Finally, my friend has taken his time to reply to me and he gave me his agreement to post the pictures of what he saw on 7th of October. Also, I have
thought about many things regarding what we saw on 10th of August and regarding the nature of it, and following only logic, I've come to the
conclusion that it is very unlikely for the crafts to be human made.
And to explain that I'll have to get into detail. First of all, following logic if those were human-made aircrafts there are only two possible
reasons for them to be there - one - a training excercise, and two - there was something special in the area that theey were either working on, or
looking for. Now I will explain why these are unlikely to be the explanation:
Lets consider they were there for training purposes. One thing is for sure, in Bulgaria there's no chance these crafts to remain hidden at some top
secret base as there are none such here. See, it's a very small country, there IS an U.S. base here but it is not secret at all, I myself have spoken
to more than three people that either built the base or are working there and there's nothing hidden. Also, I know people in the region of the base
and there has never been seen anything strange there.
So considering these to be from another country, I suppose there aren't many govrmnts that have the technology (I personally think that the US,
Russia and China have such). It is highly unlikely for any of the mentioned countries to perform training excersises at a distant place over a foreign
country. First, because of the risk of something going wrong (remember, there's always the human factor present in this situation) and second -
because of risking someone else picking them up on radars. Also, all of the mentioned countries have enough places in their own region to perform
excersises without being spotted, at least not by many. That's why I don't think this was any excersise taking place. It's good to mention the fact
that from asking people that lived in Troyan years ago, these lights were present, this is while the US base not being yet.
This leaves us with option 2 - having something important there that someone wants to either get, study, or work on. If there's such a thing there, I
think that there would be other ways of getting ones hands on. Less expensive, more secure, especially if this is located in a country such as
Bulgaria - being poor and easy to have control over. It would take more time, but that wouldn't raise anyone's attention in the country, risking
uncovering information over to the enemy, or something.
However, that's just my two pence, I still leave space for the possibility of these to be human-made and human-driven crafts, just after all the
thinking I've done on the topic, its odds have sunk quite a bit...
And here are the promised photos, taken on 7th of October. More details regarding the sighting of my friend - he saw 5-6 pale lights and one bright
hovering and making manouvers in the distance, the one that was bright enough to be captured is the one on the photo, the others from what my friend
told me, just didn't came up on the photos. The person who saw this, have seen the lights 4 times before, always catching him without a camera in the
pocket, after me telling him there's a chance there for sightings to be seen that night, he took his camera. And thus, the interesting photos - and . These were taken near Byala, a small town in North Bulgaria (that's the
exact directions from where most lights appeared on 10th of August, when we observed them ourselves). Let me know if they're unreachable, as there's
a slight chance that the host wouldn't be accessible from outside Bulgaria, in case they're not seen, I will reupload them somewhere else!
Falseveils, can you tell me on which date exactly did that occur? I'm interested as I saw something interesting from Vitosha that looked like a
meteor to me, however, it didn't appear from up to down, but the other way around. It lasted a second, and I think it might be a meteor that entered
the atmosphere at very small angle, directly towards us, still being in the distance, made it look like it was going from down to up. Yet, we saw
another one that night, and we were interested what's the chance of having such meteor showers. Let me know if that resembles what you saw?