posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:11 PM
Anybody ever have the experience of discussing "current events" with friends or co-workers, and realizing you ALL have exactly the same limited
information from reading the exact same story in the exact same newspaper? That all of you are trying to seem informed by parroting the same handful
of "facts", then using them to reach the conclusion that the editors of the newspaper directed you toward?
The standard chestnuts of China/US conflict:
1. China has no naval power
2. China holds US debt
3. Will never happen - too much economic interdependence
While I know nothing, really, about anyone's true military capabilities, (and if you think you do, please consider the importance of dissembling and
disinformation in warfare), it's worth remembering this:
Money is an exchange medium. True wealth is physical and mental. If your economy is in ruins, but you have control over resource-rich areas, willing
or coerced labor, and good strategists, your ability to make war still exists. If the world economy grinds to a halt, this doesn't cause ships to
sink. It doesn't cause crops to fail. It doesn't prevent your existing stockpile of bullets from firing. Furthermore, if you have raw materials,
and your labor pool is willing to work for nationalist sentiment or the fear of death, you have the capacity to make more bullets, etc. Granted, some
resources are available only in certain areas, but foreign nations may also respond to non-economic incentives to share those resources.
Wartime economies are robust because the war itself provides a ready "market" for goods. Rather than producing consumer items, productive capacity
is shifted to manufacturing weapons, whose "market" is their capacity to be "consumed" through firing. You don't need an export market for
speakers and microwaves when your factories have been converted to making field radios and radar...the battlefield is your market.
Slightly off-topic, remembering that money doesn't float ships or grow crops is useful in cutting through economic B.S. If they tell you we're in a
"depression", ask yourself how it is that people can go hungry while farmland lies fallow. Ask yourself how it is that with people who are dying to
work, the same amount of land, water, oil, and sunshine available, somehow a system that WE CREATED to facilitate the exchange of goods and services
is now preventing us from exchanging those goods and services. We talk about the "laws of economics" like they're the laws of physics, but
they're not. They are artificial, and the vast majority of economic theory serves primarily to confuse and obfuscate the truth - that the reason
people are going hungry and becoming homeless is that property owners are withholding our right to work for our own survival on the planet we all