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Are you Ready for the Fake Aliens?You might Want to see this

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posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by gem_man

Hi i remembered this thread from someone else that ties in with ure vid u posted in that the UN did not appoint an ambassador and was reported to be fake from both sides and i seen it quite a bit in the vid u posted ... so what else is fake in the vid makes me wonder.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Edrick
I think it would be HILARIOUS, if the Secret Global Multinational Syndicate *WAS* planning a "Alien Invasion"


HAHAHA Edrick, that would be awesome, I almost stained my screen with coca-cola hahaha.

Back to the thread:

I personally believe that the false flag scenario is the most plausible.
If the real aliens have been here for so many years/centuries/millennium,
and they haven't shown themselves, why would they now?

They are smarter than that.
They know it, we know it.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:06 AM
I've been thinking about how TPTB would pull off a Faux Alien Invasion type deal.....

1. It'd have to be during some Televised Event that Joe 6 Pack is watching.
This could be anything, a parade, a sporting event, whatever have you.
The idea would be is that a lot of people would have to be watching it
at home on television.

2. Taking point 1 into account, the "crafts" wouldn't need to have pilots in them.
UAV's would do, as long as they LOOK the part, think Hollywood, an empty
shell with just enough electronics in it to fly around fast enough to fool the
Average American watching it on T.V.
( Joe 6 Pack : If it's on T.V. it must be true ! )

3. Also with point 1, they wouldn't need to have the "Crafts" over every large city
in the U.S.A, just over the one where the Televised Event is taking place.
The "Crafts" would buzz the city in question, people would be running around
in a panic if a few of these flew at close range to their cars, etc etc etc.

4. Again with point 1, you wouldn't need a huge fleet of "Crafts" just enough to
LOOK like an "Invasion" for the T.V. cameras, cell phones, etc etc etc.
It wouldn't take millions of "Crafts" a few hundred would fool Joe 6 Pack to
the point of taking it seriously that it's "Really" happening.

5. For the folks that are at the Televised Event itself, buzzing them so they
"Run around like chickens with their heads cut off" would make good for
T.V. drama & make the "Invasion" seem that much more "Real" to folks
watching afar from what's happening.

6. For folks watching at Home on T.V. add a few Faux "Crafts" by way of FX to
Make it look like there are even more "Crafts" then there "Really" are at the
actual Televised Event itself, this would be good enough for Joe 6 Pack, he
or she, might get on the phone & say "Turn on the tube see what's on it !"
That would add more folks watching the "Invasion" right there.

7. The Televised Event. I'm thinking something major like The Super Bowl.
Nothing would get Joe 6 Pack "Hot under the collar" then to interupt
The Super Bowl with a stunt of this size, for that's just what it'd be a
stunt, and the game is watched by other counties as well. Yea, The
Olympics would be better for cross country promotion on T.V, but
many other countries are already "Disclosing" their UFO files.

8. You can fool some of the people some of the time. (great quote)
The entire point of doing this "Invasion" this way is that a lot of folks
will be fooled by the "Invasion" thinking it's real and that soon they'll
start coming to their city, their town, their home, etc etc etc etc.
The "MSM" will tell everyone this, of course.

9. It wouldn't take much to get Joe 6 Pack on board for a full scale
"Lets get back at them anyway we can" war, what's great is that
they can say we're at war with them without a single thing being
done for "Real" launch a few things into space, big explosions,
light show, whatever have you and the "MSM" saying whatever,
Joe 6 Pack will believe the whole thing as FACT.

10. On top of all this they can set up things like "Curfews" & "Laws"
to "Protect" everyone from the "Alien Menace" from afar and
keep it going as long as they like as long as they get rich from
the whole mess.

HOWEVER, what would happen if the "Real Deal" showed up during
the "Staged Televised Event" and "Blew the cover off of it" big time.
I'd laugh my butt off for starters as it'd be the ultimate Cosmic Joke
in history, and that would so happen if they did try to pull a fast one.
That in itself, is why it hasn't happened yet, if the "Real Deal" is
watching us like so many have said, the last thing TPTB would pull
is a Faux Alien Invasion as then all bets are off and the "Real Deal"
would show up and run circles around the fake ones, which would
ruin the plans of TPTB no matter how you slice it. Perhaps this is
the biggest reason it hasn't happened yet, nor will happen anytime
soon, perhaps the "Real Deal" told TPTB just what would happen
if they try to pull a stunt like this outlined above ?

Heck, it'd be one heck of a joke if any of this happened long before
"The Magic Date" came around, I'd laugh even harder, is it possible
to actually die from laughing, well, I'd die happy if it was so.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Irish Matador
I do agree that there seems to be alot more hype regarding UFOs etc in the recent months and this is very noticeable on ATS.

Yep! Now there are 'aliens' even posting on ATS of late! "Ask me a question and I shall answer!" Golly!
WTF is going on?

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:46 AM
A lot of threads on the conspiracy that is the government hiding the truth about the existence of aliens and now a conspiracy thread on a fake alien landing. whats the point. Why would they do that when they can just release all governments footage, pictures, files on ufos/aliens, Seems like another load of rubbish to me.

We can learn a lot from this thread, a few people will happily contradict themselves in the quest for a conspiracy. Might be looking a bit too hard.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
I agree, their last card to be played. -all by our own Free Will. And it's going to work on MANY people.

I cant stress this enough, it will be choice,
the condition created, the situation demanding,
and in the end, you will choose !
To each their own hand, their own destiny.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
I wanna know more about these Illuminati game cards with respect to what's on them (as depicted in the video) in relation to how long ago those specific cards have been around. There are quite a few sites about this game when you do a Google search, but I haven't found one that can verify this information.

That, to me, was the most intriguing thing in the video. Those cards were pretty disturbing if, indeed the cards were in circulation before the year 2000.
edit on 18-10-2010 by NightGypsy because: to change awkward wording.

There is a lot of information out there about the cards - the game seems to have been made and published in 1975.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
A lot of threads on the conspiracy that is the government hiding the truth about the existence of aliens and now a conspiracy thread on a fake alien landing. whats the point. Why would they do that when they can just release all governments footage, pictures, files on ufos/aliens, Seems like another load of rubbish to me.

We can learn a lot from this thread, a few people will happily contradict themselves in the quest for a conspiracy. Might be looking a bit too hard.

The point? Let's say there is a goal to create a NWO or an equivalent, moving from false flag terrorist threats we can move to false flag alien threats to sway the public. Possible? Idk.

What if the government hoaxed the evidence and photos or they don't exist?

What exactly is the contradiction?

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:29 AM
Why would TPTB fake alien disclosure? It makes no sense. When the Romans co-opted Christianity 2000 years ago they created one of the most powerful control instruments of all time. It still works perfectly today. Most "Christians" as well as other religious followers believe God created humans as the only intelligent life. There is no place for aliens in any of the major religions. Sure, some of you guys claim to see proof of aliens in the bible but you are the .001% of Christians who have made that interpretation. Alien disclosure would cause mass numbers of people to rethink their faith. The "Christian" instrument would lose a ton of power and in the process TPTB would lose their grip on the masses.

However, if alien disclosure were to happen you can bet TPTB would know about it. And with their Napolean egos they would also believe that they could possibly defeat the aliens. They wouldn't allow discloser to happen without using the media and entertainment to condition us to the idea of aliens in order to reduce histeria and chaos. They would also use this conditioning to make the aliens out to be bad guys as the aliens would be a threat to their power and control.

With that being said I don't believe disclosure is going to happen, not even sure I buy the idea of aliens existing close enough to make contact with us, i admit i could be wrong though. There are fads that come and go in entertainment aliens are a popular money making fad that has been rabidly popular in the past and it has come back into fashion again. This video does jack to prove the government has staged a false flag alien disclosure.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by craposaurus

you do bring up good points but it is true that more and former military are coming forward with their stories it is also true that the so Not The Alien Ambassador ,recently attended a Royal Society meeting on How To Deal With Aliens

just my position I think aliens were here but they left ,long ago leaving certain trusted humans (not be confused with trustworthy) some technology which they leveraged into the present world dominating structure of lies and exploitation we now have. That's short one sentence version

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:43 AM
I have known for a while that the whole 2012 over-hyping will leave a window open to take advantage of. I mean if de-population is on the minds of some people, remember not everyone wants world domination, this would be the best time to strike.

This leaves big ethical questions. How many of the elite are a part of the plan and how many against it? There is no way that every one who is in power wants death to half the world. How many know about these plans? How many are against it?

The probability that most elite people are up for killing 2/3 of the world is preposterous. They have families and friends why would they jeopardize their lives by killing most of the world?

If anything nukes wouldn't be used. This fight for depopulation would be fought as a covert operation and not as an "aliens taking over" type of deal. The aliens taking over scenario would be best suited for uniting the world under 1 entity. But then the government know if they unite the world we, as citizens, will become more powerful then ever. So they can't have that.

What they are doing, which is working so far, is destabilizing regions and cutting any communications. This isolates the region and leaves them depending on their government to provide necessaries of life. Another dirty trick is overwhelming the citizen with options. This leaves the citizen busy and not bored. When people get bored we tend to do crazy things.

The last and main point is turning everyone against each other. This is done through separation and diversification of thoughts and beliefs. Christianity, Islam, Buddhist, Hindu, democrat, republic, conservative, right wing, left wing, center, women, men, boys, girls, and etc.

This is all a well thought out plan to keep us fighting amongst each other while providing remedy for our boredom. That is why the most popular mainstream music has to do with sex, parties, alcohol, and drugs. Because that entices and allures the listeners.

The real way to win this war is through mass education. We must demand to know what our politicians do, when they do it, why they do it, and where they meet at all times. They aren't called snakes for nothing!

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:49 AM


to real intelligent beings?

really? some people never thought about anything in life, so, its hard, I know

they will have to provide a lot more of steps before presenting "real" aliens or "fake" aliens ...

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

I agree that there are a lot of military and government people coming out about UFOs. I wouldn't be shocked if these are operations being carried out to test super top secret technology we are working on. However, if any kind of disclosure happens I do not believe it will be fake, TPTB will lose way too much by doing that. If there is disclosure, which I doubt will happen, I believe it will be real. There is nothing to gain and everything to lose from disclosure whether it is real or a giant government hoax. Mainstream religion is too powerful, it works perfectly, no way TPTB will destroy their greatest instrument.
edit on 19-10-2010 by craposaurus because: grammar

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by craposaurus

Why would TPTB fake alien disclosure? It makes no sense.

Finally someone thinking with a clear head. Thank you craposaurus.

If "TPTB" faked an alien invasion, how would they cover their tracks? Eventually people would keep asking questions and they would stand a real good chance of digging themselves too deep a hole of lies.

The only reason I can think that the global superpowers or "PTB" (I so hate that term) would in fact "push the idea" of alien invasion, would be for their own benefit.

If we were facing an alien invasion, TPTB might realize how unprepared and screwed we are. In a final ditch effort, they try and get people to start taking UFOs and aliens seriously, that way people can become interested and perhaps science could study ways to defend against such intrusions. IMO, too little too late. But understandable that large govt's who wield alot of international power might try and resist an "alien agenda."

How does the expression go in pop culture? "Resistance is futile."

edit on 19-10-2010 by Scramjet76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Thekid90

I'm not sure about this, mainly because i don't think there will be any invasion. It all seems a bit pointless to me. There is nothing to suggest the so called, 'New World Order' is actually happening or going to happen.

How would they fake an invasion?
I have heard people say hollographically. It would have to be one hell of a hologram, absolutely flawless. Thousands of people will flock to the site where they appear and be there for days and nights watching. This site proves how many conspiracy theorists there are nowadays and they will be in their element trying to prove its a false invasion so any mistake in this fake invasion would just help them.

What if it did happen?
Well if it did happen and we found out it was fake, imagine how the people of the world would react. Especially the violent religious types. There would be all out war, it would be disastrous. It would be of far greater risk of all the worlds governments losing total control of the world. I'd also have to say I think they would struggle to convince the Armed forces of any country to be so decietful to their people. They are there to protect us after all. Im sure if it was false they would know and im sure they couldn't all be kept quiet.

They would have to simulate some type of landing and im sure im not the only person in here who, if an invasion did happen, would let a bit of police tape stop me getting a decent view. If they did block it off, policemen and/or the armed forces would surely be inside the perimeter and im sure they would eventually be able to tell if it was real or false.

And then you have the aliens themselves. Are we goin to dress some children up? Make them look like aliens, make them sound different and interview them on CNN? Or will it all be kept one great secret. There is no way the government could keep such a thing from the public if we know aliens are already here. There would be way too much pressure and if they are making constant excuses of reasons why people cant see aliens or ships, it will be all to obvious.

Hopefully if it happens it will be the real deal. I think this story is way too far fetched. Sorry to be negative, i hope i haven't offended anyone.

I must add that martial law works very well in the movies, but if it actually came to it, do you really think that every single member of the armed forces would be happy to kill innocents for a New World Order that would probably affect them in a negative way as well?? I think not!!

edit on 19/10/2010 by jexmo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:54 AM
interesting you're looking at it from one side me the other.
I see religion as failing and the TPTB replacing it with the Alien thing . we have to be careful and do what they tell us(Marshall Law) lots of us will have to die (human sacrifice) but it's for the good of all,(we know how much they care about that) it's out of our hands (We are powerless to stop them like we are now to stop ourselves) work hard give us everything you earn and make, just like now SSDD!

They have everything to gain if they put a new face on the old game ,it's the only game they know , like when the Catholics would conquer some culture ,they just disguised the old Gods as Saints, carry on as usual but now you're paying us! They are losing power and they have to do something sensational and we all know they do love mass slaughter. Here's a video about how they do it and why and what they get out of it

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

I live in the bible belt, religion is by no means failing. It is creating deeper and deeper divisions every day, which means it is working. Locally in the town I live in I am seeing a gang like mentality among the so called religious right. Don't get me wrong there are good Christians but they are the minority where I live, most the Christians I know including my family would get on their knees tomorrow and thank God if we rounded up Muslims, gays, drug users, democrats, Mexicans and put them in gas chambers. And no, I am not exaggerating.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:08 AM
All of you are #ing crazy.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:22 AM
I don't think religion is failing in regards to those who still believe. The problem is that there are many people who don't. How many people don't even bother with religion at all? I don't if I believe a fake alien invasion/landing is being planned, but as fast as science is developing and growing, aliens would be more acceptable in general than the 2nd coming in the West I think. Who knows, maybe they'll fake both a 2nd coming and an alien incident, or combine them so that people think they are one in the same. Maybe the middle east will see Jesus or Mohammad and the western world gets to see Aliens. If that technology is in existence, they can show what they want. I don't put anything past anyone these days, but I'd bet on seeing stuff like this in a movie before I'd see it over my city. Then again, who knows

- Dredge

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Thekid90

Project Blue Beam? Serge Monast, maybe?

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