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The people not ready for Disclosure are the ones who say "we're not ready"

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Hey Heff,
Why is it so hard for you to fathom such things, is it because the government is SAYING that there isn't? Or is it because you feel comfortable believing in what they are telling you? It seems that way since you believe we have picked up signals because thats what THEY have SAID ?? How do we not know theres more to the story? How do we not know that they leaving things out?? A bit perionoid you might say, no not all, concerned is more like it. When you have astronauts, government and military officials coming out saying what they have saw, witnessed, or experinced, there is no doubt in my mind the government is hiding something, and when these gentlemen com up DEAD for speaking out, it makes me believe what ever it was that they were saying was jeopardizing their agenda, whatever the agenda might be...and where there is murder coverups in the form of SUCIDE .... come on now.. There are things going on that Im sure we are not aware of. OR are not SUPPOSE to be aware of.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by FoxMulder91
reply to post by orby1976

How do you know for sure how you will react if/when disclosure occurs?
Lots of people think they are ready for things, but when it actually happens they are not.
For example, think of sky diving for the first time, you might be really looking forward to going and think you are prepared, but when you are getting ready to jump out of the plane you become scared and unprepared.

Also you dont know how disclosure would happens, what if hostile aliens invade, are you ready for this?


Thats why we need disclosure so we can prepare, we need to know everything the government knows, such as their strengths and their weaknesses, what they look like so we can identify the proper species, Where they come from, what their plant is made of, we the people who pay the salaries of the politcians need to LET US IN on what they know!... Even with SKY DIVING you can take a course to gain the information need to be prepared for the jump....

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Originally posted by MAC269

IMO the bigger the secret, the more difficult it is to keep. But, moreover, it is irrational to me to assume that an alien species would traverse the galaxies only to allow a very small percentage of this planets life to monopolize the knowledge that they posses and to keep their existence a secret. Especially when said alien life would undoubtedly see just how dysfunctional those in leadership are.


Exactly, and the more sinister the plot can unfold.... whos to say its the ALIENS not wanting there existances known for some corrupt purpose, and if thats the case, why are the governments of the world obeying? Disclosure is such a touchy subject as one poster said. Not only would the citizens be enraged that the government has been lying to them for over 70's years, but we wouldnt be able to trust what they say anyway. If obama was to come out tomorrow and say, well guys... aliens do existance and have been coming here for eons.. and we just thought you would like to know, the general public would be shocked, enraged, and even more skeptical about whats going on between aliens and the government..if Obama was to say "Dont worry they are nice." It could be to further fool us into believing they are nice and who knows it could be something out of the twilight zone where the aliens have a cook book and humans are the main course, better us then the guys in Washing DC huh? LOL OR the aliens could be totally peaceful and loving and spirtually evolved and our governments could tell us how evil, deceitfull they are and we would all load are guns ready to kick some alien butt for no real reason...all I know is if it ever happens and I would have the "I knew it" attitude but I damn sure wouldnt be opening a beer! I would be watching all news stations, surfing the internet for more information and watching all interviews, I would call off of work, keep my child home from school and huddle inside our home....I wouldnt believe EVERYTHING that they say, because I know they will use some kind of propaganda twist to influence our thoughts. If it happens, I personally would like it to be a 48hr live televised, no commercial interupttion event where they bring fourth documentations from the very beging, wheather the begining was the sumerian culture, or even way before us and explains more about them and where they came from, how they got here, what their doing here, if they had a hand in creating us and why, just so many questions could finally be answered if it were to happen and last but not least I WOULD LIKE IT TO BE 100% TRUTHFUL!! NO BS!! But hey, you dont always get what ya want right? lol

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

I base my opinions upon the empirical evidence available to me. If you research most of the things you list you will invariably come across information which tends to suggest a variety of issues at hand, such as urban legend, misunderstanding, misquoting, or flat out lying on the part of those in question.

I believe that humanity has a strong desire to believe. And under that sort of emotional pull, being careful with the interpretation of evidence is paramount. Logic and emotion simply don't coexist well.


posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

I do agree about logic and emotion not mixing well, been there lived that... but your empirical evidence, is only what they are willing to tell , or hell.. even make up if you want to go that far down the rabbit hole LOL... I doubt that astronauts and military/government officials would make up such a story/lie and ruion their reputation since most of the population would consider them "Crack pots" They have all worked very hard their whole lives to live up to such standards and expectations of their line of work, to ruion it all by coming out and talking about such a controversial subject I just dont see them doing it if they didnt know what they were talking about and I have done alot of research over the last 12 years I have a list of whisle blowers that have all "committed" sucide or have come up missing and pressumed to be in hidding or dead.... Im working on a nice little piece that I hope to post one day when I have it all together and the time to do so..

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by orby1976

Dear orby1976

From orby1976 “enlighten me then!”

Ok it is all a secret right?? In modern times since the middle of WW2 at least.

Why what is the point of the secret???

1 it will send the religious into cartwheels. Too me this just doesn’t do it. They need it anyway.

2 and this is a biggy, it will take the power form the present PTB. Not certain that this might not be the reason. Just think what they would do to protect that.

3 They know ie ET, our future and the have told TPTB and it ant pretty. This one does it for me.

It would seam that there are many cases of people who are not with us anymore with a strong idea that it may be to protect this secret. People have died for this I am sure.

This is not because they think ET will attack us, if ET was going to do that they would have done so years ago. No lazars, no nukes, just a little bug and we all wake up dead. You would never even get to see them.

The secret any the secret for a little reason, it’s a biggy. One that can never be told no matter what.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by orby1976

First I rarely say that I'm against disclosure, but when I do, I don't say we're not ready, I say you're not ready or people are not ready for disclosure.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure some people are ready for disclosure, but not the general public, that's all I'm saying.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Dear Hefficide

The Manhattan project covered 14 sites and employed many thousands of workers. Even after the set of the first at the trinity test site they where still lying about it telling the residents of LA that it was a weapon dump that went up.

They lie that is what they do best, but after the first drop on Japan lying was counter productive.

My bet about the secret that can never be disclosed is in my previous post.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by orby1976
reply to post by FoxMulder91

I've skydived before, i was a paratrooper,
and hostile invading aliens would be no worse than an invading
army with ill intent, or mad men with nukes, so all you could do is fight and hope. Never live in
fear or you're already beat.

I disagree, I think they would be much worse. I however would lean towards them being benevolent (if they exist/visit) because they would certainly have to be much more advanced. That's what was so annoying about Avatar. The primitive culture was peaceful, they advanced culture wasn't. That didn't make a great deal of sense.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:41 AM
The general public are not ready for disclosure. Their heads would explode. And that's just the Western worlds "educated " masses. Hell most people I see walking around would not be able to get their pants on the right way around, if their wasn't a label to help them, and then get to work alive in the morning without someone keeping them safe.

All but 0.0005% of the population are retarded. It is that very small % that do the critical thinking, inventing etc... that keeps the rest alive.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
The general public are not ready for disclosure. Their heads would explode. And that's just the Western worlds "educated " masses. Hell most people I see walking around would not be able to get their pants on the right way around, if their wasn't a label to help them, and then get to work alive in the morning without someone keeping them safe.

All but 0.0005% of the population are retarded. It is that very small % that do the critical thinking, inventing etc... that keeps the rest alive.

Yeah you are right. Half of our nation hasn't even learned to live comfortably with homosexuals yet. People are still racist. The fact that republicans won't allow a mosque near ground zero is proof enough. I can see it as clear as day in my head. Glenn Beck leading them with signs, rallying against the acceptance of E.T.s haha.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

What, in fact, means advancement? What kind of advancement? For sure, we're more advanced than the blue people in "Avatar" in technological regards. But in moral ethic regards - it seems we're degenerated. Technical Advancement doesn't mean, that a species is advanced in general. It may lack advancement in many other regards, for example in ethical, spiritual or ecological regards. As we do...

Regarding that, the blue people in "Avatar" were far superior to us.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by Peloquin
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

What, in fact, means advancement? What kind of advancement? For sure, we're more advanced than the blue people in "Avatar" in technological regards. But in moral ethic regards - it seems we're degenerated. Technical Advancement doesn't mean, that a species is advanced in general. It may lack advancement in many other regards, for example in ethical, spiritual or ecological regards. As we do...

Regarding that, the blue people in "Avatar" were far superior to us.

Not entirely true. We only see one group of humans in the movie. For all we know they are completely different than the majority. There could be enlightened colonies. Humans are definitely capable of being equally in touch as the smurfs in avatar. It's likely that some in that future are aswell. I mean advanced enough to travel the vast distances needed to make it here.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 06:12 AM
You're right, it's not correct to say, that all humans are as I described. Of course there are developments in human society, that give me hope that not all is lost, and that we humans are capable of making advancements not just in technical regards. But sometimes, when I look back in history, it seems as if the people in the past knew a bit more about what is really important about life (not just Jesus or Buddha, also all those philosophers from Rome and Greece or from other places in the world, or the American Natives, people like Chief Seattle).

Maybe we should remember them from time to time while we're running hastily into the future ahead.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:20 AM
The reason people dont worry all the time about earthquakes,
tornados, or even the mad men of this world with nukes, is
because we already know of these threats and have come to
terms with them. And know in our own way how to deal with
the threats (appart from the nukes, where we would be powerless)
It's the unknown most people fear, the not knowing.
People say we're not ready for disclosure, well i say i am.
Aliens and their agendas dont frighten me. Im as hard as life,
and as scary as death, and i refuse to live in fear.
So come on nasa, mr president, the time has come!

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by orby1976
The reason people dont worry all the time about earthquakes,
tornados, or even the mad men of this world with nukes, is
because we already know of these threats and have come to
terms with them. And know in our own way how to deal with
the threats (appart from the nukes, where we would be powerless)
It's the unknown most people fear, the not knowing.
People say we're not ready for disclosure, well i say i am.
Aliens and their agendas dont frighten me. Im as hard as life,
and as scary as death, and i refuse to live in fear.
So come on nasa, mr president, the time has come!

That's what we are saying. You may be. People aren't. Though it may never matter, some people will never be. So it might just be a situation where you would have to go ahead and hope for the best.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

I have to agree with you there,
second line

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:21 AM
Disclosure is a scam perpetuated by mental health workers, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists.

What ever happened to “Discretion is the better part of valor”?

That’s what I would like to know.

Why is it we must constantly be telling everyone, everything, and revealing our own most personal feelings about it.

I am all for communication as long as people do it silently.

I am all in favor of people being in touch with their feelings as long as they don’t bore me with what they are.

Now let’s stop with all this disclosure talk and lets all get back to work!


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by orby1976

I think I can agree with you on that. There's nothing worse than the fear for the unknown. If there in fact are malevolent alien beings, we should know about them to be able to know our enemy and to be able to defend ourselves. If some kind of a shadow government is collaborating with them for its selfish profit, then even more we should know about it (but in this case we won't receive any disclosure by this shadow government nor probably by any other in the realm of their influence).

Thinking about that, if this was the truth (i. e. that we're ruled by a shadow government collaborating with malevolent aliens), then disclosure of course would lead to unrest in the world's societies. There would be much anger, indeed there could be riots, eventually leading to the total collapse of the established powers.

Maybe TPTB have their really plausible reasons, why they can't tell us, what's really going on.

If TPTB really exists and the lights in the sky are not just the product of planet Venus copulating with a weather balloon.

edit on 18/10/10 by Peloquin because: (no reason given)

edit on 18/10/10 by Peloquin because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:28 PM
Nothing would change for me, at least i think so. No one really knows how they would act because this has never happened before.

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