posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by rajaten
Normally I stay away from the Beckster mainly because I don't like to see stuff that I believe being all twisted to fit the mold of zionism.... I sat
through the video presented.
It sounds as though he is saying to NOT believe in God if he doesn't get well??? I'm pretty sure God doesn't take deals like that. Perhaps he is
used to dealing with satan?
I say this: When you are doing a balancing act, walking a tightrope that's high up, as does Beck, it may be a good idea, in the very least, to
actually believe what you are saying to everyone?
It must be a terrible game to be a hired murdoch gun, and try to make it look like FOX is somehow not the same as all other state media outlets.
I'll try to listen to it again. If it's true that he allowed aminosweet in to his flesh, he had best allow a suitable decontamination period before
seeking a diagnosis. There's no telling what the extent of the damage from the known poison which used to be called 'aperetame' has caused.