posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 12:26 PM
A quote from Freemason "This film will drastically affect our lives if it manages to convince the lesser peoples of society (the ignorant and
adle-brained) that the enemy is not Terrorists but the freedom loving and small government loving Republicans.".
I have two issues with that statement... First off, to call the Republicans "small government loving" seems to be pretty far off from the truth
(Patriot Act anyone?)... Try the libertarians for "small government loving". Yeah, yeah... you have issues because they want small military too...
try to find some unflawed political party... I don't really know too many people from any party that subscribe to every last viewpoint that
represents the majority of the party (the planks if you will). The only "sane" viewpoint in my opinion is that of the Independent... I like the
idea, because to me, it says you care enough to think for yourself on the issues. You are confident enough in what you believe that you don't need to
join a "gang" to be accepted and for your opinion to matter.
Also, the lesser people of society are ignorant and adle-brained? What in your book qualifies someone as "lesser"?? Someone below the poverty-line?
Someone that has a "blue collar" job? Someone that doesn't share the same viewpoint as you? Someone who lives is a ghetto/slum or different part of
town (or from a small town for that matter)? Someone that didn't graduate highschool? Someone on welfare? Someone of a different Faith? Someone with
a different ethnicity? What makes someone lesser than you? Seriously, it just comes off as you are better than most "them" because you are in some
selfdiluted way higher (crack maybe?). If you're a "christian" and most Republicans are, why don't you do us all a favor and pray for Jesus to
knock you down a few pegs?
The thing I like about "lesser" people is that they tend to be a bit more humbled than the "highers". Most of the lessers I know are some of the
kindest most caring people out there.
Oh, and just to stop assumptions like above, and so I can also get an idea of your political influences, what religion are you? Christian? (Only
asking because, again, it is the most common Rep religion). And it would also help to determine what other opinions you may have.
Oh and JediMaster, F911 is not Kerry biased... As a matter of fact Moore doesn't like him either. It's basically just anti-Bush...
And just a quick rant... One thing that drives me up the wall is that people refuse to listen to an opposing viewpoint w/o screaming witch. Heaven
forbid some information or viewpoint be out there that you or your elite group don't agree with. Oh, and by group it can be anything from political,
religious, to just a group of friends or family. Is it really that bad to hear what someone has to say and politely dismiss it? Seriously, I'm a nice
enough guy to listen to any viewpoint... but, that most certainly doesn't mean that I have to like it... But, I will always try to never form an
opinion around something I know nothing of (I'm mainly saying it because I've seen a number of posts from people that have full opinions formed
about the movie saying F911 is full of lies, it's garbage, etc... but they haven't seen it and have no intention to. Yeah... that does a lot for