posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel
Romantic Rebel,
You are young and impressionable. Nothing wrong with being young, most certainly. However leadership in this world is more than just leading people in
the manner you are or were doing on your opening post.
Leadership is not taking advantage of the weakness of others. Leadership is getting people/others to better themselves when they don't think they can
do it. Real leadership is bringing out the best in others and showing/helping them to do so.
If you have ever worked in an environment where you are responsible for the safety of others, where you can be killed or maimed for life if you make a
mistake, or kill and maim others for will know the difference in discipline and leadership. As you mature it will become instinctive.
Leadership is a tremendous responsibility and one in which the perks and power do not exceed the responsibilities. Leadership is often a heavy burden
and the power if not properly used can cut you back or come back on you like a two edged sword or knife.
A leader is a person under discipline..not wildlife seeking to justify themselves and their promotion.
If you understand this of which I am can clearly see part of the problem with public education and also the leadership turned out by
public education politicians. Remember ..public education is financed and paid for by the body politic. Connect the dots here.
By your later posts it is good to see that you are mature sufficiently to see that there was something wrong with your approach and or
values/thinking. If you recognize this you know more than many peoples ..even those later in ages than yourself. Congratulations on this realization.
I hope it will stick with you and take you far.