posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Yes indeed. Sadly my own parents are this way. People tend to shut out things that go against what they have been raised to believe. I was raised a
christian but when i began to doubt i was told "If you seek him with your whole heart, you will find him". Well, I sought with all my mind, body and
soul, and i did not find their god; nor any other religion's. In the end, or the beginning i should say, I don't think it matters. I believe it's
all the same as long as what you followed (or lead) made you always strive to be a better person and help your neighbor (or yourself). If you chose
love instead of hate in all given opportunities, then the details will fade. Sadly most religious people cannot claim this, neither can I. To them and
to us, open your mind and seek. Noone on this earth has all the answers, those who do are not with us now. Seek and you will find, for i have. We>Me