posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:53 AM
I don't know that much about either McCain's daughter or this O'Donnell woman, but I thought I should make a slight comment to another comment. As
far as her being a cutie, o.k. and? Hell, I thought one of Bush Jr.'s daughters was pretty hot. However, she's still not exactly coming from the
best pedigree to say the least. Although, in all fairness, most college chicks are dumb as a sack of doorknobs to be quite frank, and no I don't care
if I sound misogynist. Try talking to one sometime at say UT (without wanting to go stab your eardrums out with an icepick) and you'll know exactly
what I'm talking about.
Now, consider this. Despite the fact that she appears to look and act like any other dopey brainwashed college girl, I'd imagine it would be pretty
frightening to consider banging this girl knowing that her great grandfather was cited under the Trading With the Enemies Act during WWII for the Nazi
Party. Her grandfather is a former head of the CIA, Vice-President, President, member of the secretive Carlyle Group, former member of the Trilateral
Commission, and of course long-time initiate of the Germanic death cult secret society Skull and Bones. And, it's his demon seed with what some
believe to the daughter of Aleister Crowley that spawned her father George W. Bush Jr. In other words, if you were ever nutty enough to have a child
with this girl, I'd be thinking it's either going to come out stupid as dog# or evil as hell or worse both. It would be like that Anti-Christ kid in
the Omen.