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God caught on Google maps

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Spiro

Photo manipulation?
Did you attempt to see if what they said is true on Google?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by Topsy_Cret

i think its jesus not god

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:21 AM
My friend,

Originally posted by defcon5
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I have to say that is certainly odd. Not that I am saying its anything paranormal, as I am sure it has some logical explanation, but it disappears when you enter the tunnel:
and reappears when you leave it again:
If it were something on the lens it would remain on it even in the tunnel.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

It doesn't disappear at all, its visable if you look exactly were it should be

ETA: Its visable just above the light and slightly to the right. The underexposure of the tunnel [darkness] makes it less visable.

This has to be the most rediculas thread on ATS yet....i mean people actually think this is a picture of God....LMAO

Whatever happened to good ole' common sense, eh?

Be safe be well


edit on 20-10-2010 by Spiro because: ETA

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:53 AM
My friend

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by Spiro

Photo manipulation?
Did you attempt to see if what they said is true on Google?

I dont need to. I would rather use my own common sense than take the word of someone else, especially with an outlandish image like this

And by manipulation I mean, check back to page one for my explanation on it

Be safe be well


posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by defcon5

No it doesn't. If you look at where it should be you can see it.
Because the car is in a tunnel there's less light, hence why the "bug" is darker and harder to see.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 04:34 AM
Sorry, but we've just put this photo through the program which compares images with pictures of all known suspects, and got a positive I.D.

It's the Grim Reaper.
The pink figure beside him in a later shot is obviously his latest victim.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 04:57 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I am still not sure about the “bug on a lens” explanation.
If you look closely here:
You can make out the word “Google”.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:05 AM
To me, it looks more like a victorian couple, facing to the left - a small woman in a pinkish dress, a tall and thin man in brown.

However, here's more of the object stuck on the lens. Seems to be a sheet of plastic of some kind.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by defcon5

That's a watermark because the image is owned by Google.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by scraze
However, here's more of the object stuck on the lens. Seems to be a sheet of plastic of some kind.

From there, move forward once, and then turn the camera 180 degrees in the opposite direction. The object disappears from the forward view now shows up on the rear camera. If it’s a bug, then it’s moving from camera to camera.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Spiro

I'm not saying it's "God" but simply saying it's "Photomanipulation" and discounting other possibilities seems a bit myopic. I would like to read what "Other" explanations members come up with.

I'll keep an open mind and not simply shut mine and state "Photomanipulation"

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:35 PM
This looks like a bug splatter on the protective casing around the camera to me, the red smudge looks a little like fluids insects have inside their bodies. Might be a leaf that got stuck to the casing and because the camera wasn't focused on the leaf it looks blurred out, might not show up in the tunnel due to the light conditions in it. It's either that or


posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:54 PM
This is ridiculous. There's no God, photoshop, lens flare, or any sort of manipulation done to the photo. I know this is a conspiracy site and all, but come on... Bug, dirt, leaf? I mean God?
.... People, please state the obvious, especially in a case like this. Deny Ignorance.
edit on 20-10-2010 by -midnite- because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2010 by -midnite- because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:10 PM
To me, it looks like it's an artifact from the merging of all the photos taken.

The link the OP gave is to StreetView, the way it works is that the google van takes a photo in many directions at every set amount amount of time. So you end up with tons of photo at each position. Then all these photos are combined to produce fake 3D views of the surrounding area. So what you get when you press on the forward arrow on the image is that you go to the next van position and the 3D view is updated.

So what I think is that they had to do a second run because of whatever problem in the first run. Then they had to assemble two runs of a van on the same road. This is, i think, evidenced by the straight horizontal linerunning through the images that you can distinctely see when looking at the woods. You can also see on one of the end of the tunnel that a lamppost is "cut" from its base.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:01 PM
its clearly a beer!!!

come on people, is this for real?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:20 AM
My friend,

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by Spiro

I'm not saying it's "God" but simply saying it's "Photomanipulation" and discounting other possibilities seems a bit myopic. I would like to read what "Other" explanations members come up with.

I'll keep an open mind and not simply shut mine and state "Photomanipulation"

Abslotutely, I highly praise you for keeping an open mind, its what ATS should follow, to follow suit of your way of thinking. Now you know were I'm coming from

Also, I knew where your belief in this was coming from, I understood you thinking this was not God!

I too listen to other peoples explanation/presentations and, like you, make my own mind up. Please know that being a photographer for 17 years and having awards from the Royal Photographic Society [ LRPS & ARPS ] I believe im in a good position to see this as I do, I see anomolies like this ever day whilst doing photohraphy. I hope you understand that I am NOT big'un my self up here, but merley expressing my opinion based on 17 years experience

Many thanks for the feedback my friend, good to see you keeping an open mind.

Be safe be well, loved and loving!


edit on 21-10-2010 by Spiro because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 04:23 PM
My friend

Originally posted by Faiol
come on people, is this for real?

Unfortunatly some of the members on ATS seem quite gullable and will believe in the outrages things being presented. ATS, as of late, has come down with a virus I call " Closed Mindedness ", in that the amount of stupidity in what is posted as [in this example an image of god] rubbish


God caught on Google maps, ya gotta see the humour

Be safe be well


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 04:32 PM
nope, that's not God.....that is Jesus standing at the right hand of God who is sitting on the throne

Jesus in His royal purple/scarlet robe. probably has a name written on it that only he knows

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Spiro

How could you say this is an outlandish clam.... This is obviously god caught on film. I mean what else can it be? Those google cameras are perfect in every way and there is no way possible for a digital aritfact to show up.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:14 PM
I used to be an athiest until I saw this image. Thank you OP.

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