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20 posts before I can 'Post'? -> Lead Based Paint & Back Scatter Vans

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:11 PM
I have been reading ATS longer than I can remember. I guess I am a “lurker”. I have searched all I can find here on ATS and have not found anything close to a question I have. I only made an account so I could ask my question and get a response or two. I did not think I was signing up for a long term commitment just for a forum.

Anyway, my name is Ryan and most of you would say I work for the ‘man’… I am Active Duty Army of 12 years now. And I have a question to ask you all.

Does anyone think that the removal of Lead Based Paint from our homes over the years has anything to do with the Back Scatter Vans now roaming the streets?

They say that the public’s knowledge is 50 years behind real technology.

To me, this sounds like a connection and very well laid out ground work. Now they can drive down the streets and “look” into our cars and houses without a warrant. And if they ‘see something’ they can use the back scatter picture/video to get a warrant.

I have never done any research nor do I know how to start a research project to even try and find a link between the two. So I am asking all of you.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by SyntaxNero

Hey SyntaxNero!

Always cool to see lurkers come out of hiding to add to content!

Since you've lurked then you know the score.... A mod will show with links, T&C...etc.

After you get your 20 posts feel free to u2u me if you ever have questions. I'll do my best to help!

I look forward to discussing your thoughts on lead based paint in the threads!


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

But I don’t think I have enough running around in my head to cover 20 posts…
Most of the stuff I think about I find has already been talked about here many many many times over…

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Hey Hefficide,

Can you copy and paste / Re-post my question for me?
I don't care about credit for the post/topic/whatever.

Thanks man.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 02:54 AM


posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 03:26 AM
I think you may have a valid point. Time will tell that the ptb cigarette outlaw campaign may have been, in fact, a way to keep everyone's lungs more pristine and free of protective mucous, and thus subject to nanoterror and radiation. I know that I worked many years at filthy jobs which led me to eject a lot of poisons with the expectorate at the end of the day. I always thought that this mucous in fact prevented the stuff from getting rooted in the lungs.

There's an ats thread I would like to show people which gives some pretty convincing evidence that cigarettes may not be all that bad, and that they may even be preventative, depending on how near you are to government waste dumps of spent radioactive waste; depending on the air you breathe, basically. Many of the people I am tempeted to show this to are trying to quit, and I don't want to be seen as being inimical to their plans.

I want to look in to the back scatter thing you mentioned. It sounds like a possibility. Personally, I believe that our world is being geared toward detection, of everything that can be detected, through our friend technology, of course, and corporate greed and government rape. I recall when lead received the 'brand' in the 80's. As time went by, it seemed as though it would become illegal to possess any lead at all, judging by media tone. Hard to say, hard to say. They tell you it mimics biological processes, urging cells to uptake the lead, and then lays there inert, causing problems. Then there's mercury. This stuff is so poisonous that doctors put it in our teeth, and some morons in congress voted to ban normal lightbulbs in favor of the mercury filled ones which will never be disposed of in a responsible way, never. This will lead to non-specific point source pollution. Probably it will kill off scrappers and garbage men, initially, as they reach in to bins looking for aluminum and scrap, inhaling mercury dust along for the ride. My sentiment is that the mercury will be slowly absorbed in to everyone and that it will be taken up in new nanoterror tools growing in our bodies to create nanoswitches, just like in electrical applications, except in our flesh. It's a conspiracy. There's growing evidence that we need to take down much of what we worked so hard at in order to stay up with the jone's.

A couple of weeks ago I commented that we have a weak cell signal here, and that there are bees and stuff, but many cell users whine about poor reception in the area. Just like that, a T mobile petition went up to seize park and school land for one of their weapons. God damn cellphones and their ilk. No one is smart enough to cancel their contracts, as far as I can tell. They are a weapon hiding in plain sight. I feel so bad for the kids in the park, the people who will be right next to them. I will never own a place because I am certain that a tower will go up as soon as I start to relax from my efforts at building a home, placing my feet on the desk so to speak. Naturally, I will attend the meeting later this month. I hate city meetings, but I loath cell signals.

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