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The October 13th Prediction That Came True! Summary Of All The Sightings!

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by rajaten

What Australian sightings are you talking about?

Not the one filmed in the Hunter Valley weeks ago?

This one here chadwick:

What do you think?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:27 AM

How about this one?

Its silly to try to debunk the magnitude of this event by discrediting ONE or even TWO sources of what has occured.

Believe what you must mod.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by rajaten

That one was on the 12th though...

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by rajaten

Sorry but the Lonnie UFO was actually a plane coming into land at Launceston airport. You can see them coming over from Melbourne for miles, flying straight at you for 10 minutes or more. Same thing in Perth when they come in from the eastern states.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

24 hours? You've got to be joking right? WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PREDICTIONS INTO THE FUTURE! Anything that occurs within a week either side should be considered. You think you can debunk the value of something because it occured a day before the mans speculative prediction date?
edit on 14-10-2010 by rajaten because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by rajaten

I never debunked anything.

You missed the

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:34 AM
No October 13th predictions came true.

Another detrimental thread with flags for no reason. I never saw the front page littered with so many devaluing threads.

It was fun, though, for a brief time, looking at videos and pictures yesterday. But no, there were no alien spaceships.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:35 AM
Reply to post by rajaten

I'm debunking this event.

Wait a few days and see if anything changes

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:39 AM


posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:41 AM
This is EXACTLY how the 10-14-08 predictions went down. Blossom channeled, everyone got hyped up, day came, people claimed to see UFOs but with no real evidence, day went - no mass decloaking, no GFL, no alien disclosure, People start making excuses "maybe they got the date wrong", "maybe they are going off an old calendar", "maybe they don't understand our process of dates and times", "Maybe not enough people BELIEVED so they didn't show up" etc etc but the point still remained that the WORLD WIDE mass decloaking of alien craft that was to leave NO DOUBT in anyone's mind that there was other life didn't happen. Did Not Happen.

This is the SAME THING all over again. Mr NORAD Prophet claimed there would be mass sightings at every major city in THE WORLD.... now I'm in Australia, and I live in the rural area of Darwin (A major city in the world) and I can tell you now there were no ships in the sky here.... or anywhere else in Australia. I know this because a lot of my facebook FL is made up of equally enlightened beings who are often looking skyward.

Now before you accuse me of being a hard nosed skeptic, let me assure you I fully believe in the ET presence on earth, I fully believe that the things we see that are explained away as swamp gas, chinese lanterns, lense flare and other nonesense are possibly ETs. I want them to come here, I want them to show themselves in unmistakable fashion. Today they did not do this.

Please, pack your bongos and head home. It didn't happen.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by Seventytwo

What you've pointed out is that you can't see past your own beliefs, this is called close mindedness, it's when someone can't even conceive that others can and do think differently to them, and those that do must do so under duress.

When one has hit that wall, there's no going back I'm afraid, they're caught up in their own self made lunatic reality.


omg! move on

get something to eat....

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by Seventytwo

Originally posted by Seventytwo

I'm surprised that members come here and say this is BS
Have you investigated the reasons why people might question the OP and its contents?

what is their agenda to completely dismiss this even though we see videos like this that prove the contrary.?

I often wonder what the agenda is behind those that have to infer or accuse others of having an agenda, simply when they have a different belief.

Have you looked at the OP's agenda.
Here it is.
A total lack of credibility and a taste for senstionalising topics with blanket statements, claims, and assertions.
Always with no evidence and lots of Youtube videos with guess what- blanket statements, claims, and assertions always with no evidence.

Here is the a little taste of the OP's agenda.
Claims disclosure is coming.
Evidence, a youtube posts of a radio interview with two guys named Greer and Hoagland, both known as charlatans who have been claiming disclosure is coming, for nearly 20 years now.
result=Posted Months ago, still no disclosure.
Next, OMG, its Marshall law, on nooooes!
Evidence, videos. Alex Jones gets a run as well as links to 2012 crap.
Posted 3 months ago......
Result=no marshall law.
Another festival of correlated events in order to support a predetermined conclusion.
You'll love this quote. It has the word Agenda in it.

I see a carefully designed string of events designed to lead us towards accepting certain actions by certain agendas for the future. Specifically I see this fuelling the empowerment of the US government to implement their 'Kill Switch' for the internet for control and tyranny purposes. And the fear that is being artificially built surrounding nuclear facilities will facilitate war with Iran.

I see threads being tied together in blood and fear with the chess pieces being put in place for a carefully controlled agenda leading up to 2012. What do you guys think?

And now we have it again in this thread.
A correlation, yet again, of nothing.

You want to talk about agenda's.
How about people who troll this topic into a popular joke by constantly over sensationalizing the slightest hint of a UFO or ET in any medium or form, polarizing the community into camps of "believers vs. Skeptic", and destroying sincere curiosity and intrigue by inviting scorn and ridicule on all those passionate about this topic.

How is that, for an agenda.

edit on 14/10/10 by atlasastro because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by rajaten

What do you think this string of lights is, at the bottom of the screen, which he is trying to keep out of the frame? Check how the flight path of the object corresponds with an aircraft lining up to turn final into that string of lights (blue line). Additionally, if you look closely at 1:49-1:50 you can see the wing strobes fire off for a second as the planes attitude allows them to come into view. The video quickly ends after that, as the aircraft is about to land.

edit on 10/14/2010 by defcon5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:58 AM
Well I saw something really strange in the sky tonight. I was going for my usual walk, around 8:30 p.m. I live in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It looked very much like some of the objects in those videos. Basically a whitish yellow ball of light with a slight tail behind it. The main ball of light seemed to contain collection of lots of little lights in the middle, shimmering and moving around each other.

I live near the airport, and at first I nonchalantly thought it was just another plane coming in for a landing. Either that or a runaway advertising balloon from one of the car lots near me. It wasn't though. I realized it was neither once I really got a good look at it. It came in from the west very suddenly, seeming to fade in as it came up from the horizon. It followed a curved trajectory and moved very fast across half the sky leaving a short trail behind it. Much too fast to be a plane or jet, and it was too close. The whole sighting was maybe five to 10 seconds. It wasn't a meteor, I've seen those before, and this was WAY too slow for that. It just kind of faded out and disappeared as it went over in a curve.

It was such a rare chance that I even saw it. I just happened to be facing the right direction, and sat down on the curb to finish a song I was listening to in my iPhone before I walked into my driveway. If I wouldn't have looked up just then, I never would have seen it. Because I had my phones on I couldn't tell if there was any sound.

I have seen a few very strange things up north, where people have had a lot of UFO sightings. This had the same look and movement to it as the objects I saw a few years ago. I have no idea what it was. Funny thing though, I go on ATS tonight and find all these threads about people seeing strange lighted objects in the night sky all over the country.....! Who knows?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by defcon5

What is that image? Where was that invented? I asked for your opinion on this video:

You have no opinion I guess. Real footage is too much for you to debunk I guess.

Very disappointed. I guess I had more faith and respect for moderators. You let me down man. Give me at least a credible explanation for the footage in the video above...
edit on 14-10-2010 by rajaten because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by atlasastro

It's okay to disagree that's what debating is all about. prove them wrong by all means, have fun with it do not lambaste it.

It's definitely been an interesting few hours but I would expect for the NORAD prediction to come true that there would have to be no doubt.

That's not suggesting that witnesses didn't see a UFO in NY, I certainly believe they did.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:06 AM
I'm sorry guys but none of these videos are anything like what the crazy bastard described. Have a look back to what he said and then come back with something like that.

Were any of these UFO's dragging giant banners behind them that said, 'your carbon dioxide levels are a little high chaps, we thought we would come and let you know'.

You can all ignore me, but wasn't that meant to be the reason they were meant to appear?
edit on 14/10/2010 by jexmo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:10 AM
Clearly, people around the world knew of yesterday's significance in the UFO world. Too bad we cant' track the sales figures of mylar balloons yesterday. I'm certainly not discrediting all sightings but.... I think some folks were just a little more sensitive yesterday.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by atlasastro

When you actually try to assassinate a fellow ATS user, you tend to reveal yourself. Whats funny is that I dont get paid to be on this site, I just enjoy the search for truth.

This is for you and all your buddies in the "office"

edit on 14-10-2010 by rajaten because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by sam_inc

Holy crap did anyone else notice the time stamp on this photo? Most of you won't see the significance, but those that have been experiencing this will. (The photo on page 2 of this thread)
On topic
Thanks OP for putting this together!! I had no idea there where so many sightings. What I find so convincing, even though all the footage is not definative, is that all these people couldn't have known anything about the prediction. Don't some of you find this to be a huge coincidence?
BTW, I had a dream last night that I looked up and there were huge crafts in the sky and I yelled" It's true, they came" I've only had a few dreams about ET before, and each time I did, something strange happened. Also, as I lay in bed last night (didn't think much about it until I saw this thread) there was a wierd noise in my ear that I've never experienced before, almost like an electronic fluttering, but I just dismissed it as an ear thing, but was it?
edit on 14-10-2010 by sickofitall2012 because: Clarify

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