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Jesse Ventura Schools Eric Bolling/Fox Business News About 9/11! Jesse Rules!

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Here is a proud salute to Jesse Ventura. He is using his persona, popularity and reputation as a no-nonsense patriotic American to spread the word about the truth about that terrible day. For many people, this interview will be the reason to investigate and "Study it," as Jesse prompted the interviewer repeatedly. It is obvious that the interviewer *thinks* he knows about 9-11. In fact, the interviewer actually merely *BELIEVES* the official story. It's painfully PAINFULLY apparent that he has not looked into the facts. Because, anyone doing so without an agenda, preconceived notions or a closed mind will come to see that event for what it was.

I know this because I was a staunch *believer.* I just didn't know I was a *believer* of the official story. I began to look into the science. There was a lot of noise I was hearing about this. Unbelieveable, I thought. That's crazy, I thought. But, I am a curious spirit. I kept looking into the facts, the videos, the interviews, the inconsistencies... and ultimately, all of this led to the TRUTH. Jesse Ventura is doing so much good to spread the word to people who might not listen to anyone but a retired WWF wrestler turned actor turned state governer.

Hats off to the OP, and a salute to Ventura!!! S & F.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by SeventhSeal

But the thing is... he had a point. Being a wrestler doesn't discredit his political life or beliefs at all. In fact, I might even compare senators, presidents, and congressmen to showmen in their own right. How do you get elected into office? You try to get the public to buy into your policies and beliefs through speeches, rhetoric, and dialogue.

Jesse utilized his past experience as a showman to get to where he is today in the political world. I commend him for that.

You can always tell when a person is shouting just to shout, and when someone has actual substance to the dialogue that they're preaching. What Jesse was saying had actual substance to it.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by vkturbo
reply to post by Aggie Man

Whats he spose to come out with hey hang on a second i'll just go get all the info i have and evidence i have come accross and i'll be back say in a few hours give me a break. Don't you find it amazing what America has gone after and blaming it all on terrorism whos the one not looking at the bigger picture

Come on...if you are given a 10-minute slot to make your case, then you had better bring better ammunition than a wallet sized picture and a supposition. If that is the best "truther" argument that Ventura can bring (and he is, apparently, the hero of the movement), then I say it's a complete failure.

Quite simple....Ventura has been beat in the head with too many lawn chairs.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:54 PM
Ventura was kinda speechless when he said it wouldve been cheaper to just buy the lithium... which is probably true.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:59 PM
There is one simple argument that can't be argued; the buildings fell at free-fall speed and acceleration. That would indicate that the lower floors presented absolutely no resistance. End of argument. It's physics and there is no argument. It doesn't need to go any further than that.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by AndrewJay

Factoring in that I doubt people thought that the US was going to be at war in Afghanistan and Iraq for as long as we have been up until this point, it adds a little more credibility to what Jesse was saying.

We went into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban and get revenge, right? Now the US population is largely exhausted with this... vendetta we seem to be on in the Middle-East, and we're actually negotiating with the Taliban, trying to work with them.

So I have to ask. WTF was the point?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Bollings justifications for "Knowing 911" are simply hilarious. His reasoning, 911 wasnt perpetrated by our govt because a) he saw it happen b) he consoled friends who lost people and c) he raised money for firefighters. This is what he considers "studying" the incident. And its also funny that his first response to Ventura's questioning of 911 has to do with seeing the planes hit the buildings. As if any person questioning 911 is implying that no planes hit the buildings. Few deny that planes hit the buildings, they only question who allowed or arranged it to happen.

As some have mentioned, the emotional responses cause people to become blinded to facts or at least conflicting facts.

I dont know for sure what happened on 911, but I know that the story that was given is completely full of holes. The biggest hole to me personally is the lack of black boxes from the planes. They are claimed to have been destroyed but this has never happened before. And the engineer specs on those black boxes are off the charts durable.

A Flight data recorder would have to be immersed in burning jet fuel for 10 hours to damage the data recorder, which it was not. There is just too much that doesnt add up.

I am glad that JV is out there questioning all of our govt bs.

Flight Data Recorder Information.

Current Survivability Standards TSO C123a (CVR) and C124a (DFDR)
Fire (High Intensity) - 1100°C flame covering 100% of recorder for 30 minutes. (60 minutes if ED56 test protocol is used)
Fire (Low Intensity) - 260°C Oven test for 10 hours
Impact Shock - 3,400 Gs for 6.5 ms Static Crush - 5,000 pounds for 5 minutes on each axis
Fluid Immersion - Immersion in aircraft fluids (fuel, oil etc.) for 24 hours
Water Immersion - Immersion in sea water for 30 days
Penetration Resistance - 500 lb. Dropped from 10 ft. with a ¼-inch-diameter contact point
Hydrostatic Pressure - Pressure equivalent to depth of 20,000 ft.

How Stuff Works Flight Data Recorder
Flight Data Recorder Wiki

edit on 15-10-2010 by iamcamouflage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Cheaper for who?.. certainly not the US war profiteers. And the GOP&DNC party leaders whose power comes from the fact they control where the $$ goes. Those trillions buy a lot more favors and influence on US soil.. than by sending the Taliban a check for trillions.

Also.. it's beyond hilarious that a prosthetic Fox news hawk is suggesting we should have simply just paid for these resources.. how?.. by sending Taliban "terrorists" and WMD addicted "mad man" Saddam trillions of US tax dollars?.. LAUGHMYASSOFF.. great plan dude, send "Americas enemies", so called, trillions of dollars they can spend on anything.. like erasing Israel? baaahahaha!! and callously tossing babies from incubators!!

As if the shadowy overlords and their subservient party leaders would simply pay for a resource "fair & square".. lol.. hilarious. And by pass the opportunity to install puppet govts in the mid East, build military bases/mercenary armies, pass the patriot act, feed the police state Viagra.. and all those other misc gains thanks to 9/11.

Ventura own that clone with his response.. indeed it's common sense thought process to opine "maybe it would cheaper to just buy the stuff?".. but since when does the CIA controlled govt operate by common sense?

Think out-side the herd.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:23 PM
Watching Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on true TV now.
There running all the episodes to catch up with the most current.
Jesse the man...

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:33 PM
Well that interview for the most part was both good and bad for him good up until the lithium remark but bad for not staying focused enough to bring legitimate argument and lack of factual evidence as was said earlier... i have seen much better from him in other interviews..

edit on 15-10-2010 by j4k312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:44 PM
What the hell! Is Jesse Ventura supposed to lay out the entire case for seeking the truth about 911 while a guy is sitting across the table wailing like he just lost his only child?
I hope he stays the course. TRUE Texans hope he stays the course!
(Any false Texans want to argue, let's wrestle!)

Go Ventura! You have a fan.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:53 PM
Go Jessie, AREA 51 is next week and George Knap is the man..
REally down too earth guy if you ever meet him..

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:11 PM
Not for or against any argument.
Everything that Eric did, to "Help" after the fact, has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the event took place.
It's as if he's enacting a retro causality. So his logic seems to be (because he was there), it absolutely had to be radical Muslims. Nothing or no one else could have been responsible, simply because Eric was involved? No thanks.
Jesse, on the other hand, seems to be grasping at straws and his stories seem to change and divulge as needed to keep pace. He's a quick thinker, but not a critical thinker. If he was capable of critical thinking, he would truly be a force to be reckoned with. Until such point, I feel that he's piecing together things the wrong way, and using that Marine mentality to cram it down everyone's throat.

More to the point, instead of either party being so single minded about the topic, they should take the opportunity to look at things from each others perspectives. Then again, that doesn't make for good TV, and it goes against the "Radical Media" agenda

edit on 10/15/2010 by reticledc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I have been seeing a lot of Jesse lately. His show is back on, and I have seen him on MSM a lot more. If we last long enough for the next election - if I saw a Ticket that said "Ron Paul/Jesse Ventura", you bet your every cent I would be voting them in. He he he

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:23 PM
For the sake of argument, lets say 9/11 was an inside job (I don't know if it was or not). How would Fox News present the truth to it's viewers? Shock, disbelief, amazement, half-truths, etc... But in the end, trickle in the powerful evidence little by little with as much control of the subject matter as possible. After all, they were only reporting the facts as they were given and had they known the truth, they would have surely reported it in a "Fair and Balanced" fashion. Well, Mr. Bolling sure did a good job with this interview, didn't he?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:31 PM
Any of you geniuses realize that "the body" was just there to plug his new tv show. Nothing like stirring the pot to scare up some viewers. I give his show a chance. It should be rather ENTERTAINING just like this interview.

Ventura is simply trying to keep himself relevant. Cheers to him for keeping the income stream going. What a concept.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:33 PM
Ventura made a mistake with the lithium argument; there is so much more to it than that. In fact, it was totally incidental. Instead of telling the guy to do his research, he should have given him specific points that "prove" the conspiracy. I like Ventura, but he could have done better.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:35 PM
As far as Lithium goes I agree it was more about drug trafficking as the C.I.A. has a history of drug and weapons selling. how else do you bankroll NCO's and Black ops away from Congress? Jesse is an interesting guy and a great author. Now lives in Mexico. The tv show he has is entertaining thats for sure. Very dramatic but has some well researched information.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I saw the Show tonight , and to tell you the TRUTH , I think both of these Gentlemen were putting us All On . Jesse's Shocking statements about Vietnam and 9/11 were Way Over the Top . He came off as Sounding like a NUT Imo . I also noticed Mr. Bolling Emoted a Fear of Jesse in his eyes during that Video I conclude was just Bad Acting on his Part . All in All , it was Entertaining , but you just have to take everything those two guys said with a Grain of Salt .

edit on 15-10-2010 by Zanti Misfit because: spellin

Way over the top? Because Jesse tells the truth and says it like it is? Like he said study, study and study. When people close their minds to possible explanations that go against "main stream thinking" then "they" have won the battle. We become cattle being led without the will to fight for the truth.

I am a vet. I am very patriotic and will always support the American way of life. This act against us was atrocious to say the least. To think this could be done with all the billions of dollars of equipment our government has at it's disposal, to just be able to simply fly an aircraft into a building without some kind of warning....

Impossible! The facts are there, people just choose not to see.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Sadly Jesse Ventura didnt know how to hammer his points home but his work is still commendable given his popularity and visibility in mainstream america. What Jesse Ventura needs is to relax because he knows the truth and to only respond with closed statements. The truth doesnt matter because the deception is what allows Americans to continue saying "hey it will be all right". I get the feeling this alien stuff, disclosure, is another "Jesus" event to keep people believing someone else will take care of te "problem" for them. LOL if people only understood Jesus was a Jew, practicing Jew, and the only difference with him was he felt that the scripture wasnt being fulfilled correctly at the time. The alien hoax may be based on a foundation of truth but what "advanced" civilization would want to interfere with natural selection? It is up to us to make it on our own and they will be there to welcome us if they are real and of course we make it in one piece. It begins with individuals first leading by example.
edit on 15-10-2010 by fonenyc because: (no reason given)

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