posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Hi everyone. Been reading the site for a few months and I suddenly, well, joined.
Some very interesting thoughts here on life, the universe and, err, mcdonalds.
I have been keeping a close eye on the the UFO threads of recent and can't help but notice they are reaching a near frenzy, but contains good
insightful debate from both sides of the fence.
The reason I'm posting here? Well, my job is to help create the unbelievable. I work on CGI visual effects.
I have a really keen eye when it comes to recognizing tricks and techniques used in creating 'post' effects and thought I might help out here in
debunking (or not) any presented UFO footage. If thats ok?
I'll hopefully be able to give you an insight on how something might of been created or manipulated using software. Or tell you if I believe it has
been shot 'In camera' ( there your own your own guys
If you have anything you want me to have a look at let me know.
Hope I can help (cut down some of the 'unnecessary' thread lengths.)