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Race Mixing Until All Humans Are The Same Color the Way To End Racism?

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 05:21 PM
If all people had the same skin color, I imagine people would simply redirect their focus from skin color to some other meaningless characteristic. To think this would create peace is nothing more than a pipe dream. If only it was more common to focus on the similarities rather than the differences... but alas, one can control only their own perspective and others will violently cling to ignorance.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 05:25 PM
that's the whole point.

nothing really matters cept what is on the inside.

we can't get around that.

fat, bald and short.

white black or red, it's a no go in society.

and i'm just talking about guys!

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I think that shooting all the racists would be much quicker and good for the gene pool as well. Darwinism at its finest. Joking obviously (Or am I?). People in general are stupid creatures that want to hate others for no good reason. Nothing will ever fix that, but hopefully we will eventually evolve as a species and quit destroying everything and everybody that doesn't fit in our "box".

Good thread, S&F for you my fellow Louisvillian.
edit on 10/14/2010 by KILL_DOGG because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 05:55 PM
I suppose in theory that if we were all the same color and race in equal portions (that would take a lot of very precise boinking which we are obviously just SO good at) that perhaps we would stop judging each other on skin color. Would that solve anything? Probably not in my opinion. Like so many have pointed out there are a hell of a lot of 'reasons' to hate each other. Geographic region, dialect, religion, social class, young, old, dumb, smart BAH!

TL;DR Not ever going to end hate.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:02 PM
I reckon yall are right, it seems like human nature would result in other means of segregation, even if we were all the same color. But I do thnk if we were all one race it would cut down on racism, simply because some racism is based wholly on ignorance and fear of the different.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:12 PM
While I share you sentiments OP, I also agree with others when the say that racism will just be replaced by another form of hate. Racism is just a manifestation of that same general hatred that exists in people. Look at intercultural conflict in Africa and the Middle East, the same bigotry and ill will is just placed upon another attribute. Religion, culture, geography, lineage; all reasons for bloodshed and hate.

I do like the idea of racial mixing. It is obvious that upbringing and the surrounding environment molds the character, physicality and mental aptitude of an individual. It is also a reality that some races possess natural attributes that are better in some areas. I like to think that all the trading of genes and races lends natural ability and talents to those individuals from both or many races.

That's a highly unscientific thought, but makes for good day dreaming.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:14 PM
it was brought up before here on ats.

star trek, frank gorshin and another guy fighting all the time.

kirk asked why they fight.

he said, don't you see? he is black on the right side!


but that's what it boils down to.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:50 PM
Sorry HBT, I'm afraid your idea only works in theory and can never work in the real world.
Racism is a learned behavior, it can be instilled from parents or it can be learned from society.
Even in a Utopian world, man would eventually get conditioned to hate others at some point because racism is in our programming.
At some point man would find something else to hate about his fellow man.
Though racism can be unlearned to a certain degree by some, it can never be permanent.
Heck, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that survivalism might even epend on this racism gene.

Call it survival of the fittest.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Sorry HBT, I'm afraid your idea only works in theory and can never work in the real world.
Racism is a learned behavior, it can be instilled from parents or it can be learned from society.
Even in a Utopian world, man would eventually get conditioned to hate others at some point because racism is in our programming.
At some point man would find something else to hate about his fellow man.
Though racism can be unlearned to a certain degree by some, it can never be permanent.
Heck, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that survivalism might even epend on this racism gene.

Call it survival of the fittest.

Sometimes I believe you're right, Alx, that survival depends on it. But I don't think it's racism. Racism isn't real. No one really hates other people because of the color of their skin, their customs or where they live, lived or immigrated from (I mean, they do, but it's a subset of more innate goings-on, in my opinion).

Racism, and all other hate including the colossal expanse of religiously-induced hate, I imagine, all come from wanting to be better, more important, superior to others. This causes suppression - what better way to be superior to others than to suppress them? Institutionalized suppression excels at artificially propping up certain segments of society ... to mirror their "betterness." And all of this, ultimately, is probably genetically driven as a subconscious, even innate, drive to gather the most resources, the best resources, to be the richest, to be the most successful, all in order to thrive the most ... to be able to maximize successful living in order to pass on genes.

Doesn't excuse racism and there are certainly people who aren't racist. But our development of intelligence, I think, is engaged in a war with our instinct. Sometimes our intellect can and does help our chances of survival; sometimes, though, our instinct makes all the difference. And many times, they complement each other ... or even, they both fail.

I read an article once that delved into this and suggested we (and consciousness, itself) are just tools our DNA uses in order to perpetuate itself. Sometimes it can be disconcerting to ponder this.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:04 AM
Yes it would work. There can't be racism if everyone is the same race. Though I don't think this at all promotes evolution of intelligence. Racism would not have been conquered, it would only become irrelevant. There are other prejudices that would remain unaffected.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by MrAndy
Yes it would work. There can't be racism if everyone is the same race.

It wouldn't work... No, Sir !

Once again, I have to reiterate that skin colour does not equal ''race'' or any kind of ethnic group.

The worst racial conflicts have always been between ethnic groups that would be broadly defined as belonging to the same ''race''.

eg. Tutsis/Hutus in Rwanda, Serbs/Croats in ex-Yugoslavia, the conflict between different ethnic groups in the Dem. Rep. Congo etc...

edit on 15-10-2010 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Interesting concept. I would love to be able to say yes, but something tells me human nature would find something else to "hate" about. I do not have alot of my childhood memories, but I remember reading a childrens book that was dealing with racism in a kid friendly way. Sadly I forget what the title was but remember the message vividly. I will strive to summarize it as best as I can.

On this planet there are a group of aliens that are all the same in every way. Suddenly a group of them all develope spots on their bodies. they declare they are better than the non spotted ones because they have spots and the others do not. So they immedeately segregate themselves and only socialize with other spotted members. This saddens the nonspotted creatures and they want nothing more than to be accepted and equal with their spotted brethern. Suddenly they develope spots also and immedeately go off to find the spotted ones. When they get their the ones that had the spots before see the new spots and immedately find something else to discriminate against them.

i do not remember the rest of the story, but I think eventually it stopped but I could be wrong.

I think that no matter what happens to us as a human race, we will continue to find ways to see "ourselves" as better than our fellow man whether it physical, genetic, empotional, or whatever.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 05:58 AM
I read a sci-fi book a long time ago with this same concept. You could not marry anyone within the same race as yours. I did not like the fact that people I'm most attracted to you could not marry because they happened to be the same race. I did not realize how violently I was opposed to the idea until I went to sleep and dreamed about it. In my dream I led a terrorist organization with thousands of people and we had nukes. Tehran went first as a demonstration city to prove we had the nukes. I had this dream probably 20 years ago before terrorism was in the news all the time. Then 10 major cities around the world would be next. I still remember that dream. First time I ever posted online about it though. The dream just showed me that I was extremely opposed to being forced to marry someone I did not care about and to wipe out of existence those traits in the opposite sex I found most appealing. Not all races look equally attractive to me in their physical makeup. I believe the same applies to others. To wipe those traits we find most appealing out of existence seems abhorrent to me.

Even if you had everyone as the same race and everyone had the same physical features, there would still be arguments over why someone was paid more than someone else or why someone got to live in the better part of town, etc. etc. to stir up arguments and resentment.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 06:59 AM
if you think a person who is racist is that way because of how they are perceived in a mirror or in gods eyes then you are mistaken. if you think a racist person is that way because their skin is green or lavender then i think you are confused about racism.if you think there is a way to end racism by doing something to peoples souls i would agree; but i would not see than as an end; i would see that more as a form of assimilation.if everyone is similar in their racist views that does not make the person or being who is subject to racism immune from the effects of assimilation.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 07:13 AM
Its funny its always white women who talk about this. Thats because they are being programed to dilute the genetics to create a dumbed down hive minded slave. I for one will never mix out of my race. I believe its a smack in the face to my elders who for thousands of years have been breeeding in there own race and all the sudden that line is gone. White women do this for attention as well as sympathy. Keep your race pure anyone all of them. Refine the line make it better smarter and faster within its natural evolution. Race mixing mind control is a product of the illuminati to create a confused slave being who has no allegience to anything. I respect all races individualy and I think we should be seperated and evolve within that. It also seems that only white people can become racists.
edit on 16-10-2010 by dntwastetime because: spelling errors

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by dntwastetime

When you say, and lay it out like that it makes sense, especially since we all seem to agree that isn't race that is causing the issues, it's just the 'low hanging fruit'.

But that is a _hard_ thing to say, we have been 'programmed' to immediately think racism and exclusion-ism when we hear something along those lines.

But when I process, using your argument, it rings true. I've hear it before, but haven't processed it completely, about embracing diversity. We should celebrate are uniqueness and differences, and exaggerate and honor and share those differences.

The first thought I had after reading your post, was well, I certainly (I'm a dog lover) wouldn't want 1 breed of dog.

I value all the breeds for their differences.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by NJE03
If all people had the same skin color, I imagine people would simply redirect their focus from skin color to some other meaningless characteristic. To think this would create peace is nothing more than a pipe dream. If only it was more common to focus on the similarities rather than the differences... but alas, one can control only their own perspective and others will violently cling to ignorance.

Agreed 100%. On another note. People are programmed to like what is similar to them. There's so much emphasis on inter-racial relationships and marriages in the media and such, but in reality the vast majority of relationships are intra-racial.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 11:07 AM
The best way to end racism wouldn't probably be to line up all the racists against a wall and shoot them. I'm not even worried that I'll be falsely accused of being a raciest because I hate everyone equally!


posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
There is a large conspiracy in our world today called racism. It is one of the worst conspiracies ever, it divides and breeds hate among and towards complete strangers.

Real racism died out a Century ago. Its not a big issue today, except for a few who see racists everywhere.

Could race mixing, the breeding of different humans with other races, be the answer to the rampant division that infests our planet as we sit here bemoaning the state of affairs from our laptops?

No. Difference and Diversity is beautiful. Under the guise of "equality" some would love to see everyone look, speak and behave the same. But its not necessary or even desirable.

I have never understood why some people are such ardent believers in "keeping their race pure". The only race is the human race, why can't we be united? Why does something as nonsignificant as race have the great ability to divide us and conquer us?

We dont have to be forced into conformity and "equality" in order to feel united as one humanity. Unity in Diversity is the way to go. Most of us have no problem with this.

Diversity breeds more fun and learning. Uniformity breeds collectivism and boredom.

A blue ball and a red ball can easily exist side by side. Both a blue ball and a red ball are nice to look at. Then there are purple balls which are a mix of blue and red. They are nice too. But we dont need to force all balls into being purple as the "equality" crowd suggests.

Diversity and Equality do not need to be opposites.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by markfelt

But if this is how humans are wired, why is racism and segregation so awful then? Are we not just fighting against ourselves?

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