First @ seenmyshare, great link! Very informative. A little off topic, but I love the Dane in your avatar. I have a Great Dane, and they are the best
dog on earth. Truly the "apollo" of dogs. As such they would make an awesome asset to any survival plan. Gentle as a lamb with the family, but
brutal as hell to a violent intruder. Just as feared as a 12 guage. Mine is 42" at the withers 155#, and could take down a grown man little effort.
Yet be gentle, and nanny-like with my small children. God I love my Dane.
Second point: The 12 guage would be a must have if you plan to stay home, and defend from goblins. I would purchase the shot gun first, and a .22
second. The 12 guage is unbelievabley versatile. You can buy slugs that will go through a motor block, or bird shot that will leave meat on small
game. Their are even shells designed to take out door hinges. Rubber less-than-lethals if you just don't want to make a huge mess, and want the perp
to leave you alone long enough to bug out etc.... They can be purchased at very reasonable prices. $300 will get you a decent 7 shot pump, a good
choice for home defense. The shells are affordable, and even when ammo got scarce last year you could still get shot gun shells. A shot gun's
operation is simple, and straight forward, but I would get very familiar with it at a range anyway. Plus the intimidation factor. A shot from a 9mm,
or even .45 ACP might be survivable, or you might miss. A 12 guage with heavy shot, or buck shot is most likely not going to miss, or be survivable.
It's pretty much gauranteed death, and goblins know it. That's why just the sound of the action loading a shell stops most in their tracks, and
makes the blood run cold. If you could only have, or afford 1 gun make it a pump action 12 guage with a minimum 5 round capacity more is better.
The .22 would be for hunting primarily, and defense only as a last resort. I like the Remington 597 from personal experience, but the Ruger 10-22 is
probably just as good. The good points have already been made.
I know a lot of people like handguns. So do I, and I own many. They do what they are designed to do well. They are designed to provide portable light
weight protection. However, even a .44 magnum doesn't have the stopping power of a .243, or 7.62x39 rifle. My third purchase as far as firearms would
be one of the affore mentioned calibres. Probably the soviet 7.62 since budget is an issue. You don't see infantry marching into battle pistol in
hand. It's always a long gun. A marine buddy of mine said his side arm was to use on himself when his rifle ran out of ammo.
Last on the guns list would be pistols. They are very useful if you need to travel light, and quick, and possibly in a populated place where
concealement is needed, and you don't want to be unarmed. It would only be used to buy time to get the heck out of dodge, and to relative safety, or
to access a bigger gun. (see 12 guage.) Plus the learning curve for using a pistol with acumen is steeper than a long gun due to the short sight
distance, and inherent operational complexity. People blasting it out with pistols, and winning the day against overwhelming odds only happens in the
movies. When you get in a fire fight against long guns especially semi-automatics with a pistol it' s the same as bringing a knife to a gun fight,
you're probably gonna loose. A rifle round to a limb usually devastates the limb, and you can easily die of blood loss. Most pistol rounds to a limb
are survivable unless it hits a major artery, or is a very large hand gun. (see .44 Mag) In a SHTF scenario most of the bad guys won't be carrying
big artillery though. It simply weighs too much, and they are very expensive to feed. They would get pitched for smaller arms quickly.
I would also not spend too much time/money in aquiring firearms after the purchase of your initial main defense weapon (the 12 guage). I would
acquire my water, and food, and other necessities first then start thinking about guns again. Guns are fun, but they get really expensive really
quick(preaching to myself here), and it wouldn't do much good to die of dehydration, or starvation with an arsenal in your hands.