posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:06 AM
I've been thinking about how TPTB would pull off a Faux Alien Invasion type deal.....
1. It'd have to be during some Televised Event that Joe 6 Pack is watching.
This could be anything, a parade, a sporting event, whatever have you.
The idea would be is that a lot of people would have to be watching it
at home on television.
2. Taking point 1 into account, the "crafts" wouldn't need to have pilots in them.
UAV's would do, as long as they LOOK the part, think Hollywood, an empty
shell with just enough electronics in it to fly around fast enough to fool the
Average American watching it on T.V.
( Joe 6 Pack : If it's on T.V. it must be true ! )
3. Also with point 1, they wouldn't need to have the "Crafts" over every large city
in the U.S.A, just over the one where the Televised Event is taking place.
The "Crafts" would buzz the city in question, people would be running around
in a panic if a few of these flew at close range to their cars, etc etc etc.
4. Again with point 1, you wouldn't need a huge fleet of "Crafts" just enough to
LOOK like an "Invasion" for the T.V. cameras, cell phones, etc etc etc.
It wouldn't take millions of "Crafts" a few hundred would fool Joe 6 Pack to
the point of taking it seriously that it's "Really" happening.
5. For the folks that are at the Televised Event itself, buzzing them so they
"Run around like chickens with their heads cut off" would make good for
T.V. drama & make the "Invasion" seem that much more "Real" to folks
watching afar from what's happening.
6. For folks watching at Home on T.V. add a few Faux "Crafts" by way of FX to
Make it look like there are even more "Crafts" then there "Really" are at the
actual Televised Event itself, this would be good enough for Joe 6 Pack, he
or she, might get on the phone & say "Turn on the tube see what's on it !"
That would add more folks watching the "Invasion" right there.
7. The Televised Event. I'm thinking something major like The Super Bowl.
Nothing would get Joe 6 Pack "Hot under the collar" then to interupt
The Super Bowl with a stunt of this size, for that's just what it'd be a
stunt, and the game is watched by other counties as well. Yea, The
Olympics would be better for cross country promotion on T.V, but
many other countries are already "Disclosing" their UFO files.
8. You can fool some of the people some of the time. (great quote)
The entire point of doing this "Invasion" this way is that a lot of folks
will be fooled by the "Invasion" thinking it's real and that soon they'll
start coming to their city, their town, their home, etc etc etc etc.
The "MSM" will tell everyone this, of course.
9. It wouldn't take much to get Joe 6 Pack on board for a full scale
"Lets get back at them anyway we can" war, what's great is that
they can say we're at war with them without a single thing being
done for "Real" launch a few things into space, big explosions,
light show, whatever have you and the "MSM" saying whatever,
Joe 6 Pack will believe the whole thing as FACT.
10. On top of all this they can set up things like "Curfews" & "Laws"
to "Protect" everyone from the "Alien Menace" from afar and
keep it going as long as they like as long as they get rich from
the whole mess.
HOWEVER, what would happen if the "Real Deal" showed up during
the "Staged Televised Event" and "Blew the cover off of it" big time.
I'd laugh my butt off for starters as it'd be the ultimate Cosmic Joke
in history, and that would so happen if they did try to pull a fast one.
That in itself, is why it hasn't happened yet, if the "Real Deal" is
watching us like so many have said, the last thing TPTB would pull
is a Faux Alien Invasion as then all bets are off and the "Real Deal"
would show up and run circles around the fake ones, which would
ruin the plans of TPTB no matter how you slice it. Perhaps this is
the biggest reason it hasn't happened yet, nor will happen anytime
soon, perhaps the "Real Deal" told TPTB just what would happen
if they try to pull a stunt like this outlined above ?
Heck, it'd be one heck of a joke if any of this happened long before
"The Magic Date" came around, I'd laugh even harder, is it possible
to actually die from laughing, well, I'd die happy if it was so.