posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:01 AM
From my personal journal:
Tuesday, November 4, 1997
I had a dream where I saw a group of people standing outside at night, watching the sky. I went out to see what they were looking at. No one was in a
panic, they were just in awe of what they were seeing. I walked up beside my neighbors and looked up and saw bright big stars that were glowing in
different colors. There were at least a dozen, one being super bright, more than the others. They were moving around, forming different shapes,
mostly diamond, pyramid, and small versions of constellations. At first I laughed out loud as I watched them.
One of the bright stars came falling down toward the earth and it came straight back up into the sky and sat there. Everyone in unison said "ooohhh"
when this happened. I ran back into the house and told my mom, that we needed to get in the car and leave. She laughed and told me that everything was
going to be okay, and to look at the TV. And when I did, I saw President Clintons wife Hilary on there speaking from behind a podium, and then a very
high quality video aired showing an elevator of some sort that had been built, that could take you directly up to a space station. There was a group
of people riding in this elevator and they were talking about their stay in the space station. Someone was filming them going up and you could see
blurry stars outside of the window of the elevator. Then the news reporter returned after airing this clip to talk about how the construction of this
elevator, somehow might have caused this group of stars to begin moving in the sky, and that as of that time they didn't know exactly why it was
happening. ---- End of Dream----
When I told this dream to my brother he laughed and said it was because I had went to see Gattaca twice!
I followed a link from the El Paso thread over to D4rk's original thread and spent some time reading. I immediately started to think of my dream!
There's probably not a connection at all, but the stars dancing in the sky... it just resonated with me. This is the first time I've ever shared
something that personal on the internet, so it makes me nervous. If you have any comments on my dream, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I'm very
curious about the Dark Knight prediction. Thank you