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500,000 Public sector Jobs To Go in Biggest spending cuts since the 1920's. UK

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by DSSONE

Thats because the wealthy capitalist class are transferring wealth from the working class. Its not a new thing, its been going on since history began.

You dont see it as a class thing, when 20 of the Governments cabinet are millionaires?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:49 AM
I hate to say this - I really do, but the protests you see in France are never going to happen in the UK. Why?

I used to believe in protests. I used to believe in the power of the people to a achieve change. To stand up against injustice. But all that changed during the Iraq war. Just before the Iraq war, the people of the UK travelled from all over the country to march on London. This was a protest of a level unprecedented for a generation. The levels of anger and outrage at the Iraq situation and the missing WMD were massive. And what did this protest achieve? Absolutely nothing. Blair smirked from his ivory tower and went ahead anyway.

And this, to me anyway, was a huge political turning point. It showed me, and people of my generation, that there is nothing we can do. Not a thing. It emphasised our powerlessness. And demonstrated the futility of even trying to do something. So that is why we now sit in our little homes, shaking our fists impotently at the TV screen. And if we get really worked up, maybe we'll even type up a little rant on ATS, before we go back to watching Pop Idol, or whatever.

It breaks my heart to say it, but that's reality these days.

edit on 20-10-2010 by Millions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by DSSONE

Thats because the wealthy capitalist class are transferring wealth from the working class. Its not a new thing, its been going on since history began.

You dont see it as a class thing, when 20 of the Governments cabinet are millionaires?

Well, how do you reconcile that with number of millionaire Labour ministers? Weren't there over 20? This myth that Labour is 'for the poor' should be put to bed.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:07 AM
Simple money raising tactics:

- Charge all immigrants, asylum seekers and foreigners for use of the NHS, and schooling, and bar foreigners from access to social funding
- Impose a tourist tax of £10 per day (like some countries in Europe do)
- Cease foreign aid with immediate effect
- Withdraw from Afghanistan immediately
- Cap all ministers' pay to £35,000 and remove second home allowances/expenses

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:30 AM
We could march on downing street and kick the tories out. its not like the voting system works any more is it? after all who voted for the lib dems? about 3 people yet they are helping dictate our laws at the highest level of govt.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:03 AM
All three major political parties are ran by those from the same social and economic elite.
Cameron, Clegg and Blair could be clones of each other, Miliband is no different.

The blame game is all a front designed to con people into thinking they are getting something different when ultimately their primary concern is in maintaing the status quo and ensuring that nothing too radical occurs.

Yes, there has been rampant mismanagement and waste in the public sector and an inherent resistance to employing private sector managers and practices.
I don't know.
But this was equally as true under Tory administrations as it has been under Labour.

And why are so many employed in the public sector?
Because as the direct result of previous governments policies we have absolutely no manufacturing capability whatsoever.
A nation of shopkeepers?
More like a nation of pen pushers, bean counters, self-righteous know-it alls and unemployed.

Those fortunate enough to find new employment work for pityful rates.

Yes, the benefit system needs a radical overhaul.
But to be told so by some inbred, toff simpleton who hasn't got the slightest idea of what it is like to live on low, little or no income is really a piss take.
To then be lectured on benefit fraud by the self same twats who have systematically ripped us off through their expense claims and who evade paying tax on obnoxious amounts of ill gotten savings is, quite frankly, downright insulting.

It's time we rid ourselves of these pompous and arrogant parasites and had a little bit of a levelling of the land.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

I completely agree with your post.

But I do think Labour gets a very easy ride in terms of blame, and that's why I try to counter any anti Tory posts.

They all suck imo.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:28 AM

edit on 20-10-2010 by Joshuadrooney because: completely misread the post I was replying to.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:41 AM
The banks have alot to answer for, i think they should me made to bail out the country with the profits they make and they bonuses the bank bosses get, why the government doesn't get this is unbelievable considering the public now own a good part of the banks thanks to the tax payer for bailing THEM out.

This country will never recover if the politicians don't look at the obvious.....
edit on 20/10/2010 by Traydor because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Joshuadrooney


Again, succssive governments have failed to come up with a fair but beneficial immigration policy.
To lay the blame solely at Labour's feet is innacurate and unfair.

Pretty much the same applies to all the points you raised.

And to lay the blame of all our problems on immigrants is ignorant, downright racist and incorrect.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:42 AM
ugh its like history is repeating but in a compressed timeline. we had the roaring twenties, that burst, then came the depression, we're heading towards world war.....only way to save the worldwide economy.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by Joshuadrooney


Again, succssive governments have failed to come up with a fair but beneficial immigration policy.
To lay the blame solely at Labour's feet is innacurate and unfair.

So you're saying that Labour has absolutely nothing to do with all those areas in Britain where most of the population are muzzies? You're saying that labour was actively combating Eastern Europeans sending back their benefits to fund their families at home? That labour was not responsible for the thousands and thousands of foreign children who cannot speak a word of English, taking up places for indigenous kids. The only fair immigration policy is to stop it all at once.

Pretty much the same applies to all the points you raised.

Nope, and unless you can explain why, I'll just assume you are a bitter marxist who has no power anymore.

And to lay the blame of all our problems on immigrants is ignorant, downright racist and incorrect.

Racist? Absolutely, I would love to send every muslim packing back to whatever desert they crawled out of, much the same for the Africans. Ignorant? Nope, immigrants bring crime, social deprivation and terror to wherever they settle. Incorrect? Prove me wrong. Go to most boroughs of London, Bradford, Luton, Birmingham and tell me they are safe, lovely places to live.

edit on 20-10-2010 by Joshuadrooney because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Joshuadrooney

Where did I absolve Labour of any blame and where did I say anything else you've made up?

Read and think about what I actually wrote not what you think I wrote!

Oh, and some well intentioned advice; don't know if it's my deteriorating eyesight or my colour blindness but I really struggled to read your reply due to the darkish text on a dark background.
edit on 20/10/10 by Freeborn because: edited 'o' for 'i'

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Traydor
This country will never recover ...
edit on 20/10/2010 by Traydor because: (no reason given)

Fixed the final line for you.

These cuts are not in the least temporary, if anyone thinks that in 10 years time we can start putting money back into the welfare state and taking care of the vulnerable in our society then they are sadly mistaken. These "austerity measures" are nothing more than a remodeling of the entire British social system. A thinly veiled attempt to re-establish the class system. And of course as long as the sheople have their X-Factor and Eastenders to keep them glued to the idiot box then we will NEVER see the masses rise up against these rich twits.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Joshuadrooney

And as for being labelled a Marxist I haven't heard anything so laughable here on ATS since the days of jedimiller lol.

This echoes what I have just posted in another thread; why the obsession with labelling and pigeon holing people?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by PW229

Originally posted by Traydor
This country will never recover ...
edit on 20/10/2010 by Traydor because: (no reason given)

Fixed the final line for you.

These cuts are not in the least temporary, if anyone thinks that in 10 years time we can start putting money back into the welfare state and taking care of the vulnerable in our society then they are sadly mistaken. These "austerity measures" are nothing more than a remodeling of the entire British social system. A thinly veiled attempt to re-establish the class system. And of course as long as the sheople have their X-Factor and Eastenders to keep them glued to the idiot box then we will NEVER see the masses rise up against these rich twits.

Further clarification is requested please. I could assume who you mean by rich twits, but, just remember that ALL politicians are comfortably well off.

One thing I noticed recently, with the child benefit cut, was the Tory PM arguing for the cut by stating they wanted to redistribute money to the poor, those who need it. The Labour Opposition Leader was arguing for the 'universal' benefit, thus making the point that he feels it's acceptable to expect low income tax payers to fund a benefit for the wealthy. So, a complete role reversal. And let's not forget Labour increasing tax for low earners then making them jump through hoops to claim some of it back.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:56 PM
Protest are going to be stagged, my son is going on one on Saturday in York..all welcome..:

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by dizzylizzy

I do hope your son will be protesting that the cuts are not enough. I'll be sure to check the BBC and Guardian for some unbiased reports of the event.

edit on 20/10/2010 by DSSONE because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:20 PM
Lot of tempers flaring tonight....

There is no doubt this is bad. But its probably necessary given where we are now. We simply cannot live as a nation with the levels of indebtedness we currently have. It has to be gotten rid of. In the short term we have to cut back.

The country is not going to collapse but things are going to get noticeably harder. British people will riot if it gets bad enough but we don't do organised social protest like the french normally do. We do violent undirected inner city rampages. When things bite there will be some of those....

It'll also be jamboree time for racists. Expect Muslim extremists and nationalists of all types to make hay.

We survived worse, we will survive this, just don't expect to enjoy it.

The problem is, none of the real reasons we are in this state are being tackled so it will all happen again. :-(

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by BAZ752

"Breeding" lol you should keep your establishment bootlicking to yourself, all your posts add up to being nothing more than a private sector rent boy.

edit on 20-10-2010 by strangleholder1 because: jesus told me to........

edit on 20-10-2010 by strangleholder1 because: Tories are SCUM!

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