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New Chemtrail Pictures!! (or is this just a Natural Phenomenon?)

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by scitpeks

Look up the info from Weedwacker above. It's very easy to find.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:03 PM
Yes, I live in small farming town of California and see planes spraying the sky all night! Sometimes there is a whole mist over my town. This is happening up and down California and many other places. This needs to be stopped. I want to start taking action so I signed several petitions against chemtrails on I also have been doing my best to get others to wake up about this and help them see that their skies are being sprayed while their sleeping. I'm trying to figure out more ways in which I can help this be stopped and the fluoride situation too.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Northwarden


Aircraft Mechanic Discusses Chemtrail Spray Equipment Aboard Commercial Aircraft

Long ago, proven to be hoax. Comes originally from Cliff Carnicorn, he's behind the majoirty of this hoax.

Chemtrail Pilot has Breakdown, Speaks Out

That was purely useless, that YT video. At least, it is new and creative, though. New nonsense..."helium ballons" my, my. Hilarious.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:10 PM
I've been seeing alot more planes flying above El Paso and they all seem to have contrails/chemtrails being left behind them.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

Wow I live in sterling heights too and I got a ton of pictures of theses chemtrails today too and This morning at 11:30am there was a bright blue sky and they started to spray maybe 12:30pm and the whole sky turned into a grey haze that blocked the sun. It is Horrible.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:25 PM
All I'll say is if there is nothing to this Chemtrail theory then why do so many put so much effort into debunking them?
Surely if its all bull they would just sit back and laugh at the fool believers.
I think defending the issue just fuels the flames of conspiracy..

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by scitpeks

Some of us do laugh...but, like all ignorance, it's also sad to see it spread so readily, when it is so easy to show people the reality, and use facts to dispel this hoax.

It is harmless, as hoaxes go....until you see how people believe, and even part with good money, on this nonsense. Buying books, and trinkets from websites. It isn't a crime to be ignorant, of course...nor to perpetuate a hoax lke this. A sucker is born every minute, and a fool and his money are soon parted.....

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

It is harmless, as hoaxes go....until you see how people believe, and even part with good money, on this nonsense. Buying books, and trinkets from websites. It isn't a crime to be ignorant, of course...nor to perpetuate a hoax lke this. A sucker is born every minute, and a fool and his money are soon parted.....

Well maybe you could focus your attention on things like Casinos, Gambling and Derivatives etc.
They are all scams that take a lot more from the ignorant...

The Chemtrail theory/scam (if thats what it is] is small fry when compared to the above.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by scitpeks
reply to post by stars15k

You have contrails, and lots of them. But you also have lots of cirrus clouds, so the conditions are right for them to form and persist.
Detroit is a busy airport. Fifty minutes to an hour away in good traffic doesn't mean anything to a plane going around 500 MPH. And contrails do not form from "low commercial" airplane traffic; they form very high up.

I guess then it would be interesting to know where the OP is on the map and what recognized flight paths may account for the multiple trails he has filmed..

Sorry for the delay, I had to step out for a few.

Here is the address of where I was standing:

Flower Barn Nursery IncFlower Barn Nursery Inc
14860 Hall Rd
Sterling Heights, MI 48313-1233
Flower Barn

Here is the Lat/Lon of that location as reported by:
edit on 17-10-2010 by JonInMichigan because: I just wanted to add that the GPS coords from my Droid were in the OP. Those were on the way back home though about a mile away.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan
All I can say is omg that is way over the top!.I think I would have to wear a gas mask up there.....hows Michigan doing?....formerly a Lincoln Parker!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by weedwhackerit seems as though it the same posters that go to these threads just to call "hoax"
you would think they would go to the ones that they believe in. I don't know I thought I was on a conspiracy site?

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
Do I get bonus points for being the first debunker

I believe the OP was the first skptic! (That's me!)

I have always been skeptical about chemtrails although I know there are some modified planes around designed to spray chemicals. I've seen the pictures of them around, perhaps on ATS. So I’ll take those “bonus points”!

I really want to thank everyone for the comments on here. I really like the fact that two other people corroborated this phenomenon going on today and how truly impressive it was.

It really did look, as my wife said in awe, like a farmer’s freshly tilled field. She said she was amazed how inorganic it looked since organic thinks are circles, fractals, etc. and these NOT THAT! They were rows of lines that were very much in your face and obvious.

I absolutely had to take pics and video of this one as I knew the Chemtrail devotees would be very excited about pictures featuring so many lines in a systematic pattern. I’m personally not sure what causes them but I found the one poster’s comments on the airline traffic patterns very plausible and that we have a traffic pattern from east-west coming out of Detroit. These were going east-west and angled back towards the airport so that says something. They would to have been really high and the atmosphere would have to be just right for these lines to persist for so long.

On the other hand I can easily entertain the question, “why were they all at the same height and evenly spaced???” also, on the other hand, “if big chemtrail planes had to take off, where else would they take off from then Detroit or Selfridge Air Nation Guard which is straight east and up one mile North. It was like the lines went directly between the two airports. Dun Dun Dun! (play ominous music now) I love how there is always two good sides to a conspiracy theory like this one! (I’m still skeptical but these questions would be nice to know the answer to.)

edit on 17-10-2010 by JonInMichigan because: fixed paragraph spacing

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:51 PM
I started thinking about what had dawned on me while writing my previous post and I drew this up real quick.


Looking South from Point C:

One wonders why we don't see criss-crosses of other plane's contrails if they are hanging in the air for so long.
It seems like these lines only go between Detroit Metro and Selfridge ANG. ???

I don't know. Still a skeptic here, but this is kinda bizzare. Lots of unanswered questions...

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:11 PM
I just realized that ATS was cropping my photos in the thread so no one could see the full view of the lines across the sky. I uploaded a second set and reduced the horizontal res to 500 pixels. Now you can see the full frames. Sorry about the mistake, I thought ATS just shrunk the photos to fit in the thread, but I guess I was wrong.

These are more impressive than the cropped ones IMHO.

Looking South:

Looking South-West:

Looking West:

edit on 17-10-2010 by JonInMichigan because: typo

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:24 AM
quote by stars15k
"...It is an internet myth only, started and fueled by people who don't know and understand science, to people who don't know and understand science and who will accept anything with a mystique while avoiding actual facts."

LOL you're too much man. How does your ego fit in your car with you? Or do you just use your super-awesomeness of knowing it all to teleport yourself and your massive ego to your destination.

I bet you'd leave an egotrail..


Nice pics Jon!
edit on 18-10-2010 by Shivering Coward because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by TWILITE22
reply to post by weedwhackerit seems as though it the same posters that go to these threads just to call "hoax"
you would think they would go to the ones that they believe in. I don't know I thought I was on a conspiracy site?

What, you mean those of us who are meteorologists, pilots and scientists?

Gee, I wonder why it is always these groups of people

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

You're almost there, Jon...keeping your mind open to the science and logic...careful you don't let the hucksters fool you, with their nonsense.

...the airline traffic patterns very plausible and that we have a traffic pattern from east-west coming out of Detroit.

I see this misunderstanding often, and the post where you showed the airports, on a map? Irrelevant.

Air traffic arriving/departing, and therefore below ~25,000 feet, will NOT make a contrail. Their exhaust gases simply won't be visible. We are seeing, in your photos, airplanes that are just passing by, at altitude, to coming/going somewhere else besides your local airports.

These were going east-west and angled back towards the airport so that says something. They would to have been really high and the atmosphere would have to be just right for these lines to persist for so long.

Did you look at the site yet? The "angled back" isn't have airplanes flying routes, to different can see some of the contrails indicate slight turns....course corrections. Some airplanes, depending on destination, made turns one way, others another way. Take a look at skyvector. Keep in mind that the airplanes ALSO do not always follow the Jet Airways exactly....some are granted (by ATC) more 'direct' routing, occasionally.

But, the last part of the above is spot on correct....the atmosphere, at altitude WAS "just right".

... “why were they all at the same height and evenly spaced???” ...

Well, really...they aren't at the same altitude...not ALL of them. Some can be, as airplanes may be at same altitude, same direction "in trail" with each other...minimum horizontal separation, at those altitudes, is 20 miles. They are traveling at between seven and eight miles per minute (less if into a headwind, faster if flying WITH the wind).

So, you can to "persistence"?? Quite a few contrails can be made within the span of just an hour, or so....certainly, if clouds can last awhile, then contrails can, too. They are just a form of high altitude clouds, after all.....shaped artificially, by airplanes.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by scitpeks

I get hot at all the calls for "disclosure". What a waste of our government's time and money, answering questions that have already been answered.
People who call for is closure usually mean "tell me what I want to hear or I'm not going to believe you" and call the people who just might know a bit more about the science involved as sheeple. They also believe they have an "open mind" and debunkers do not. In other words, they don't believe in the whole "facts are better than beliefs" way of thinking.
Debunkers debunk to "deny ignorance".

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I tend to lean towards a scientific explaination but, as you can see, I'll entertain the conspiracy theory with an open mind.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

I saw you mention, above, something about "seeing" "Chemtrail sprayer"airplanes....and I just cringed in pain, because I have an idea of which photos you might be referring to...and IF they're the ones I think, then it's time to really check them out, again.

There ARE "khemtrail konspiracy" websites out there that keep using these photos (that I'm thinking of) and calling them "proof", when in fact, they are NOT what the websites claim them to be.

And, I have the proof that those photos are being misused (either intentionally, to defraud and hoax the gullible) or innocently, ou of pure ignorance. Or, a little of both....

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