posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 10:08 PM
I actually recall reading about the Bell Witch about 20 years ago. My mother was a huge fan of the Supernatural and of course her interests more than
rubbed of on me. She had a really thick book, I forget which company made it, but it was a literal treasure trove of all things Paranormal. In fact it
was really fantastic. I recall reading about the Bell Witch, but it has been so long since I had even thought about that story, that when I
encountered the link here I was curious, and sure enough I remember reading it in that book. I'm kind of mad at myself, for not holding on to it, but
I think it was lost in a move about 5 years ago, and I hadn't read over that book for at least 3 or 4 years before that.
The Bell Witch Link is really worth checking out, the story in itself is pretty terrifying. I feel very bad for the people who went through it, the
only explanation I have for her is a Demon, or if the Devil is real, it was him in guise of a woman.