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Senator McCain's daughter calls O'Donnell a "nut job"

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:39 PM
Looks like Little McCain is trying to take the "Nutjob" label off her father and pin it to someone else.

You don't get any more of a "Nutjob" than John McCain.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Jenna

With all due respect Jenna, it’s just the third leg of the US governmental institutions that rule our lives, and any person running for a major political office who doesn’t know anything about major Supreme Court cases, IMO, is not qualified to be county dog catcher, let alone a US senator or governor.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:31 AM
Why should anyone care what John McCain's daughter has to say about anything given how retarded her own father is? This isn't to say O'Donnell is any better, but McCain showed what a hard-on he was during the presidential campaign when he took Palin on as his running mate despite the fact that he didn't want to. Why? Politics is a dirty game, of course. Also, I heard a rumor about his Hanoi Hilton days that wouldn't surprise me in the least if it were true. The rumor is that McCain's nickname was song bird McCain because the NVA didn't have to torture him to get him to talk. He did so willingly and without reservation earning the ire of his fellow captives, who I can only assume kept their mouths shut about McCain once political aspirations entered the picture.

Also, Bush Jr. didn't win any of his presidential elections. That's conspiracy 101 really. Ask Greg Palast and any other researcher into the stolen 2000 election of Florida with the voter scrub lists used by Katherine Harris, a GOP operative. And, of course, Diebold rigged the Ohio machines to swing the vote to Bush again as even admitted by the CEO of Diebold. These electronic machines, as "Hacking Democracy" and other docs easily prove, are easy to hack and control. And, without a paper ballot, they go undetected. This has been proven time and again, of course in the case of the 2004 jack both were members of the Skull and Bones. So, nothing would have changed all that much had Kerry gotten in, since the globalists control both sides.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by PleiadianX

His daughter is a cutie pie. Don't you think so?
Did you see the pictures the OP included? All I can say is yum.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by PleiadianX
This isn't to say O'Donnell is any better, but McCain showed what a hard-on he was during the presidential campaign when he took Palin on as his running mate despite the fact that he didn't want to.

Let's not forget that he happily accepted Palin's endorsement for his campaign this year, which makes a hypocrite again given how his campaign bashed her right after they lost the 2008 election.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:53 AM
I don't know that much about either McCain's daughter or this O'Donnell woman, but I thought I should make a slight comment to another comment. As far as her being a cutie, o.k. and? Hell, I thought one of Bush Jr.'s daughters was pretty hot. However, she's still not exactly coming from the best pedigree to say the least. Although, in all fairness, most college chicks are dumb as a sack of doorknobs to be quite frank, and no I don't care if I sound misogynist. Try talking to one sometime at say UT (without wanting to go stab your eardrums out with an icepick) and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Now, consider this. Despite the fact that she appears to look and act like any other dopey brainwashed college girl, I'd imagine it would be pretty frightening to consider banging this girl knowing that her great grandfather was cited under the Trading With the Enemies Act during WWII for the Nazi Party. Her grandfather is a former head of the CIA, Vice-President, President, member of the secretive Carlyle Group, former member of the Trilateral Commission, and of course long-time initiate of the Germanic death cult secret society Skull and Bones. And, it's his demon seed with what some believe to the daughter of Aleister Crowley that spawned her father George W. Bush Jr. In other words, if you were ever nutty enough to have a child with this girl, I'd be thinking it's either going to come out stupid as dog# or evil as hell or worse both. It would be like that Anti-Christ kid in the Omen.

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