posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 09:19 PM
A long time ago, but somehow in the future, in a thread far, far away, a discussion between several intellectually stunted individuals gave birth to a
scientific theory of epic proportions that has the potential to change our way of life and the world as we know it forever...
But no one bothered to remember it. All we know is it had something to do with a portal and kittens.
But I digest...
The purpose of this thread is very simple, because it's intended audience is the simple-minded. We all have our moments of stupid, random, wild, and
crazy thoughts and ideas. Rather than being selfish and keeping these thoughts and ideas to yourself, consider this thread your stage to share with
the world just how much of a psychotic imbecile you truly are!
To Hell with all the politics and debates; arguments and hatred! All who would like to let their guard down and embrace idiocy for a guilt-free
moment, I invite you to join in on the fun!
To kick this thread off, and in honor of our beloved portal, I will leave you all with this:
The portal is everything! All that once was and all that will be! The portal controls time and space; love and death! The portal can see into your
mind! The portal can see into your soul!*
*-These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.