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Writing the ATS Grimoire - Communal sharing of all wisdom Occult and Paranormal

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:13 AM
Good evening folks,

For the interest in the sharing of knowledge, a few of us have decided to come together and share the pearls of wisdom learned from masters, books and a lifetime of experience.

Lets use this opportunity to write a global grimoire of occult knowledge to push back the tide of the unknown.

So that we may attempt to better understand the great mystery and all its facets of realities; I invite all who bear knowledge worth sharing to write down their teachings so that the community may grow stronger, wiser and more connected.

With this 'book', it is my hope that in the days to come more of us will be prepared for whatever comes.

Much love and blessings,


edit on 15-10-2010 by Gradius Maximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Gradius Maximus

I have had exposure to demonic attack on many occasions early in the piece I found many do not respect the name Jesus which is an anglification.If your going to rebuke a demon or claim the blood of Jesus use the original hebrew name Yeshua instead,this has saved my ass on two major occasions once when hundreds of voices started swirling around my head and the other against a hissing,pissing demon that lobbed in my house one night,the word Yeshua just about burnt its ears out,it screamed and left.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:52 AM

I hope you don't mind me using this quote and then linking to Simply-Spirit as it saves me lots of writing here, lol.

Our universe is huge and complex, so what we do to know our place in it has to be Simple

We can come to know our place by having direct experience of our 'Self', the great Soul we are. The easiest methods are the one's free from dogma, other people's belief system rules and our own.

We don't need a guru to lead us, nor be involved in any other way that sets one person above all others. Freedom to experience, and grow without boundaries, is the aim.

Why is spiritual growth hard?

We all know growth usually comes from following a traditional path, one that's been used by thousands of people before us. With so many people choosing those same paths it has caused the Belief-Systems to become ingrained into our thoughts and beliefs about everything.

It's easier to link to than write everything here... Simply-Spirit

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by Gradius Maximus

Do you want things written on this thread? Do you want these things in U2U's? I could write a book myself about the many experiences my family and I have had and the things we did in reaction to them.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by kyred
reply to post by Gradius Maximus

Do you want things written on this thread? Do you want these things in U2U's? I could write a book myself about the many experiences my family and I have had and the things we did in reaction to them.

I would like to have as much public sharing as possible, but if you would like to share in private as well I would be happy to discuss anything of this nature.

This is a place for information to be released, like the rains that feed a river - let us share the knowledge.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

I have witnessed innumerable cases where people have drawn incredible powers from Jesus/Yeshua,

My personal feeling is that the name Yeshua does contain a different vibe then the one of Jesus Christ.

My immediate feeling is that Jesus Christ is an Energy I can embody and that Yeshua is a man, a person I can speak to tangibly.

I'm sure that an intimate knowledge in these figures can be a powerful addition to anyone working with the occult.

Although my experience with this personally is summed up with great respect and little practical application.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Gradius Maximus
Good evening folks,

For the interest in the sharing of knowledge, a few of us have decided to come together and share the pearls of wisdom learned from masters, books and a lifetime of experience.

Lets use this opportunity to write a global grimoire of occult knowledge to push back the tide of the unknown.

So that we may attempt to better understand the great mystery and all its facets of realities; I invite all who bear knowledge worth sharing to write down their teachings so that the community may grow stronger, wiser and more connected.

With this 'book', it is my hope that in the days to come more of us will be prepared for whatever comes.

Much love and blessings,


edit on 15-10-2010 by Gradius Maximus because: (no reason given)

Good Morning Gradius,

So, so pleased you went ahead and created the thread ... I think it will prove very useful to people from all walks of life ... besides being informative it will hopefully dispel a few misunderstandings too.

With that in mind I'd like to begin with my first offering to this thread with a little information about the element of 'secrecy' involved with The Craft (or indeed any branch of the Occult).

Over the passing of millennia ... it has been this code of secrecy that has convinced the outsiders that there must be all kinds of badthings and evildoings going on behind closed doors !

Now in truth I'm absolutely certain that behind some of those 'closed doors' there are indeed badthings and evildoings going on ... but this most certainly is not the case behind the closed door of a 'True Witch' ... and a 'True Witch' has got no connection whatsoever with Black Magic / Devil Worship / Satanism (the last two being the rebellious side of Christianity).

The reason a 'True Witch' would have nought to do with badthings and evildoings is because it goes against the Witches Lore - 'If it harm none so mote it be' / 'If it harm none do as thou will'.

There are two main reasons for secrecy in The Craft ...

#1 The first is a throw-back to the 'Burning Times' (the time of the Witch-Hunts) when being a Witch was a very dangerous and precarious life to live (or not ... as the case may be) ...

#2 The second is a more practical reason and that is to maintain the strength of a 'spellworking' ... in other words ... the more people you discuss your actions / will / intent with either before / during / after the 'spellworking' it dilutes or even cancels-out the success (a little bit like adding water to fruit juice ... the more you add the weaker it gets) ...

This is the precise reason why I could and would not discuss details of the ritual we performed in the Dirken Ridge - Red Eyes Case recently ... it was not in an effort to appear enigmatic and mysterious.

However, that said ... it is this element of secrecy that has actually given Witches this enigmatic , mysterious reputation ... and what outsiders don't know ... outsiders will make-up ... and because 'good' is often seen as quite boring for the words of most 'storytellers' they will add a flavour of wickedness ... to quote myself (from my ebook - The Atlantean Analysis) - '... you never hear a childs bedtime story that tell of a good witch being tormented by a wicked princess do you' ?

And as boring as it might be ... that is the true reason for Secrecy in Witchcraft' !


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:35 AM
Actully i have started such a project in July 2010 on ATS.
This is not actually a magical/occult thread series but the very core of all this teachings!

Yesterday i have started an update thread on them including all links and descriptions for them.
If you want you can also copy and paste some infos you feel fitting for this thread!
(But dont forget to flag them if youl like them

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:14 AM
Thank you for this thread. I am taking my first baby steps into the occult and the Craft and even though books are great, it is still nice to find a place where I can ask questions from those with real experience and to hear of those experiences also their perspective. I am very eager to see what information will come through this thread as it gets really going. Hopefully, as I learn more I will have my own thoughts to add, but for now I am content to suck up as much knowledge from you guys as possible. Woody, thanks for the help before (I'm still on board...just have been a little busy lately) and Gradius, thanks for getting this started.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

Thanks you, woodwytch, you presented it very well. There is a reason for secrecy in the Craft, for is normal "citizens" were to learn these powers the world would quickly become chaotic, and society would break down. I will say this, some one said something about the names of Jesus and Yesuah as power words. Yes, this is true. There are many power words, these are mostly connected to some God or other, the names of the God are vibrated in a specific frequency to draw the power into your circle, and use it for your intent. The Karmic Effect is direct, and most quickly applied in some cases when using this power, I once saw a witch have her tools turn against her, and I most certainly know all about the Karmic effect. I have suffered this effect myself.

Here is the thing, folks, if you desire to learn the ways of the Craft, the Force, as it were, then you begin first by forgetting everything you know as truth, and learn, learn, learn. Study for a year and a day before attempting anything. It is tempting to begin practising right away, but be aware, you will get in trouble fast. Take heed.

I do like the idea for an Occult Knowledge forum, but we would have to have it very carefully monitored, and everyone knows the Christians would be in there every day preaching about Jesus to us all, so they would have to be excluded somehow. Clearly, to me anyway, it would benefit us all if we had the knowledge right in one place, and ATS is the place.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:24 AM
Thanks for the thread, I look forward to learning!

I would like to ask for suggested books to read. TruthSeeker offered to share some titles on The Messenger thread. If anyone has suggestions, but does not fill comfortable posting here, please U2U me.

Thanks everyone!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:54 AM
Doesnt matter, i misunderstood what what was asked for here.

My bad

edit on 15-10-2010 by KrypticCriminal because: To remove wrong info

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Everyone is replying saying thanks for the thread yet noone is actually offering any real knowledge or wisdom. This says volumes about the difficulty of actually making this some sort of online Grimoire. such wisdom isnt necesarily "read about". It must be experienced, observed and earned. Ive no doubt there are many people who do have vast amounts of information to share, but I think it should be made clear that true understanding of the "occult" is not something that can be done one night while browsing the internet. I do encourage the sharing of the info, I just think a disclaimer should be made that one shouldnt expect instant or even effective results just by reading online. Thank you!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by dreadphil

Theres always someone who puts a downer on things

No, you actually make a good point. A lot of the time information is just information. It hold no wisdom what so ever. As you say, wisdom comes from experince and a lot of what you read on the web is just speculation and educated guess work.

I agree completely.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by dreadphil
Everyone is replying saying thanks for the thread yet noone is actually offering any real knowledge or wisdom. This says volumes about the difficulty of actually making this some sort of online Grimoire. such wisdom isnt necesarily "read about". It must be experienced, observed and earned. Ive no doubt there are many people who do have vast amounts of information to share, but I think it should be made clear that true understanding of the "occult" is not something that can be done one night while browsing the internet. I do encourage the sharing of the info, I just think a disclaimer should be made that one shouldnt expect instant or even effective results just by reading online. Thank you!

Looks like you just inadvertently made the disclaimer for the thread ... and if anyone who comes to the thread really believes that would even be possible ... then maybe it's worth adding that;

(a) No-one will become an 'overnight' Occultist / Pagan / Alchemist / Mystic / Shaman ... by reading this or any other single thread / book.

(b) Anyone who thought this might be the case is maybe not cut-out to be an Occultist / Pagan / Alchemist / Mystic / Shaman ... ever !

(c) Dreadphil ... I think you should give people more credit ... in spite of the few that we sometimes see here on ATS and in life in general ... most people really are more intelligent than you seem to be giving them credit for.

And what everyone needs to remember is that this will hopefully be an ongoing thread that will grow and mature like a fine wine ... I reckon it will take a few pages before it begins to take form.

I think those who consider themselves novices should ask their questions ... that way the ones who have experience will know which specific subjects to cover first (eg; which are most popular).


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:39 PM
In some ways the original question must be quite hard to answer - "share some knowledge". Where to start and how to write it? Would it help if there was some kind of format that people can follow?

Perhaps you could ask about a specific experience? (1) Outline facts/background (2) How did you deal with it? Reasons etc (3) What principles could you draw from it, or what lessons did you learn?

What you could be left with is a collection of principles that are worth sharing, with associated commentary to explain them in more depth, that could later be collated into a fantastic resource.

An example taken from an earlier poster might be:

(1) Background
On previous occasions I have been faced with demonic entities that have not responded to the use of the name "Jesus".
(2) How it was dealt with
"Jesus" is an anglified version of the correct Hebrew name "Yeshua" (pronounciation direction here). By using the correct name I was able to drive away the demonic entities.
(3) Principles
(i) Not all demonic entities respond to the name "Jesus"
(ii) Using the name "Yeshua" may be more effective than the name "Jesus"

edit on 15-10-2010 by EvillerBob because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by EvillerBob

Yep that seems like a good aproach to me and i dont think anyone will disagree. It will also help with classification and grouping certain kinds of info saving people time.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by dreadphil

Yet, there must be a starting point. I think that just internet and book learning is fine, but I am of the belief that without actual experienced people to help with advice and general direction then there is a potential for one to jump into something that is more dangerous than previously thought. I feel that is important to "read about" it before it is experienced and observed and that reading, learning and research "earns" you a chance to participate. I am very appreciative of this thread (which is why I was one of the people to say thank you) and I also understand that this subject (and practically everything else) does require practical experience.

I agree with the idea of novices asking the questions, but I have found that the subject is so vast that sometimes I get information overload, and sometimes it is hard to know where to begin. OneisOne mentioned suggested books to read and I think that would be great.

Could some of you tell us of some of your general experiences and/or how you began?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Abrihetx

I dont think he was saying that reading writing and research was a bad thing. I think he meant be careful where you get your information from.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Gradius Maximus

Someone has to contribute something for Pete's sake! So here you go! Please follow instructions at this link meditate,bathe to prepare for ritual,thank you.

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Take a steel dagger in the right hand (or use the index finger). Face EAST.

Perform the Cabbalistic Cross as follows:
Imagine, at the first word intoned, a brilliant white light descend from above.

Touch the forehead and vibrate ATEH (thou art)
Imagine that same brilliant white light form a 6 inch diameter sphere just above the crown of your head.

Touch the middle of the solar plexus and vibrate MALKUTH (Kingdom)
Imagine a shaft of light descending from the Crown Sphere and descend to the feet where another 6 inch sphere expands just under your feet.

Touch the right shoulder and vibrate VE-GEVURAH (and Power)
Imagine a 6 inch sphere of brilliant white light appear just next to the right shoulder.

Touch the left shoulder and vibrate VE-GEDULAH (and Glory)
Imagine a shaft of light emerge from the right Sphere and cross your breast to expand and form another Sphere at your left shoulder.

Clasp the hands before you and vibrate LE-OLAHM (for ever)
At this point imagine clearly the cross of light as it extends through your body.

Hands as before, with the dagger between fingers, point up, vibrate AMEN

Note: Any image or figure traced in the air with the finger, dagger or other magical instrument, is to be imagined in brilliant scintillating white Light. In more advanced working, other colors may be used. Make sure that all images drawn are correct, as brilliant as possible, and complete. The beginning and end of a drawn Pentagram must come completely together.

Draw, in the air facing EAST, a banishing Earth Pentagram as shown in the diagram, and bringing the point of the dagger to the center of the Pentagram, vibrate the Name Y H V H (pronounced YAHD HEY VAU HEY)

Imagine that your voice carries forward to the LIMITS of the UNIVERSE.

Without moving the dagger in any other direction, trace a semicircle before you as you turn toward the SOUTH. Again trace the Pentagram, bring the dagger to the center of it, and vibrate the Name ADNI, (pronounced AH-DOH-NEYE)

Again, trace the semicircle with the dagger to the WEST, trace the Penta- gram, bringing the dagger to the center, and vibrate the Name AHIH, (pronounced EH-YEH)

Then, turn towards the NORTH, while tracing the circle, trace the Pentagram, bring the point of the dagger to the center and vibrate the Name AGLA, (pronounced either AH-GAH-LAH or ATAH GIBOR LE-OLAHM ADONAI)

Return to the EAST, completing tracing the circle of brilliant white Light, bringing the dagger point to the center of the EAST Pentagram.

Extend the arms in the form of a cross, say: BEFORE ME (then vibrate) RAPHAEL (pronounced RAH-PHYE-EHL)
Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel in front of you and facing you. In his/her right hand is a magical Sword held with the point upright. The background is a pale, pure, bright yellow. Cherubs can be imagined near the Archangel. Imagine a gentle, refreshing breeze, cleansing and purifying the air.

Then, say: BEHIND ME (then vibrate) GABRIEL (pronounced GAH-BREE-EHL)
Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel behind you and facing you, holding in their right hand an exquisite silver Chalice. He/she is standing on a Cerulean-blue ocean and dolphins or mermaids are nearby. Imagine feeling the mist and cool spray of the ocean breeze.

Then, say: AT MY RIGHT HAND (then vibrate) MICHAEL (pronounced MEE-CHYE-EHL)
Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel at your right, facing you, and holding in their right hand a transparent scarlet red Wand with a scintillate pure diamond top. Waves of scarlet, red-orange and orange fire in the background. Also, SEKHMET, with a scarlet disk above her head, emerald green Uraeus, scarlet dress from just below breasts, tight-fitting, down to her ankles, is in the flames. She holds, in her left hand, a scarlet-red lotus wand. In her right hand, she holds an emerald-green ankh. Small black salamanders can be seen moving among the flames. Imagine you feel the heat and power emanating from the SOUTH.

Then, say: AT MY LEFT HAND (then vibrate) AURIEL (pronounced AWE-REE-EHL)
Imagine a scintillating brilliant white Archangel at your left, facing you, and holding between their hands a Disk with a scintillating white Pentagram in the center. The ground is russet-brown, the leaves of the trees are olive-green, there are black shadows from the trees in a number of places, and the light is citrine (light yellow-green.) Feel the solidity of the Earth, and imagine the odor of the leaves and muskiness of the ground.

Imagine the complete circle of brilliant white light at whose quadrants are the 4 Pentagrams. At the center is the Cabbalistic Cross of Light extended through one's body.

Repeat the Cabbalistic cross, and, according to some occultists, stamp your right foot at the conclusion of the complete operation. The Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is performed preliminary to any magical operation and precedes the Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.

edit on 15-10-2010 by CASH69 because: (no reason given)

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