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Have Allergies? = GO TO JAIL!

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posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Government terrorists never run out of new ways to terrorize innocent people.

The latest round of government sponsored terror comes in the form of laws that ban the sale of decongestants above a prescribed small quantity. Apparently the criminal government has deemed it illegal to purchase more than a box full of decongestant, which means if you have a family of allergy sufferers, well…. you’ll just have to suffer – either in prison or with the allergies.

The following story highlights one family’s experience with State sponsored terrorists.

Jeffrey Tucker of the Mises Institute reports:

Just this morning the following email arrived:

In doing some internet research, I came across your article “Free the Clogged Nose-25” and I want to thank you for showing me that I’m no where near alone in my way of thinking and that the current situation that my husband and I find ourselves in is most certainly not uncommon. You see, we have 3 teenage children still living at home. In April of this year, their ages were 17, 16 and 15. Both my husband and I, along with our 3 teenagers suffer from terrible seasonal allergies and we have tried every over the counter medicine available as well as a few prescription meds. The only one that offers us any relief is Sudafed or the generic equivalent.

So, as you already know, my husband and I are the only ones in our family who can buy Sudafed. I will and have been the first to admit that in order to keep enough of the medicine for all of us, both my husband and I made purchases from more than one drug store. I knew we were exceeding our allotted amount but I also knew that the code of Alabama stated that purchasing over the allowed 6 grams per month was only unlawful “with intent to manufacture.” So, since we had no intent to manufacture anything, I didn’t see it as we were breaking the law.

In March of this year, local news media released word that a law was passed that would create a statewide database for all businesses selling pseudoephedrine so that customers could not bypass the limit by going from one pharmacy to another. That was the extent of the press release related to that new law. About the middle of May, my husband and I learned the hard way that they had conveniently left out a very important part of that new law when announcing it to the public. Apparently, “with intent to manufacture” had been dropped from the Alabama law regarding pseudoephedrine purchases. I’m sure you can easily guess the rest of the story. He and I were arrested for “buy/sale precursor chemicals” which on the first offense is a Class C Misdemeanor. My husband is a USMC veteran so he has a criminal record (bar fights, etc.) but never any drug charges. I have never had so much as a speeding ticket and I’m a criminal justice major in college.

Even after explaining the situation to the judge and pointing out that we are law-abiding citizens just trying to offer some comfort to our kids during allergy season, the judge still found us guilty. We have appealed that decision and will go back to court in December. We cannot hope to beat this with just the truth because obviously the truth doesn’t matter, so I am going to pray that “mistake of law” will get us a not-guilty verdict this time around … or I’m going to have to find a new major!

At the time we were arrested, our oldest daughter (not living at home) was a 4.0 GPA college student majoring in forensic investigation, our middle daughter was just days away from graduating historian of her high-school senior class after already having lettered in softball and volleyball and serving as secretary in the Beta club, our youngest daughter was finishing her 10th-grade year and an A–B student who had just days before made the color guard drill team for the fall, and our son was finishing his 8th grade year, an A–B student and hard working Junior Varsity and Varsity football player. We are very very proud of our kids and hate the fact that they have had to endure any negative associations that have come from our arrest. They are so resilient, though! They know that we weren’t actually doing anything wrong so they hold their heads up high and keep going.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:36 PM
Reply to post by mnemeth1

Would you rather be tossed into prison or rather somebody somewhere used those pills to get high?

I think the choice is clear.

Prison, obviously. It's the only way to keep us safe. Our children wont ever be safe until we're all locked up getting ass-raped and shanked.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Reply to post by mnemeth1

Would you rather be tossed into prison or rather somebody somewhere used those pills to get high?

I think the choice is clear.

Prison, obviously. It's the only way to keep us safe. Our children wont ever be safe until we're all locked up getting ass-raped and shanked.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

I think the only way to be safe is to have State sponsored gas chambers kill us all.

If we just killed off the entire public, we wouldn't have to worry about gang bangers or violent crime.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Seems Franz Kafka's "The Trial" has come home to roost, as it were. One day, when the herd has been thinned out by a few billion, perhaps things will get back to normal. Meanwhile...

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