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New member greeting from Argentina with a crazy story

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:33 PM
I just became member to tell you the crazy and unexplainable thing the happened to me and a friend last sunday. First of all, I want to apologize for my limited knowledge of the english language, wich will make this post brief, but I'll try my best to make any sense because this was the craziest thing I've ever seen and I always thought that if I was ever going to witness something paranormal, it would be some "ufo sighting" type of event, not something like this.
Ok, let's cut to the chase. On October 10th (last sunday) We went on a trip to the mountains wich are close to the city I live Mendoza, Argentina (this place is called Potrerillos) We actually travel the day before and stayed there that day's night, but this event took place on sunday. At approximately 8:00 pm we left the house we were staying and headed to the village market to get food for that last night. Once we got there, we pulled over and parked the car right in front of the door of this market, which is an improvised market inside a house, we got out and entered the place. While we were talking to the clerk, we heard some kind of explotion outside in the street. It wasn't a big explotion sound, it was more like one produced by a short circuit in a street lamppost, and we thought that was exactly what it happened becouse the electrical tension suddenly went down and all the refrigerators of the market were inmediatelly shutdown but powered up two or three seconds after. We also stared to feel kind of sick an the three of us went outside to see what the hell just happened.
For our surprise, we could see how the cables of the street ilumination and the trees and posts were moving, like if we were experiencing an earthquake but without the soil movement of an earthquake, which made the situation even more extrange.
Ok, here comes the "twilight zone" part of the story. After astonished looking at each other for a few minutes tryng to understand this phenomena, we realized that the friggin' car was gone!!! Yes, our car was not there and the first thing that came to our minds is that it had been stolen, but inmeditelly discarted this possibility becouse despite we were inside the market, we were able to spot the car at all moment and this is not a very populated zone, is a village in the mountains. So, after running in every direction like crazy calling for the help of a police officer, we realize of what I just said before, that there was not many people around, and the closest police station was like 20 Km away, and it was in that moment when we finally find the car, but... we found it 100 mts away from where we originally parked it, that was, not more than 2 or 3 mts away from us. After 2 hours of arguments from wich we couldn't get any conclusions, we decided to follow the tracks of the wheels and what we saw really drove us crazy. The tracks seemed to go in the same direction all the way to the final position but, on its way, It should've crashed against all the 1 mts and some 2 mts rocks that were on the way, lampposts or even fell to the ditches that they have as a drainage system. I mean, we followed the tracks, an they stopped when they encountered a rock, a lamppost or a ditch, but they continued on the other side of these obstacles!!!
I expect any comment.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:44 PM
I'm sorry I don't have time right now to read your post, sorry, but I do want to welcome you to ATS and I truly hope you have a fantastic time and enjoy it. Any help you need just let me know via U2U(when it's available).

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Whoa, first of all, welcome to ATS! your english is better than almost the 10% of the native speakers here so don't be shy
I'm chilean and my english isn't perfect too, but time to time I see some post of people living in the US, who are US citizens and were born and raised there with a worst grammar than mine or yours!

Ok, the story is pretty weird also interesting as hell. I remember the time I went to Mendoza and the night sky in the surroundings of the city was incredible clear. I was pretty sure I was going to be abducted that night! so I believe your story. I had a weird feeling of being watched from the sky that night, so reading about something like this doesn't sound like nonsense to me. I hope someone here can help you to find an answer of what really happened, there's so many users with better experiences than mine on this field (I'm more into the paranormal and metaphysical threads).
Good luck here! And if I go again to Mendoza I'm sending you a U2U to go out and get some drinks and talk about UFOs!

- Cags

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Karlitoriv

Karlitoriv, welcome to ATS.... The story you presented that I just read seeems to possess a large amount of energy from your heart. I say this because you are contacting as a non english speaking individual and you brought this to a location where it could be heard, Star* & Flag for you efforts.

I read into what you say and the first thing that I visualize is the setting you described. When you get into the noise you heard and not making it seem very out of the ordinary, that also allowed me to sense the passion in your message. The thing is when you wrote of the visual of things appearing to be somewhat moving as if effected by a earthquake but without any movement, again this is another powerful description of what you are writing of. I imagined the background of fumes sometimes you may see near a grill or hot exaust/ENERGY discharge. It seems your car may not have been moving but the earth around it, DID YOU CHECK TO SEE IF YOUR CAR GAINED ANY MILAGE.

I dont really know what you were insinuating in the end, but I will say this they didnt seem to harm you as far as attempting to drive fear in you in a deadly way because you made it to ATS. So until we get further into what you write of, I wish you the best in strength and maintain because many may ignore what is not directly at their feet but 1 is able to see ALL who share Earth are neighboors and should appreciate Earth and each other this way..

Hope to hear more from you, not really into the usual conspiracy stories about the typical type ufos but I do take interest in ET-good/Alien-bad/Terrestial (human and non) spacecraft and Celestial/Earth activities and your writings did possess a certain passion. GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND

edit on 10/15/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Welcome to ATS!
Your story is very intriguing, I've never heard of anything like it. There's a lot of knowledgeable people on here, hopefully someone can give you some insight about your experience!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:33 AM
welcome my friend

I am trying my best with my english lol I am latina too
Your story is great
I am thinking... maybe a timeline shift? Check your places with detail and if you can see any significant difference post it here


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Karlitoriv
WOW! amazing and scary story! Also welcome! I think you guys just missed being abducted! Strange how the tracks were there at all? You would think that if your vehicle was taken instantly up in a craft then realizing no life forms were aboard?It would be put back exactly where it was? Thanks for sharing your story!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by stinkingzombie
reply to post by Karlitoriv
WOW! amazing and scary story! Also welcome! I think you guys just missed being abducted! Strange how the tracks were there at all? You would think that if your vehicle was taken instantly up in a craft then realizing no life forms were aboard?It would be put back exactly where it was? Thanks for sharing your story!

Hi Karlitoriv and welcome to ATS, by the way I'm also Latin as you'l find theres many Latins in here, and your English is just fine buddy, nothing to worry about! Now regarding your experience, I'm with stinkingzombies explanation on this one. I think you guys just missed being abducted and the whole thing about the lights going off for a few secs and all reminds of this quite interesting footage of a supposed abduction. Heres the link for ya:

Now, maybe you can relate to it maybe not but this video is the closest thing that I can relate to your accounts description, and in my opinion its very likely its the first abduction caught on tape. Hope you are alright and again Bienvenido a ATS che!



posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by ringht_n_wrong

Originally posted by stinkingzombie
reply to post by Karlitoriv
WOW! amazing and scary story! Also welcome! I think you guys just missed being abducted! Strange how the tracks were there at all? You would think that if your vehicle was taken instantly up in a craft then realizing no life forms were aboard?It would be put back exactly where it was? Thanks for sharing your story!

Hi Karlitoriv and welcome to ATS, by the way I'm also Latin as you'l find theres many Latins in here, and your English is just fine buddy, nothing to worry about! Now regarding your experience, I'm with stinkingzombies explanation on this one. I think you guys just missed being abducted and the whole thing about the lights going off for a few secs and all reminds of this quite interesting footage of a supposed abduction. Heres the link for ya:


The closest thing I can relate to this experience is something that happened in the state of Washington several years ago. It made the news at that time and probably has been on ATS. The last I heard, it was still unexplainable, in fact, as the original story stands, it defies any explaination.

The situation was that in a uninhabited area a large chunk of surface soil and vegetation, at least several hundred square feet of material in surface area and several inches in depth had apparently been lifted up from its normal resting place and moved in a curved motion, as evidenced by loose material that had dropped off during the transfer, to be deposited on the ground to the side. By any normal standards, this act would be impossible, but it happened.

The was no evidence of any seismic activity at that time, the activity was recent, no evidence of heavy equipment was seen around the area, and the land owner knew nothing about the event.

The only possible explanation I can offer is that a UFO came down, went to take off, and the driver mistakenly put it in reverse and the force field grabbed some of the soil below it and started to take off with it until the mistake was corrected.

OK. Not a good explanation, but I can envison it!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Karlitoriv

Welcome to the board, what an entrance, straight in with the high weirdness, I like it, can't explain what happened to you, but I'm fairly sure some fool will soon come on and insist that as you were in a new place you forgot where your car was or some such nonsense, my advice don't get drawn into their negativity and don't feed the trolls.

Star and Flag to you.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by ringht_n_wrong

I've seen that vid before and forgotten how good it was thanks, I reckon it would fit nicely into the "How often do you get probed by the grays?" thread.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Hi folks. Wow! I didn't expect so many comments so fast. Thanks for taking the time to do so. I became member just yesterday but I've been visiting ATS for three years now and posting this here was the first thing I thought to do before even tell anyone about this, because I think this was an experience I will have in my mind forever, I'm not gonna say it was "life changing" but for me is a serious thing. Honestly, we're are still freaking out about this and we are planning to go there again next weekend, actually is a place we've been to many times and we've heard a lot of paranormal stories of this kind since we were kids, but untill that night, we were never lucky enough to witness such an event. Thanks to all of you who are collaborating with opinions and theories, and it was a great surprise for me to find a lot of latin americans such as myself, incluiding some of our chilean brothers. I was in Chile this year visiting a friend when the earthquake struck your country and mine as well, but Chile got the worse part. I mention this because when we got out of the market and looked how the trees and lampposts and the electricity wires were moving, I remembered exactly that moment of us being in Chile in that horrifying moment, except in that opportunity, the entire ground was shaking like hell, but not this time, it was like something out of a movie, scary but also amazing and we only felt a little sick.
Ok my friends, It's been a long day for me and I'm really tired so, I'm gonna have to say bye bye for tonight, but I hope this topic stays active for a long time and of course you're welcome to ask any question you may want to and I'll be happy to answer them. I'll post pictures of the location when we get there next week.
Good night friends.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Thanks my friend! I promise to continue investigating this event.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by casijones
Welcome to ATS!
Your story is very intriguing, I've never heard of anything like it. There's a lot of knowledgeable people on here, hopefully someone can give you some insight about your experience!

Thanks mate! I hope so too.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Karlitoriv

If you come here again, drop me a u2u! I don't know ATSers in real life and it would be awesome to gather one day! I wish I can go to Argentina next year, I so freaking loved Mendoza (mostly because of the low prices of the books, I came back with my suitcase full of books, I didn't knew what to do with my clothes!

This year has been life changing for almost bevery region of our continent. It has been hard for us here in Chile, but that's not bad in any way, because we are usually very divided because of our past, but the last happenings, as the quake and now the miners had changed ourselfes a little bit... I just want to wash away from some people's minds the hatred to our fellow south american brothers, as peruvians, bolivians and argentinians. I have friens in Peru and Argentina that are absolutely gporgeous as people, and I can't stand when some of my friends here made fun of them. My neighborhood is full of peruvians, and I always goto eat t a small peruvian restaurant near my house, just to chat with random people and eat some salchipapa hahahah---

This year changed my life in so many levels...

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by ringht_n_wrong

Originally posted by stinkingzombie
reply to post by Karlitoriv
WOW! amazing and scary story! Also welcome! I think you guys just missed being abducted! Strange how the tracks were there at all? You would think that if your vehicle was taken instantly up in a craft then realizing no life forms were aboard?It would be put back exactly where it was? Thanks for sharing your story!

Hi Karlitoriv and welcome to ATS, by the way I'm also Latin as you'l find theres many Latins in here, and your English is just fine buddy, nothing to worry about! Now regarding your experience, I'm with stinkingzombies explanation on this one. I think you guys just missed being abducted and the whole thing about the lights going off for a few secs and all reminds of this quite interesting footage of a supposed abduction. Heres the link for ya:

Now, maybe you can relate to it maybe not but this video is the closest thing that I can relate to your accounts description, and in my opinion its very likely its the first abduction caught on tape. Hope you are alright and again Bienvenido a ATS che!



Gracias por la bienvenida che! I had seen this video before and can't tell wether is real or an elaborated hoax, anyway I found one similarity with our episode, the flash followed by the brief power outage.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Thepreye
reply to post by Karlitoriv

Welcome to the board, what an entrance, straight in with the high weirdness, I like it, can't explain what happened to you, but I'm fairly sure some fool will soon come on and insist that as you were in a new place you forgot where your car was or some such nonsense, my advice don't get drawn into their negativity and don't feed the trolls.

Star and Flag to you.

Thanks my friend. Well, yeah, even though I never posted here before, I'm very well familiar with trolling and negative comments since I'm online practically all day long because of my job (and adiction, hehe) but, like I said before, I take this very serious and I will focus on equally serious comments.


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:45 PM
That really is a grand entrance into becoming a member I must say. You know eventually some fool is going to say why didnt you take pictures of the tracks or something. Maybe when you go back you can at least take a couple to give them, us a idea. There may well still be a track or two left. That might hush them up at least.

Im curious as to what kind of sick you felt. Was it dizzy or sick to your stomach or???

I am also curious how the shop keeper reacted or the other people in the store if any at the time. I don't know if you just missed being abducted, bu it sure sounds like you were very near to some kind of glitch in time or something.

Oh yeah, by the way, Welcome!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Karlitoriv

Possibly a timeline "reset" yes. But why you were still able to remember the episode and the displaced car is strange. Might you have felt ill because you were moved from the future, and back to the desired event horizon.

That would be the only explanation, and why the car tracks "hit" several objects is because you were caught in the shift and the objects the car hit would have killed you and your friend otherwise.

It takes awhile for the whole area to "reset" due to the immense power required to reset the timeline.

Why God allowed you to remain conscious during that is something I have never heard of before.

I went through a timeline "reset" but I only knew it was the same year being played over, I was not conscious during the actual reset event. I did however know that I had already gone through everything before. Talk about weird.

Very interesting, and welcome to ATS.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Caggy
reply to post by Karlitoriv

If you come here again, drop me a u2u! I don't know ATSers in real life and it would be awesome to gather one day! I wish I can go to Argentina next year, I so freaking loved Mendoza (mostly because of the low prices of the books, I came back with my suitcase full of books, I didn't knew what to do with my clothes!

This year has been life changing for almost bevery region of our continent. It has been hard for us here in Chile, but that's not bad in any way, because we are usually very divided because of our past, but the last happenings, as the quake and now the miners had changed ourselfes a little bit... I just want to wash away from some people's minds the hatred to our fellow south american brothers, as peruvians, bolivians and argentinians. I have friens in Peru and Argentina that are absolutely gporgeous as people, and I can't stand when some of my friends here made fun of them. My neighborhood is full of peruvians, and I always goto eat t a small peruvian restaurant near my house, just to chat with random people and eat some salchipapa hahahah---

This year changed my life in so many levels...

Definitely man! I'll be glad to meet another ATSer in person. Actually I was in Chile the day after this episode for the Rage Against The Machine concert (wich was awesome by the way) but it was only a one day trip, just for the concert. I wish everyone here had the same way of thinking than you and me, hatred between people of two brother nations such as ours should be just a bad memory.


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