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Sirius A

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posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:42 PM
I can see why honest abductees never go public. Why would they be so interested in you....

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
first question is why would you let the NWO and an alien invasion happen? I am skeptical but still are you going to hide underground. theyre going to get you sooner or can stall for time and more life. but me id rather die fightin with a gasp of fresh surface air. atleast do something. why be afraid of death it is inevitable.

I'm not going to 'let' it happen. It just seems pretty inevitable by now. It's planned to happen within the next 15 years, after all. Maybe they'll delay their plans, but for the moment it is planned to happen VERY soon. Maybe even this year considering how much alien propoganda there is in the news lately.

second questionto daelume
can you please present your evidence of your abductions and existence of ET's?

Which evidence in particular do you speak of?

Even if I did present evidence, people would just say that I'm lying or faked the evidence (which I most certainly am not and would not!). Just look at the way people react to Billy Meier. He has proof of his alien contacts. Even photographs for crying out loud! But only those with open minds listen to him.

In terms of evidence, David Icke has published extensive books on the subject of Reptilians, as has Stewart Swerdlow. Swerdlow has the medical records to prove his alien abductions on a couple of occasions.

third why would someone put EMT devices in skulls made of crystal it aint something everyone has to control their mind.

There are ELF devices in a lot of things. Computers, TV sets, telephones, telephone poles, etc.

They put them in Crystal Skulls because it is part of New Age mind-control in which people do seances with Crystal Skulls, etc.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Lord_Doom

I can see why honest abductees never go public. Why would they be so interested in you....

I can see why it is so easy for the Illuminati to control the masses of Earth... Ahem...

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Daelume
In fact, THIS solar system is a binary star system. Jupiter is an unexploded star.

please, do not get me started on all the reason why jupiter is not a star and why it could never become one.

The ratio of our sun to Jupiter is about the same as Sirius A to Sirius B in terms of gravitational effects.

sirius a is about 2.5 times larger than the sun... and if sirius b were as far away as jupiter is from our sun then the two stars would be nearly touching one another, which they are not. also, you said sirius b orbits about 50 years, which is true, but jupiter orbits at just under 12 years.

I don't know where you get your information regarding binaries not being able to have planets, but it is totally false.

i haven't seen any information from you saying that they can. stars have MUCH more mass than planets. a white dwarf, sirius b, for example would still have about half the mass of the sun (2X10^30 Kg). jupiter's mass is only about 2X10^27 Kg... in other words, not even close to the mass of a white dwarf.

i challange you to show me a scientifically accreddited (NASA, a major university, etc) institution that says that binary systems can have life sustaining planetary bodies.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
Reguarding everything you have just said, check my recent PM to you.

I said "the love will come back to us soon". The reason being is that Love is Light is Knowledge.

God always knows what is going on. There is nothing that cannot be seen/known by the Mind of God, because everything IS God.

No one is coming to save us.

I don't know about this Zhedi Order, but it sounds like pure New Age disinforamtion to me. Maybe a satellite transmission.

The real God will not save us. It will allow us to save ourselves by realising the infinite power that It provides for us at all times.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:51 PM
I may need to explain what I think is meant by "Love is Light is Knowledge"

Love is Light: Light can be looked at as pure awareness. While the un-awareness is darkness.
The light exposes what is hidden in the darkness.

Love is Light because it is unconditional acceptance of itself (the light) and also what was hidden in darkness, as WELL AS darkness. Love is unconditional, so EVERYTHING is accepted without resistance.

Light is Knowledge: Light is awareness. Knowledge is also awareness.

You'd just have to find the relations between these 3 words, and see how they connect. Then you will see what is meant by "Love is Light is Knowledge".

The love that you experience is a frequency, a very "high" frequency, as lower frequencies are those "negative emotions". But you see, you can transmute those lower negative emotions by embracing the negativity of it all, including the emotion itself.

By embracing I mean to just accept it. Let the "thought form" of the "negativity" permeate throughout your being. That is true acceptance. Once you do not create a resisting tension in your being while thinking of these thoughtforms, you will have embraced them, and "loved" them.

The more pure awareness there is, the higher the frequency, the less awareness there is, the lower the frequency.

.... I might have gone off topic and also have integrated some of the things I have been learning into this post........ and so I have left it at that because I think it will do some good being here on this post.

[edit on 25-6-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:51 PM
First off David Icke is a con. and if you are not comfortable sharing your evidence here send it too me over u2u.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid

please, do not get me started on all the reason why jupiter is not a star and why it could never become one.

You are very wrong. Jupiter is an unexploded star and probably will become an actual star sometime this century as a result of the Sting of Pearls technology that was designed to do just that.

sirius a is about 2.5 times larger than the sun... and if sirius b were as far away as jupiter is from our sun then the two stars would be nearly touching one another, which they are not. also, you said sirius b orbits about 50 years, which is true, but jupiter orbits at just under 12 years.

That's not at all what I meant. I meant that Sirius A and B have about the same RELATION to one another as the Sun and Jupiter. So what? Jupiter orbits in around 12 years. It is an extremely massive body. It doesn't seem to be disturbing our gravitational field or preventing planets from forming here.

I guarantee you that you are totally wrong when it comes to binary systems supposedly being incapable of having planets.

i haven't seen any information from you saying that they can. stars have MUCH more mass than planets. a white dwarf, sirius b, for example would still have about half the mass of the sun (2X10^30 Kg). jupiter's mass is only about 2X10^27 Kg... in other words, not even close to the mass of a white dwarf.

So what? This doesn't make the formation of planets impossible. In fact, most of the ideas from the mainstream about the formation of planets are wrong, period. They totally ignore electromagnetism, and assume that gravity is the only force behind the formation of planets, when in reality gravity could never turn a cloud of dust into a solid planet. The entropy level is too high in such a system.

I bet you think that the Earth is solid to the core as well, don't you? Well, you're wrong about that, too.

i challange you to show me a scientifically accreddited (NASA, a major university, etc) institution that says that binary systems can have life sustaining planetary bodies.

Mainstream science is disinformation. It is a dogmatic and unadvancing religion just like Catholicism was during the Middle Ages. NASA are liars and scum. Just ask Richard Hoagland, who used to work for them.

[edit on 25-6-2004 by Daelume]

[edit on 25-6-2004 by Daelume]

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
First off David Icke is a con. and if you are not comfortable sharing your evidence here send it too me over u2u.

You are very wrong about David Icke. There is no evidence that he is a 'con' and the entire idea that he is a 'con artist' is completely absurd.

Refer to the thread on that matter for my reasons why.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:56 PM
if mainstream science is disinformation then why did you say that your claims are mainstream science. i think you are avoiding my questions.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:59 PM
Most of the wrong assumptions about binary systems are based upon the primitive ideas of mainstream science as well as not taking into account the fact that in most binaries with regular, Earth-like organic life, one star is far smaller (and less massive) than the other, and therefore behaves as a planet, revolving around the main star.

[edit on 25-6-2004 by Daelume]

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
if mainstream science is disinformation then why did you say that your claims are mainstream science. i think you are avoiding my questions.

Disinformation is a lie sandwhich. It is a combination of lies and truth. The truth is there to make the lies look true.

I cite mainstream ARTICLES on the truth part because most people will only believe something if the mainstream 'official 'institutions say so.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
i think you are avoiding my questions.

I am not avoiding any of your questions. I am trying to answer as many questions as I can.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:03 PM
well there is also no evidence david icke is not a con if he was real then he would have some evidence or he would only tell friends and family what he knew.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Daelume
You are very wrong. Jupiter is an unexploded star and probably will become one sometime this century as a result of the Sting of Pearls technology that was designed to do just that.

pleas explain to me what you mean by "unexploded star." do you mean a star that hasn't exploded yet? in that case our sun is an "unexploded star." or do you mean that is has not become a star yet? which, of course, it never will become.

That's not at all what I meant. I meant that Sirius A and B have about the same RELATION to one another as the Sun and Jupiter. So what? Jupiter orbits in around 12 years. It is an extremely massive body. It doesn't seem to be disturbing out gravitational field or preventing planets from forming here.

sorry, i misread your previous posting. even so though, a white dwarf star is many times more massive than jupiter. and jupiter does distort the earth's gravity marginally. look at tidal records when jupiter is at opposition of the sun.

I guarantee you that you are totally wrong when it comes to binary systems supposedly being incapable of having planets.

then prove it. show me some scientifically accredited websites that prove me wrong. you have to have gotten your "information" from somewhere. and if you're going to call it "disinformation" then i could just as easily come out saying all you to ahve said to be "disinformation." it works both ways.

So what? This doesn't make the formation of planets impossible. In fact, most of the ideas from the mainstream about the formation of planets are wrong, period. They totally ignore electromagnetism, and assume that gravity is the only force behind the formation of planets, when in reality gravity could never turn a cloud of dust into a solid planet. The entropy level is too high in such a system.

i'm saying though that because of the extreme tidal forces in a binary system that planets cannot form. i'm not getting into a discussion on planetary formation.

I bet you think that the Earth is solid to the core as well, don't you?
you shouldn't make assumptions. i believe the earth has a liquid nickel/iron core. who's wrong now pal?

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Daelume

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
i think you are avoiding my questions.

I am not avoiding any of your questions. I am trying to answer as many questions as I can.
i apologize sincerely too.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
well there is also no evidence david icke is not a con if he was real then he would have some evidence or he would only tell friends and family what he knew.

There is plenty of evidence that David Icke is not a con. Please ask any more questions about David Icke at the David Icke thread.

Why would he only tell friends and familiy what he knew?

That makes absolutely no sense!

Clearly you have never read a David Icke book, or have severely misinterpreted his information.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Daelume

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
Reguarding everything you have just said, check my recent PM to you.

I said "the love will come back to us soon". The reason being is that Love is Light is Knowledge.

God always knows what is going on. There is nothing that cannot be seen/known by the Mind of God, because everything IS God.

No one is coming to save us.

I don't know about this Zhedi Order, but it sounds like pure New Age disinforamtion to me. Maybe a satellite transmission.

The real God will not save us. It will allow us to save ourselves by realising the infinite power that It provides for us at all times.

I know, but it's an interesting thought isn't it? LOL. Unfortately, I have no way of comfirming what I said as being truth, I only rely on what is logical at the time I said it, but I obviously I forgot that God is supposed to be omniescent, omnipresent, all knowing, yada yada yada, which also is not logical, at least to our present state of being.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:08 PM
well first off i dont want to read his books because they are dumb unreal garbage IMO. also IMO you your self are not making much sense.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid

pleas explain to me what you mean by "unexploded star." do you mean a star that hasn't exploded yet? in that case our sun is an "unexploded star." or do you mean that is has not become a star yet? which, of course, it never will become.

Jupiter is an unexploded star as in a potential star that never developed into a star because its mass was not enough to do so. However, with technological assistance it WILL become an actual star soon if the Illuminati plans work out.

sorry, i misread your previous posting. even so though, a white dwarf star is many times more massive than jupiter. and jupiter does distort the earth's gravity marginally. look at tidal records when jupiter is at opposition of the sun.

Of course Jupiter distorts the Earth's gravity marginally. According to Einstein, so should the Andromeda system. Jupiter actualy shields the Earth from asteroids and comets in doing so.

then prove it. show me some scientifically accredited websites that prove me wrong. you have to have gotten your "information" from somewhere. and if you're going to call it "disinformation" then i could just as easily come out saying all you to ahve said to be "disinformation." it works both ways.

I'm sure you've heard of EnterpriseMission ( There is plenty of information there. Don't say that Hoagland is not a reliable source of information. A friend of mine who recently passed away was a top student of Carl Sagan and thought that Hoagland was an excellent researcher.

i'm saying though that because of the extreme tidal forces in a binary system that planets cannot form. i'm not getting into a discussion on planetary formation.

What can I say? That is incorrect. The "extreme" tidal forces are not as extreme as you might think. At least not in Sirius' case. This has to do with planetary formation. We are discussing planet formation. But if you want to give up, fine.

In terms of life in the Sirius system being effected by the tidal forces:

Khoom, the inhabited planet in the Sirius A system, has no moons, anyway, and the tidal shift takes 50 years so it has no negative effects on the life there.

you shouldn't make assumptions. i believe the earth has a liquid nickel/iron core. who's wrong now pal?

That is incorrect. The Earth is hollow.

[edit on 25-6-2004 by Daelume]

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