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Israeli cabinet approves controversial Jewish loyalty oath

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:36 PM

Israeli cabinet approves controversial Jewish loyalty oath

The Israeli cabinet has approved a controversial bill that would require all non-Jews taking Israeli citizenship to swear loyalty to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state".
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
Israel plans 'Jewish' loyality oath
Israel's Netanyahu backs Jewish loyalty oath

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:36 PM
I do not really know what to make of this. On one hand, it would make sense for a state such as Israel to have something such as this on the books, considering the predicament they are in. On the other hand, it reeks of discrimination. After all, King Henry VIII of England demanded that all of his subjects recognize his authority as being greater then that of the Pope. Thomas Moore lost his head for saying no. With that in mind, I wonder how far Israel is willing to pursue this matter of swearing "loyalty".
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:47 PM
And maybe all the Israeli's living in other countrys should drop their dual Israeli citizenship and swear an oath to the country they actualy live in (i.e US,UK etc).

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:50 PM
What I find interesting is just how close this kind of nationalist behaviour is to fascism. I not saying that Israel is a fascist state but I think it's an analogy that can't be ignored.

Fascists believe that a nation is an organic community that requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.[15] They claim that culture is created by the collective national society and its state, that cultural ideas are what give individuals identity, and thus they reject individualism.[15] Viewing the nation as an integrated collective community, they see pluralism as a dysfunctional aspect of society, and justify a totalitarian state as a means to represent the nation in its entirety

Quote from Wikipedia.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Nathwa

so they should.

'' submit your life to the fuhrer! ''

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 08:36 PM
Israel’s life as a secular state is a problematic one, while trying to maintain a distinctive Jewish identity.

With one of the highest annual per capita average incomes, the typical Israeli/Jew like most of their western counterparts is likely to pursue careers over family.

Further to plan a family when they do have one, based on available income and the quality of life they want to provide to their child/children based on resources.

What this of course means as most Western nations know, those in higher socio-economic income classes tend to therefore breed less or not at all.

While those in the lower socio-economic income classes do tend to breed significantly more if not prodigiously so.

This will have the actual Jews of Israel who enjoy the best career paths and economic opportunities in Israel, being out bred by non-Jews.

In time this could lead to Israel having a difficult time preserving it’s identity as a uniquely Jewish State.

Demographically the numbers are trending towards Israel becoming a state where Jews are actually the minority.

This is really just one more extension of their apartheid and attrition policies to help prevent the Judean religion no longer being a political factor in a state where Jews themselves are increasingly minorities.

By maintaining the Theocratic values of Judaism amongst the citizens that then give the Jews a majority type say without having to actually have a physical majority of people who are Jewish.

The Miccosukee Indians are likewise having a hard time these days finding Native Americans who want to wrestle alligators at their Tourist Shows and have taken to hiring non-Indian alligator wrestlers!

I hear one of them is Jewish!

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by mithrawept

I was gonna say... Apparently we have not learned a damn thing since WWII, where loyalty Oaths were the norm. If its along the lines as what people here in the States recite when they become citizens that's one thing. If it goes beyond this, its going to be a repeat of history that the people of Israel should be very familiar with.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:26 AM
This is a horrible idea and is only a tactic to stall peace talks. This is one of the main arguments of the Palestinians and the only reason for such a thing by Israel, is to thwart the peace process, just as the promise to continue settlements do/are.

This is crazy and basically sidelines all Palestinians. After all, Israel is supposed to be a secular state. It is more clear than ever that Israel is doing whatever it takes to stifle any kind of peace because peace is not beneficial to Israel. With peace, Israel no longer has an excuse to wipe out the Palestinians. Really, the only losers in this conflict, are the Palestinians, relatively speaking.

However, even if a peace agreement is reached, Israel will most likely do what it always does and break the peace agreement and when the Palestinians retaliate, they have the media only focus on the retaliation, implying that it is the Palestinians who broke the peace agreement. Either way, Israel insures that peace is not achieved, thereby continuing on their agenda of wiping the Palestinians off the map.

You see, Israel can't simply go in and wipe the Palestinains out without a viable excuse to do, therefore they keep the conflict alive and the media focused only on the reactions of the Palestinians, thus allowing them to continue their genocidal campaign.


posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 08:32 PM


posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:37 AM
I may be wrong, however this seems to violate their very own Declaration of Independence, issued May 14, 1948.

THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open to the immigration of Jews from all countries of their dispersion; will promote the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; will be based on the precepts of liberty, justice and peace taught by the Hebrew Prophets; will uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex; will guarantee full freedom of conscience, worship, education and culture; will safeguard the sanctity and inviolability of the shrines and Holy Places of all religions; and will dedicate itself to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

How would the people of the United States feel if Congress, suddenly, and without warning, decided that every non-Christian or non-Muslim citizen had to take an oath of loyalty to Christianity or Islam or leave the USA????

It would be anarchy!!

When are people going to stop being so afraid of being labeled as Anti-Semites and call this crap as they see it?
If it were any other country, the world would be in an uproar. It isn't anti- semitism, it is coming out and stating the truth of how wrong it is.

Babylon is beginning to show her face.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by thegoodearth

This kind of reminds me of a segment from the book Animal Farm. When the animals took over the farm, they created a "bill of rights", declaring all farm animals as equals. Slowly, the Pigs took over, sleeping the farmers house, eating better food etc.

Eventually the "bill of rights" portion that read, all animals are created equal, was changed to:

All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

You beat me to it.
I was going to say there was an Orwellian aspect to this. Animal Farm is a great book to study.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Nathwa

I'm not sure I see how this is so controversial myself for foreigners to take a loyalty oath.

When someone from another country immigrates, legally I might add, to a country they are seeking safety.

Does not the country taking them in get to feel a sense of safety by a loyalty oath?

It is the repetition of not causing undue harm to a country someone is inhabiting.

The original article does state all "non-Jews" entering are being considered for the loyalty oath.

Should it instead state all "non-Israeli's" to be politically correct?

Isreal is a country whereas being Jewish is linked to the Hebrew religion and the Torah?

The difference is glaringly obvious just as much as Hitler was Austrian not German.

He still swore to defend Germany even if what he did was a perversion of it using the Jews as scapegoats.

So, Palestinian's, or Iraqi's, or Iranian's do not swear an oath of loyalty?

Is this the don't ask, don't tell mentality or the perversion of immigration over a countries rights?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Point well taken. I was just spouting some food for thought in my post. The way I see it, if someone has a problem with personally pledging a loyalty oath upon becoming an Israeli citizen, then perhaps they should just not try to become an Israeli citizen.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Nathwa
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Point well taken. I was just spouting some food for thought in my post. The way I see it, if someone has a problem with personally pledging a loyalty oath upon becoming an Israeli citizen, then perhaps they should just not try to become an Israeli citizen.

No worries.

I was only stating things how I see it, which is not necessarily exactly how it is happening, in regards to Israel.

I know foreign and domestic policy of the United States, and I know different aspects of a lot of different countries, but Israel is not one I specifically pay attention to, not because I cannot, but because like the rest of the Middle East, I'm tired of watching the idiotic Merry-Go-Round of stupidity in squabbling about sand in the desert, oil under the ground, and or each others policy in regards to their country, and what I see as petty, stupid, and spiteful behaviors that I want nothing to do with.

I know the Mossad intimately because of their intelligence/covert operations specifically.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I think that its alot more then that. Someone once told me that his take on Israel is that it is merely a vessel by which the elites can more easily exert their agenda in the Middle East, which would otherwise be a much more difficult place to manipulate. I myself am not sure about all that.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Nathwa
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I think that its alot more then that. Someone once told me that his take on Israel is that it is merely a vessel by which the elites can more easily exert their agenda in the Middle East, which would otherwise be a much more difficult place to manipulate. I myself am not sure about all that.

I cannot speak on what other people have told you as I have zero trust in someone I do not know.

This is why it is called, hearsay, you heard it and repeated, it is nothing but a passed on comment.

Israel however, has been in bed with the U.S. Government, since WWII this is documented.

When the Israeli Government, more the Mossad, found connections between American businesses and the Nazis, and other assorted details, a system of mutual blackmail was worked out, where Israel does America's dirty work for deniability and the U.S. stands resolute behind anything Israel does, especially since most of it is at the request of the U.S. Government.

Now, whether that is the "elite's", or just Government trying to destabilize the Middle East, who knows.

There are countless books documenting this so investigating it yourself would do you good to know the ties that bind.

Who Will Obama Scapegoat For The Economy, History Repeats Itself, Hitler Did It To The Jews?

I delve deeply into some of that information within the thread above so come on by and check it out.

As for Isreal making people swear a loyalty oath before becoming a citizen most countries do that.

It is a way of making people swear loyalty so as to not allow people without loyalty into their country.

For anyone who has a problem with it there are two solutions to that to resolve their issues with it.

1) Do not move to Israel and or do not seek asylum there.

2) Lie like every other criminal trying to infiltrate enemy territory.

Sort of a simple answer to a complex question.

But most people want to create drama where none is just to garner attention.

This is the way of people who seek to gain allies where none are or make enemies out of someone who is not.

Typical Middle Eastern as well as regular politics if you ask me.
edit on 10/25/10 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into The Post.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Touche. I know the history, and yah, I know i was sharing a bit of heresay, but that was just to stimulate more discussion. It seems like the Israel threads have burned up alot of interest in discussing it, as the newer threads have run dry.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Nathwa

Just because they are swearing an oath to Israel and the Jewish State--what exactly is the problem here?

When we have individuals in the US who take citizenship courses, we force them to bear allegiance to our flag--and God, if you didn't notice in the Pledge of Allegiance. Of course, the anti-Semites will be out in force on this thread bleating about how this is somehow a reduction of freedom--but if you want to become a CITIZEN OF THE JEWISH STATE it would only make sense that you pledge your heart to that state and Judiaism.

The same thing happens in America in naturalization ceremonies all the time, and since most Neo-Cons here love to scream about the need for immigrants to assimilate into our country (and apparently, Muslims need to leave their religion in their home country), I don't see the issue with what Israel is doing here. Now, the actions on the West Bank, illegal occupation, those are other arguments we can have, but this isn't really the most disconcerting thing I've seen come from Israel, especially since hundreds of other countries do the same.The pro-Ahmadinejad people on here do realize that Iran forces you to take an oath to Allah to become a citizen there, right? (and don't tell me that there aren't A LOT of pro-Ahmadinejad people here. If you ever see a thread about people individuals are crawling over left and right to praise the man who rigged an election, sanctions the deaths of gay teenagers for being gay, and sends riot police after protesters.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by zcflint05

Thank you for bringing this up. I for one do not see it as a problem, I am just raising awareness of something in the news that some in the ATS community consider an issue. I am completely impartial, and wanting to post something to see what people say about it, because many people on ATS have stark opinions on this subject matter, and I wanted to spur and facilitate discussion.

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