We all know, one day, that *snip* going to hit the fan - hard. hard enough for the other 99% of the population to wake up and realise that they are
slaves. Or...is it?
I personaly think our ways of life are never going to change, and the people who run this world now, will continue to run it for a very long.0 time,
their wills, will be our ways of life, as they have been for centuries.
Is the population tuned so fine in the elites ways, that it is basicly impossible for a 'revolution'?
Just for an example as what im on about here;
Im very different to my friends, but in the same breath we are very alike. The only thing that seperates me from them is my views on life in genral. I
like to think I know whats happening around the world, whos got their fingers in what pies and who really caused what and where. Like you all know, if
you look and research for things yourself, you will come to your own conclusion on things, or at least you should anyway. Its 2010, we have the
internet - there is no need for multi million/billion pound organisatios to give us our news anymore
I have many of arguments with people i know due to main stream media not covering the real story, or even the story at all. When i say things that i
know are like 99.99% fact (and the only reason its missing 0.01% is because it hasnt come and slapped me in the face) - people argue because they
havent heard about it, or because the media have said different, or their history teacher said otherwise
What im trying to say is people i know, and this sounds so wrong but *snip* it - they dont know what life is, because its been suppressed - this world
is like a 95% controlled enviroment. We are basicly a prduct of a few people beliefs - but yet 'we' dont see this. We are made to believe the western
way of life is the only way for a civilized world...and the worst thing is.....we just prod along, going with the grain. O.k maybe a few thousand
people demonstrate and protest, but then they just get suppressed and pointed at like a bunch of loonies by the media....and then 'we' believe the
Anyway i thought *snip* it so I introduced a few of my friends & family to some sites, and they just say "ah these are all just loonies" "its the
interent what you expect" .......wheres the *snip* hope?With these up coming internet laws that are going to be introduced...i think we are *snip*.
Without the internet....i personaly think we are utterly foooked. Really, there is no reason for news channels, because its just turned into a mass
Entertainment Disinformation News co-op's...
The question is, How does the revelution start. When does it start, and will you be there?
Or even better, Why hasnt it started?
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edit on 10/18/2010 by maria_stardust because: edited out several profanities