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Recent NY UFO sighting, a good thing?

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:42 PM
I am really surprised how quickly the media picked up this story. It was on the radio, television and in some newspapers, throughout the country. We did not have any riots, people freaking out, or the story being twisted in the media, like most ufo segments are and poke fun at the phenomenon and the people who believe.

I think it was covered well, people reacted respectfully, and no one was hurt.
What if this was some sort of test? Just to see how people would react to a ufo sighting, over a major city?

edit on 14-10-2010 by phrankie79 because: .

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:48 PM
Isn't it more the case that there was no freaking out or panic because there was actually nothing amazing to see?


posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by aaron2209
Isn't it more the case that there was no freaking out or panic because there was actually nothing amazing to see?



People looked up into the sky for a few minutes, then they were on their merry way.
Whatever was in the sky that day was either very small or very far.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by aaron2209

Yeah, that is true. People fight over the last loaf of bread, if the weatherman mentions anything about snow.
edit on 14-10-2010 by phrankie79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by phrankie79

Can you post a source or link that shows where this was covered by the media?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by gnarkill1529

There's a few for you. I assume you live far away from NYC? I live in Delaware, it was on a few different radio stations, and most of those good morning shows. It was talked about on the three major networks.

Too bad it is balloons though...
edit on 14-10-2010 by phrankie79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by gnarkill1529

Both fox and drudge had some information along with a new york channel seven broadcast that was very interesting. UFO FOX NEWS

Huffington Post
This has a cellphone video clip attached" target="_blank" class="postlink">UFO Mania

New York Daily News

just to name a few website or media outlets...from what I have seen from the news there is not much tongue and cheek inserted into these stories that were televised..

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:22 PM
Lets see if the human race reacts the same way when there is no doubt about what they saw. With how high what ever it was seen in NYC, there was plenty of speculation from people as to what they were watching.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:25 PM
I for one am pleased that it did receive some media coverage, although it turned out to be quite nothing more than some elementary school kids and balloons. But it shows that there is some interest in the topic outside of people like you and I. The fact that there was any media coverage at all shows that the producers of the shows know that there is an interest which is also a good thing. The fact that it turned out to be nothing was kind of a wet blanket, but that is to be expected. Lets just be happy that it did garner some coverage and wasn't dismissed as a fringe topic.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:29 PM
Well, hopefully, this incident will spark some peoples interest into the phenomenon. Which will hopefully mean, more eyes in the skies and more videos/pictures.

Who knows, this could have been the first time some kid even heard about this stuff and now he wants to be an astronaut, or astronomer, he's begging his parents right now to buy him a telescope..
edit on 14-10-2010 by phrankie79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:36 PM
I'll admit I was so excited because I thought it was real. It probably was just balloons. But either way, it was massively covered, even though it was seen later to most likely be just balloons. (I saw some very odd pictures though, but no way to be sure they aren't CGI or from a different time or something.) Anyways, what I think is best about this is the sheer amount of coverage it got. UFO sightings seem to usually be talked about in local news stations, if talked about at all. This was a very high profile situation, shows the media is becoming more friendly towards reporting on UFO's, so probably a sign that something that higher up people know about is going down. I mean, could just be that people in general are becoming more used to the idea of ET life but it could also be that they are conditioning us to think it is normal, so I feel that that is what was so amazing about this situation - probably means some sort of disclosure is coming soon (although we can never be sure we aren't just being paranoid haha.)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:12 AM
Thanks for the links

But to be honest I believe its the same thing people on here have been saying for the past day and a half now. Just Balloons. And also the two videos they put from the cell phones on one of those links are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to UFO footage. No disrespect to whoever posted it though
Im still in the mindset that the media isnt taking this as seriously as they need to...when they post crappy cell phone videos like on the link when there are many better videos out there...oh well

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