As always this idea has been on the back of my mind as I grew older and saw nature in it's various branches growing around one central concept. The
circle. The cell. Star. Planets. Galaxy. Universe. All singularly connected by a seemingly innocent, yet deeply meaningful single sphere.
It is from this concept that I too branch out and witness new sights, ideas, and wonders previously incomprehensible. One such idea is cancer.
Now, if I were to tell you that cancer and aging are related, you'd probably think me a little insane. Fair enough. But what is cancer really? Just a
tumor, right? A bunch of cells growing rapidly in one location? OK, seems a pretty standard laymen definition. Well, what causes these cells to grow
rapidly? Hmmm.
We know cancer can be caused by radiation as well as smoking, pollution, bad eating habits, etc, but why? What exactly is causing these cells to
rapidly divide and disrupt normal symbiosis?
(spoiler alert: stress aka aging)
Cancer has been on the rise quite drastically these past couple decades due to what I believe to be stress (both environmental and mental). Physical
(environmental) stress comes from sudden exposure to harsh environments such as acids, heavy pollution, extreme sun exposure (or loss of sun exposure
depending on your ethnicity), radiation (various forms), pesticides, metal poisoning, and so much more! Yaay! Mental stress on the other hand is
related to issues such as a sudden loss of a loved one(s), car accident, finding out your taxes are overdue, even deeply embedded psychological issues
resulting from perhaps an abusive childhood or relationship.
So what it comes down to is two prime causes: physical and mental stress. Both causing accelerated aging and ultimately cancer.
Now what do we do about it? Most of you like me will read this over and think, whilst eating sweets (almond joys ftw) and move on. You'll probably
think, well that was an interesting read, and then move on to other wonders of the internet. I can't blame you, it's an attitude we're all rather
addicted to. Eat, sleep, poop, entertainment. Rinse and repeat. (not necessary in that order).
Although sometime in the near future we'll have a viable method of identifying and treating stressors both mental and physical. Possibly, I believe,
through magnetic imaging (identification), then surgery (removal of foreign substance(s)), and finally optional psycho-therapy.
This is one of the reasons I like meditation so much (although I have no discipline for it) as it allows the mind to really get into a dream-like
state to really deal with inner-conflicts, difficult math problems, or just to unwind with nice deep mental stimulation. In a way, meditation can
really be as healing as exercise, sex, or sleep.
Now let's get into the issue of overpopulation as we've just covered cancer and how detrimental the effects of environmental pollution can be on the
somewhat fragile human body. Cancer is the least of our worries when dealing with an issue as massive as our population here on Earth. It's hard to
imagine the massive scope of human life until we've experienced the sight of Earth from orbit or peered through the lens of a light-compound
microscope to witness a plethora of bacteria dividing like there's no tomorrow. So what? We're the dominant species, we decide the rules. Yeah! Go
team Humans! Show those pandas whose boss! The truth is, we're like a bacteria at this point robbing Earth of all it's resources and fighting one
another for the rights to harvest them. The good news is that we'll learn. The bad news is that it'll be at the absolute breaking point.
Right now seems like a good time to bust open a can of beer, sit back, and zone out as a possible apocalypse breaks out and we're all reduced to
barbaric humans
killing each other for a twinkie. Oh wait. That's right now. Okay maybe it
wasn't a twinkie, but it's close enough.
What this does show is that poverty is rampart and it will become increasingly so unless methods are taken to reduce population and stabilize our
world economy towards healthy growth with clean, efficient technology to power our nations. What I'm talking about is equal sovereignty of all
nations, voluntary vasectomies, government paid education, homesteads, daily nutritional requirements met of all peoples, and deeply intertwined
inter-cultural relations. It's really not that hard for us, the average citizens to rise up with our current resources and make this change happen.
Activists get too overwhelmed with the idea of protesting, but what does that do? Nothing. Creation is the work of a lifetime, destruction is the work
of an afternoon. If you want real change, it requires hard work, not just yelling and screaming. If anything, the folks in power would laugh at such a
barbaric display. I know I would.
In psychology (comp. sci major) I learned about
Maslow's hierarchy of
needs. This rocked my world as it laid a foundation for world peace and prosperity. Just take a look and you'll see that for thousands of years
humans have been warring and quarreling for the fulfillment of these needs. As innovation advanced, so did our ability to produce and fulfill these
needs. I lived my first fourteen years of life in poverty and I know quite well how hostile folks can become when stressed for food, safety,
emotional, and relational needs. With innovation anything is possible and one day we may be able to sustain a great deal of humans from Earth and
beyond in orbiting stations and hospitable planets. It's an exciting time to be alive, I just hope you're awake to make use of the time
edit on 18-10-2010 by socrates271 because: hyperlinks