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I think that it is our duty to live our lives with the environment in mind. I think this doesn't have anything to do with carbon emissions or whatever. Problems can only be dealt with when you start with the roots. It is very simply. If we use and demand less, and when we use we do so with respects to our home, our planet. We will be fine.
Change starts with you !
Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by dementedtheclown
Anyone with even the slightest understanding of science "believes" global warming is real. Those who attempt to mis characterize and or troll on it imply that one's belief is in some way affecting of reality. Facts do not need belief. People will be screaming it isn't real even while its all going down in flames.
Originally posted by Nathan-D
reply to post by lordtyp0
To illustrate: how much of a PPM change in your biochemistry does it take to kill you-of pretty much any chemical?
The fact that a very small amount of chemical can kill you has nothing to do with the mechanism of warming. There is 1 molecule of CO2 per 2600 others homogeneously spread throughout the atmosphere. 10mg of a chemical like Morphine, for instance, provides sufficient molecules for the comparatively smaller number of receptors in the medulla that are needed to be blocked and is already considered a largish dose. I don't see or understand the scientific principle that allows 1 molecule of CO2 to heat up 2600 molecules around it to cause significant warming. Each molecule would have to be heated to hundreds of degrees to create sufficient energy transfer. It's analogous to heating up one grain of rice and using that single grain to heat up 2600 others. It baffles my mind.
entire historic output of CO2, since the industrial revolution, was less than 1 years worth of Volcanic CO2 emissions.
That presumably doesn't include all of the underwater volcanoes which we can't monitor?
Anyone with even the slightest understanding of science "believes" global warming is real.
I guess scientists like Richard Lindzen, Svensmark, Paltridge, Douglass, Spencer, David Archibald, as well as 800 international scientists according to the US Senate Minority Report haven't got "even the slightest understanding of science?"
Okay, the Earth is/is not/might be warming up, I just do not accept so little gas can have so much effect! (CO2 at 383 parts per million).
It depends what time-frame you pick. The Earth has been warming for the last 300 years since the LIA - long before we started heavy industrialization. Though it's been cooling for 3,000-4,000 years since the Holocene Maximum. Anyway, I don't believe AGW. It reeks of Y2K. Once the Chicken-Little AGW scare story has passed, no doubt the bureaucrats will role out another manufactured scare story to encourage the public to part with more of their cash.
Originally posted by thedeadlyrhythm
Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by dementedtheclown
Anyone with even the slightest understanding of science "believes" global warming is real. Those who attempt to mis characterize and or troll on it imply that one's belief is in some way affecting of reality. Facts do not need belief. People will be screaming it isn't real even while its all going down in flames.
the fact that you really think this is extremely arrogant. you even put "believes" in quotes.
reading this just reeks of snide pretense. ugh.
you do realize that the current amount of co2 in our atmosphere is vastly lower than during the cretaceous or jurassic periods, right? man isn't driving the earth into uncharted territory here. man made runaway global warming as a crisis is a farce to fleece the world population of money and to monopolize the new energy market.
Then along comes man, man makes worthless crap and toys and generates a whole lot of waste. The carbon shoots to 5000 parts per thousand. This tips the balance.
Especially when we are happily burning and cutting down every tree we can reach to make bum wipes. This means less plants to store it all away.
All the carbon gets locked away in plants and ice like the Taiga permafrost.
All the carbon in the Taiga. Locked away for thousands and thousands of years in the algae and permafrost. Well it's gonna start thawing. As it thaws its going to be releasing all that it's stored and shoot the content up again.
Here is the problem with people who do not understand the scientific method nor even cause and effect.
They always stop at one cause, then straw man that 'cause' to feel safe about things. Everything in reality is a precarious balance, if one factor gets tossed out of whack it can be dire for all.
Hrm, straw men galore.
Here is the problem with people who do not understand the scientific method
Originally posted by Carseller4
I never fell for the Global Warming Hoax, and found it amusing that scientists, trying to prove it, had to distort, manipulate, and delete data. There actions, without a doubt, was the final nail in the Global Warming Hoax.
Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by dementedtheclown
Here is a very Interesting discussion about the Issue of Global Warming given by Britian's Lord Monckton . Some of the things he dicusses here are Controversal , so you be the Judge of the Validity of it or not .
Originally posted by Ruffian
There is climate change. Though it looks as if Global Warming is just a liberal sham to lower the profits of oil companies in order to sever major funding that is forwarded to the republican party.
Pollution and global warming are different.
Originally posted by thedeadlyrhythm
reply to post by lordtyp0
for the man of 'facts' you claim to be, you didn't even address the one FACT i did bring up in that paragraph. if you'd care to, feel free, otherwise i really don't care to see you dance around the issue.
and as for what you just said, yes, you can state a fact like a pompous, snide, arrogant person. it is very easy. unfortunately for you, you stated an opinion fueled by a whole lot of money, like a pompous, snide, arrogant person.
did you ever hear what this guy had to say about what it's like to be a part of the APS now a days? oh money. you make the world go round.
Originally posted by GJPinks
reply to post by NoHierarchy
You are wrong. I downloaded the emails and files. They are filled with references to covering up the numbers, changing the sample groups to "increase" temperature data and suggestions on how to block access to the raw data. I gave the computer code used to generate the temperature projections and it is GIGO. He changed over 400 data sources changing the temperatures to 120 below zero and the temperature results still showed an increase. He found the self limiting subroutines in multiple locations. It's math manipulation Enron would have loved. BTW the first two companies backing Cap and Trade were....... are you ready for it???? Enron and GE.
Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by dementedtheclown
Anyone with even the slightest understanding of science "believes" global warming is real.