fellas - this is gonna be big.

How big though? What do you mean? Are we looking at a complete revolution in the whole western world or just the United states?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by airspoon

fantastic thread!!thank you for bringing this to my attention they are going to be the next heros of 911.thank god for these people for spreading the truth
and having the guts to do it.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by hmmmbeer
Big clue here fellas - this is gonna be big.

No it is not actually - nothing will become of it, there will not be another investigation, the conspiracy theories pushed by the truthers will just get sillier - holographic planes, mini nukes, beam weapons....whilst silly theories like those are being pushed by some in the "truth" movement they will all get lumped as kooks.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by dereks

No it is not actually - nothing will become of it, there will not be another investigation, the conspiracy theories pushed by the truthers will just get sillier - holographic planes, mini nukes, beam weapons....whilst silly theories like those are being pushed by some in the "truth" movement they will all get lumped as kooks.

So quit giving these threads the attention you do - because every time you, hooper, G.O.D., and others post on these threads - the more bumps they get to the top of the list.

And clearly you can see that your crew consistently loses the democratic battle of 'star accretion' on your posts. You should be incredibly concerned that the majority of people are 'kooks' - because they are outbreeding you... waiting for you to die. History does not have to satisfy your preconceptions and opinions.

You are very brave as an anonymous shadow, but I doubt you would fare well in a debate with those heroes who live in the REAL world with their reputations on the line.


Does anyone know if this press conference is online anywhere yet? Couldn't find it on youtube earlier...

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:58 PM
I don't understand why "high explosives" AND "technologically advanced pyrotechnic material" couldn't have been used in conjunction with each other. Why does it have to be one or the other? It would seem this limits the extent of the "debunking" process.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Great thread airspoon. Thanks for continuing the good fight while many are getting tired.
I would like to add a few observations:

1) The number of A&Es, pilots, scientists, politicians etc. who are willing to sign up publicly to the fact that the 9/11 commission report is a farce, is directly proportional to those of us in the general population who would go to a gathering of our peers and stick our necks out for 9/11 truth. Not as many should be, in a "Christian" nation. So, we get beat up and ridiculed, but little by little some in the crowd hear us. That's how this thing is growing. That's also why the dis-info brigades have to descend so rapidly, especially on forums like this.

2) The dis-info guys must know that the 9/11 OS is a farce, but they justify their part in the "BIG LIE" because they think in the long run, it will make the U.S. a "safer place for our kids" etc.... We get to kick-their-ass and take-their-gas, so to speak. They signed on to the lie for a Machiavellian purpose.

3) The statute of limitations on murder never expires; the WTC crime scene was contaminated, eliminated and never forensically investigated from day 1. The U.S.S. New York contains metal from the crime scene, melted down by 9/2003. The 9/11 Commission report was not issued until 7/22/2004.

Whenever this many people (1,000,000 plus) have died from a crime, Karma and it's western equivalents will dictate that the truth will come breaking through.

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