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Reality interface change.

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:30 PM
For 3 or 4 nights in a row, I have felt something different at night. I called it in the thread title, because I have nothing else to call it.

I had a dream earlier this week, and it was explained to me in my dream that things would be changing for me. i dont remember exactly the dream. I chalked it off to being sick.

So I have a bell that goes off in my head while asleep to "look" at what im supposed to pay attention to. I have the choice, and often can quickly tell, im not going to participate in that. So I do other things. But then the bell goes off again, almost like a high school period bell. Its almost a game, bell goes off, look at situation and diagnose it?

I will try to go into more detail later. I had to ask because:
a. its been happening for 4 nights now
b. when i wake up, my room looks different

Im a pretty rational person, so this seems pretty weird. Yet its oddly comforting in some sense.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:22 PM
You do know that we are moving into the fourth dimension don't You? Your ahead of us a little. Remember! Soon what you think will manifest instantly in reality! Be careful with your thoughts,create beauty! Create light! Make our World a place of peace and love and beauty! reply to post by Bluesquid

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:48 PM
Peace to you bluesquid! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I have nothing to elaborate. However, how does your room seem different? Any other changes, feelings, or sensations? I have no answers for you, I am just curious.

reply to post by HUMBLEONE


Peace HumbleOne. Could you please elaborate a little more? I'm interested in what you think is happening. Thanks

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:14 PM
Cool story bluesquid

I myself had a similar experience once a few months ago; I woke up in a very bizzare altered state where i felt my body as if was a giant pulsation. I was able to see my room in a dark haze: with my eyes closed. As soon as I realized I was seeing through my eyelids... I snapped back to reality; one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to me personally.

I have however, of recent times, started to notice that the way I think and perceive is changing. I've started to realize how the decisions I make truly impact me and the world around me; For example I've started thinking about the negativity that is in the meat we eat; a weird thing to think about... but it's a strong enough feeling that I've started loosing my appetite for meat.

I've also started realizing how limited our 3rd dimensional bodies really are; Our 5 senses are so extremely limited when it comes to perceiving our reality that I feel sometimes like I'm wearing HUGE blinders.

But what I've noticed most is feeling a lot more positivity and love; enough that sometimes I just sit their in total emotional bliss at how much love and positivity I am feeling.

Weird stuff... but awesome stuff at the same time

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Monts

I could see whith my eyes closed in bed a few months ago... I logged on here hat day there was a thread on about it.. It happens me most nights now.. Although I can see around my room colours are different.. Lots of grays and blacks. Its when im falling asleep and when I wake up... Sometimes a huge moon is outside the window.. I do have very vivid dreams.. but I cant remember any from the past few nights..
edit on 15-10-2010 by spungy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:04 PM
Its really hard for me to remember aspects of the dreams. i barely remember the structure honestly.

My room looked the same for the most part. Just slightly askew. like the shadows went the wrong way, but thats not it.

I have always been a dreamer. i have always enjoyed my amazing dreams. I once had a dream that encompassed 3 weeks of my life, including 2 after being diagnosed with cancer(in my dream). i talked about it, went through all the stages of dealing with it, and just felt it as reality. Woke up crying and thankful. That and many others have been profound, and or interesting. These dreams are different. IDK.

i do remember some of the last dream I had. I heard the bell, and preferred the other to what I was seeing. So i chose. I was in the backseat of a car driven by a slightly older, attractive woman that looked vaguely native american. She was driving down the dirt road/ driveway through a large field towards a house with large mountains behind it. She pulled up close to the building, pointed out a guy working on something handmade out of wood. we went inside the house. It was nice enough. Old dog laying down. My friend jim was sitting in the living room. we started playing video games. I woke up very groggy. I had been sleeping very deeply.

My sense of them is that they are like the dreams in "The Stand". Only way I could put it.

I know what kind of site this is, and I know how weird this is.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by spungy

If you have vivid dreams but can't remember them... start writing them down in a journal. You will be amazed at how well you start remembering and recognizing your dreams- as well as you will probably having lucid dreams.

During the time I saw my room with my eyes closed, I had been writing down every dream I could remember from the moment I woke up... sometimes in the middle of the night I would wake up and literally spend 20-30 minutes writing down all the details I could remember. I would also read some of my dreams during the evening or before I went to bed. My dreams became so amazingly clear... longer... and more vivid. And I always remembered them; and I started having lucid dreams every other night.

I actually started doing this for a study I took part in at university. 1st year psych students have to sign up to be the test-subjects for older psych students (we get graded participation points for it). One of the studies I participated in had me fill out a questionnaire every morning when I woke up about my sleep and dreams, had me write down any dreams I could remember, and then had me do a reflex test. The point of the study was to study the effect that "exercising" your brain that way has on your sleeping patters.

I noticed a HUGE difference in my dreams in just a few days. So I continued doing the same sort of thing every day.

Unfortunately... I stopped writing the dream journal after I saw through my eyelids; it kind of spooked me out and I didn't feel I was quite ready to start exploring that far yet. I also had/have a busy schedule... so I like my sleeps to be peaceful and quick

But if I do ever find more time to explore that kind of spiritual side to myself... that dream-method is going to be my springboard, as some books I have read said that once you start controlling your dreams, you can't start inducing astral projections and stuff like that.


posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Monts
Cool story bluesquid

I myself had a similar experience once a few months ago; I woke up in a very bizzare altered state where i felt my body as if was a giant pulsation. I was able to see my room in a dark haze: with my eyes closed. As soon as I realized I was seeing through my eyelids... I snapped back to reality; one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to me personally.

I have however, of recent times, started to notice that the way I think and perceive is changing. I've started to realize how the decisions I make truly impact me and the world around me; For example I've started thinking about the negativity that is in the meat we eat; a weird thing to think about... but it's a strong enough feeling that I've started loosing my appetite for meat.

I've also started realizing how limited our 3rd dimensional bodies really are; Our 5 senses are so extremely limited when it comes to perceiving our reality that I feel sometimes like I'm wearing HUGE blinders.

But what I've noticed most is feeling a lot more positivity and love; enough that sometimes I just sit their in total emotional bliss at how much love and positivity I am feeling.

Weird stuff... but awesome stuff at the same time

As far as the meat thing goes, a couple of my friends are getting into vegetarianism, they were telling me some nasty stuff about the meat industry... I don't know how true this is, but I'd imagine there are some valid points...They say that when the animals are butchered they aren't always dead when they start processing them. Which means that they are releasing lots of nasty hormones into their blood stream, which in turn goes into the food we eat. This might explain some of the weird hormonal changes people are going through...but I don't have any proof of this except for speculation and hearsay, it's something I'd like to look into though..

As far as the dimensional shift stuff goes, I've felt some strange things going on too. I can't help but feel like something is up, but I don't know what or why, a lot of people I know feel the same way. It could be nothing more then the fact that we're living in strange times, the worlds a weird place, we don't need aliens, or alternate dimensions for that to be true, but it does make it more fun.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 03:44 PM
I think I might start a dream journal, I can never remember them and it is getting a bit annoying now! The few I can remember from childhood were awesome! The first obsticle is making sure that woman doesn't talk to me the second I stir haha!

I've also been having similar feelings torwards meat recently, cooking spaghetti the other day I just stopped and looked at the meat and really didn't fancy eating cliched as it sounds, I was imagining it as if it was a bit of myself... I got over it and enjoyed the meal but it was a pretty strange moment!

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by March of the Fire Ants

dream journals are amazing and really help! I didn't really believe in them until i tried it helps you remember 100x more details than you would otherwise, and also helps with lucidity and overall dream awareness.

Last night i had a pretty vivid/semi-lucid dream. I was floating down a river with a bunch of people (from all races/periods of time, i'm talking about samurai, nazi's, 21st century people, etc.) and we were all floating down this river of pure, bright, crystal clear water....everyone was peaceful and getting along, and the river flowed everywhere, just an endless ride (we floated past forests, cities, and the last place we were floating through before we woke up was Outer Space!)

I'm still not exactly sure what to make of it, but it felt really significant, and gave me a really positive vibe, as if somehow in the future we will all finally find some sort of world peace through some "journey" the human race undertakes... i dunno.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 03:00 AM
Just woke up after amazing dream.

Me and 6 other people in a house. We aren't related. We all "know", are shown what we need. One person has dreams or visions, that we write down she is meant to 'cross".A means of verification. We have to work on the house quickly be cause things need to be just so, as we have all seen. We are doing sheet rock and things like that.

Older woman who says things we write down, younger woman who is leading us, and another are all on a bare area of cement in the basement. written on sheet rock is 3 cross, 3 wait, and"tom" is to watch.

I feel like im to be destroyed, but not to death. That im serving a function, and helping everyone in the long run.

Thats my dream in a nut shell is what mentally follows.

That the dream is perfect. That everything makes sense. "my" mental vision and the symbols are perfectly layed out. That they come from somewhere outside of me. Not really something good. That this dreams use of symbols, imagery and metaphor mirror what I have observed in movies, and its all been carefully planned.

That I have been conned by the most amazingly seductive psychological "dream". that some technology created a perfect world that not only made me a "hero" type, I saved people. I "got my house" in order. That every movie I deconstructed while watching, has been a lesson. that im being prepared to walk towards death.

I remember reading about project blue beam after the norway spiral. people talking about the possible use of HAARP to influence peoples thinking. To create the voice of god in their heads while they observed a holograph.

What if the technology is far more insidious?

Old guy used to call me Thomas Aquinas, because I was so skeptical. Just weird.

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