posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:11 AM
Well here is my theory. It's possible that this could be a military tactic. Basically you flood a point with traceable equipment and map out the
supply routes they take and if they merge, or intersect at any point, you have found a hot spot worth investigating. Of course, any well informed
insurgent would look for tracking devices but there are other ways of mapping these routes via satellite and agents on the ground who could easily
retro trace any equipment that they come across in the black markets, especially when they know what to look for.
It would be a great way to incriminate corrupt Pakistani officials or even track down terror cells within populated regions of Pakistan. Let's hope
if this is the case that it pays off, wouldn't want to see my hard earned tax dollars go to waste. (again)
Oh by the way this is my first post on ATS, glad to be a part of the community!