posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 07:37 PM
I was 17 it was October 12, 2002. I was driving home from Oklahoma to Texas. I was in Paris, Texas when this happened, I had had a intuition that I
would see a UFO beforehand and I felt like they were communicating with me through symbolism beforehand. Note that I had never seen a UFO before this
instance and I was kinda overjoyed with anticipation to see one. Anyways, I was driving south and as I was driving I noticed a light coming from the
west and it seemed to be going at the same pace as my car. Finally it kept getting closer from the west and if I hadn't stopped I don't know what
would've have happened because it was about to intersect with my car. I stopped on the side of the road and it stopped hovering over a cafe that was
closed, I got out and looked at it, then I remember I had a camera (black and white film), so I rushed back to my car, grabbed the camera and started
snapping away. The object was triangular and made no noise, two blue/white lights and one white light in the middle. I took the camera and developed
the photos and you can only see the three lights.
Thats my story. Also, my cell phone never worked correctly after that day. So, my question is, what if I hadn't stopped? What do you think would've
happened? Would I have been abducted from my car somehow? I read a Ray Bradsbury novel one time that seemed to parallel these exact events and it was
freaky to say the least.