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Sound Powered Suns

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 04:54 PM
There is a friction from the helio sphere on the galaxy medium that creates a sound frequency that powers our sun
Think rubbing a ballon on your shirt it creates static and a noise


That noise travels through the pressurized air to the centre of the ballon where the sound waves encounter that same frequency vibration from the resonance of the other side of the ballon
This sound overlaps in the centre of the sun and encounters atoms that resonate due to the frequency. The atoms start to collapse together until they try to occupy the same space then explode away from each other till they cool off then they start to resonate again and collapse together again in a continuous cycle

This is the heart of the sun, a convergence of the sound frequencies induced into our helio system from the friction of the universe on our helio system into a physical reaction at an atomic scale.

The static created can be likened to the repelling force of the local fluff (hot plasma gas cloud)
Encountered by the helio system.

this charged skin of the helio system is repelling the magnetically polarized gas particles while allowing neutral atoms to pass through

The energy released directly by the sun is a combination of kinetic energy imparted by the vibrating atoms and the chemical burning of material or gases. Energy being released from the sun is not just chemical but physical (vibration of atoms in a medium would impart an electrical charge)

the sun

This electrically charged gas being released is called solar wind and when the earth (iron)is travelling through this chaged medium (solar wind) a magnetic feild is produced (magneto sphere)

When the solar wind has travelled far enough to dissipate the electrical energy (vibration of atoms in the solar wind) from the sun it causes a boudry called the helio shock as the solar wind transitions to sub sonic speeds. This boundry is the edge of the frequency overlap of the convergence of sound frequencies.

this is a theory and i would like others to have theorys on this subject all are welcome
the amount of energy created and expressed by the sun is massive and the energy to hold back the universe and plamsa is also massive

edit on 10-10-2010 by XPLodER because: fix link

edit on 10-10-2010 by XPLodER because: add vid

edit on 10-10-2010 by XPLodER because: gramer

edit on 10-10-2010 by XPLodER because: add vids

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:11 PM
here is an example of how the pressure changes compaired to the direction of travel of the solar system

i imagine massive amounts of energy is required to keep the galaxy out of our protective sheild

here is one idea how it would look (visualization)

here is a vid about the sound of the sun

here is a very basic diagram


edit on 10-10-2010 by XPLodER because: add you tube vid

edit on 10-10-2010 by XPLodER because: add sound of sun vid

edit on 10-10-2010 by XPLodER because: add pic

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by XPLodER

This sounds much like the theory for the wave structure of matter. I am not sure about the transferring of energy by way of sound through space but I am intrigued by the sounds generated by stars, moons and planets. I do think it is possible that an interstellar cloud medium could propagate sound waves but I think that there is a lot more energy propagation going on here than just sound. I am especially interested in the process of energy transference from the galaxy to our heliosphere then to our Sun. Then from the Sun to Earth's magnetosphere and then down to Earth.

What direction is the bow shock in the image below coming from? I have seen this illustration before and wonder if the bow shock is coming from the direction we are rotating in the galaxy or perhaps it is coming from the center of the Milky Way.

In the image below it appears that the direction of motion of this local interstellar cloud is being influenced by both the center of the galaxy and the direction that we are rotating. Do you feel that these depicted motions are accurate?

I have a similar question about the origin of the direction that this energy is coming from in the image below. The different illustrations seem to indicate a change in the intensity of the galactic pressure on our heliosphere and a change in the direction of our solar motion. Can you elaborate more on this.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Devino
reply to post by XPLodER

This sounds much like the theory for the wave structure of matter. I am not sure about the transferring of energy by way of sound through space but I am intrigued by the sounds generated by stars, moons and planets. I do think it is possible that an interstellar cloud medium could propagate sound waves but I think that there is a lot more energy propagation going on here than just sound. I am especially interested in the process of energy transference from the galaxy to our heliosphere then to our Sun. Then from the Sun to Earth's magnetosphere and then down to Earth.

the sonoluminesence video displays the sound vibrating atoms. as the entire helio system would ocilate there would be no audable "sound waves" more a frequency of energy travelling to the center

What direction is the bow shock in the image below coming from? I have seen this illustration before and wonder if the bow shock is coming from the direction we are rotating in the galaxy or perhaps it is coming from the center of the Milky Way.

the diagram shows the solar system moving from right to left with the ibex satalite data overlayed onto the helio sphere part of the diagram

In the image below it appears that the direction of motion of this local interstellar cloud is being influenced by both the center of the galaxy and the direction that we are rotating. Do you feel that these depicted motions are accurate?

i cant find the source of this pic but in my mind the only things not added artistically is where the stars and center is

I have a similar question about the origin of the direction that this energy is coming from in the image below. The different illustrations seem to indicate a change in the intensity of the galactic pressure on our heliosphere and a change in the direction of our solar motion. Can you elaborate more on this.

these diagrams are ment to show different directions of travel in the interstella gas cloud


posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Devino

i have googled the theory for the wave structure of matter
and this digram and theory are a very interesting to me

just down from the top is three small animations and they depict the exchange from the exterior to the interior and from the center to the outside

edit on 11-10-2010 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2010 by XPLodER because: add link

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Devino

I do think it is possible that an interstellar cloud medium could propagate sound waves but I think that there is a lot more energy propagation going on here than just sound. I am especially interested in the process of energy transference from the galaxy to our heliosphere then to our Sun. Then from the Sun to Earth's magnetosphere and then down to Earth.

the waves propagated from the interaction of the helio sphere bow wake and the interstela gas cloud change form when they transverse the helio sheath boundry and are modulated by the solar wind going in the oposite direction to another form this energy travels against the solar wind and encounters the sun.
the energy causes a sonoluninese in the heavy atoms at the center of the sun and vibrates atoms and compreses there size to force them to callapse to the center and super heat.
when the atoms are too hot they fly outwards and impart kenetic energy to the sourounding atoms in a wake or wave this imparts electrical energy to the gas atoms and the energy radiates outward at amazing speed.
this elecrtrical energy is what the planet earth is in an induces an electrical current in the earths core.
when the earths core rotates it does so faster than the mantle or crust and as the mantle is made of iorn it creates a secondary magnetic feild.
this is beacuse of the electrical energy imparted into the solar wind from the sun.
there is a similar inducing of current happening as the different potential voltages of the interstella medium and the helio sphere interacte.
when the two boundrys try to interacte the energy exchange induces electrical flow polerizing the gas plasma
gas clouds that are highly polerized behave like a liquid
as a cloud there colective mass is huge
when encountering this strip of polerized pressure the atoms are individually effected and parted by there own charge polerizing and flowing as a liquid around the bow shock
there is an amazing amount of energy involved in this system

the idea is a feed back loop from the friction of the interaction of the local and interstella mediums inducing sonoluminesence and the energy released it what holds back the interstella medium in the first place


edit on 11-10-2010 by XPLodER because: grammer

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

That site has a lot of information in it and I think it also has a forum.

The wave structure of matter is difficult to get ones mind around in my opinion. It does seem to explain many things which makes it a logical concept but it quickly becomes difficult when we add in momentum, Doppler effects and accelerations. I am trying to understand all of this and this is the reason for my previous questions.

The motions of our Milky Way galaxy, and any other galaxies, show problems with our current understanding of gravity. This understanding, or lack thereof, fails to explain how these galaxies stay together so the concept of dark matter was invented. The only problem is that dark matter does not exist and therefore cannot be proven. There is a force that holds all of this stuff together but dark matter is not it. I think your theory of wave energy and the wave structure of matter are more inline with what's really happening.

Keep in mind that there are always accelerations being applied to all matter even if we don't notice them. The Doppler effects seen in your images show these apparent accelerations from an energy source and the mass that is interacting with it. I feel that understanding the orientation of the energy seen and the direction that these masses are accelerating is very important.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Devino

Keep in mind that there are always accelerations being applied to all matter even if we don't notice them. The Doppler effects seen in your images show these apparent accelerations from an energy source and the mass that is interacting with it. I feel that understanding the orientation of the energy seen and the direction that these masses are accelerating is very important.

as far as i can tell there is a propultion force on the entire system
the helio system is traveling forward in space because of attraction to the polerizing force and repultion to the polerized gases as they pass around and back together behind the helio system
as if the direction of travel would be in the oposite direction of travel of the gas cloud and we would be effected by the galxay because of its pull on the cloud as a whole
so we could be doing 1,800,000 kmh in a cloud doing 1,800,000 in the oposite direction while spiraling in a path in the arm of a galaxy which is its self moving through space


edit on 11-10-2010 by XPLodER because: grammer

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

You're implying that the Earth's magnetosphere is caused by the energy from the Sun. I agree with you and would like to point out that I don't think this is the current accepted explanation of our magnetic field. However let's continue...

So if the Sun creates Earth's magnetosphere due to an interaction between the 'electrical' solar wind and Earth's rotating iron core then couldn't we say the same thing happens with the Sun's heliosphere in relation to the galactic center? So energy from the center of the Milky Way galaxy directly effects the Sun through its heliosphere. Is there a Universal energy that effects galaxies in a similar manner?

when the earths core rotates it does so faster than the mantle or crust

I have also read about this phenomenon, it is said to be caused by the slowing down of Earth's crust by way of tidal forces, or drag as it were (our days are getting longer). Couldn't we go the other way and suggest that the Earth's core is rotating due to the energy it recieves from the Sun, via solar wind through the magnetosphere, and is rather dragging the core along with it?

My quest has been to understand the origin of rotational motions. From this I have found that all rotations are accelerations by measure and all motions are angular in theory. Every motion in the Universe is done by mass that is surrounded by other pieces of mass and so linear motions will prove to be either parabolic, hyperbolic or circular in some manner.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Devino

about Matter's coming into being and all its alterations we think that we have knowledge when we know the source of its movement.
... there is some other cause of the change. And to seek for this is to seek for the second kind of principle, as we would say, that from which comes the beginning of the change. ... Unless the further factor is active, there will still be no movement.
Motion must always have been in existence, and the same can be said for Time itself, since it is not even possible for there to be an earlier and a later if time does not exist. Movement, then, is also continuous in the way in which time is - indeed time is either identical to movement or is some affection of it. ... there being two causes of which we have defined in the Physics, they seem to have a glimpse of them, that of matter and that from which the motion comes, indistinctly though, and in no way clearly. (Aristotle, 350BC Metaphysics)

link to exterior content

if we can explain the origin of sound induced movement then the vibration and collapse of atoms creating an energetic release of kenetic energy, heat and pressure imparted to other atoms at different frequencies creating a electro chemical output of energy
this medium imparts angular momentum into mass but also a conection through the common feild it creates to link the movement of an object to the atoms that make up that object reletive to its place and speed in the feild
first on an atomic level then on a collective mass way


posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:59 PM
Forgot to put this in my previous post.

the idea is a feed back loop from the friction of the interaction of the local and interstella mediums inducing sonoluminesence and the energy released it what holds back the interstella medium in the first place

Take this idea even further if you will, think of this in galactic terms. The center of the Milky Way is producing a galactic wind, comparable to the solar wind, which I think is producing interstellar cloud medium energy that reacts with our heliosphere and so on.

reply to post by XPLodER

In theory the source of this energy is the rotating galactic bar in the center of our galaxy. As with Earth and its core the galactic bar also rotates faster then the rest of the galaxy, the outer most parts consisting of most of the stars including us. I think that there is a force here that is causing these rotations and therefore accelerations yet there are more accelerations going on here then we have discussed. This is where is gets really interesting in my opinion yet I don't know how accurate the information is that we are getting pertaining to this idea, so I hesitate.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Devino

here is a visual representation of my interpretation of the galaxy wide system

the main picture is side on the top left in top veiw
the horizontal line is the galactic plane
the black hole in the center is rotating and inducing rotation in the mass in the galatic plane
as the feild lines of the black hole radiate from the center they are weaker the further out they get but the faster they are required to travel but they weeker they get
as the loops of radiated energy transverse the galactic plane they are inducing angular momentium onto the mass encountered as it travels on its horizontal plane. this aera this convergence of exchange is expressed as the spiral arms of our galaxy.

the black hole has something simular to bands of energy simular to magnetic lines of force that weeken the further you go from the source

i think there would be a galaxo sphere simular to our suns helio or our magneto spheres
the harmonic of the super massive black hole at the center would be the source for all the harmonic interactions in all the solar systems creating all helio spheres around all suns in the galaxy

the galaxo sphere would be powered by the explosion or expansion of the universe and its friction and harmonic on the inter galaxy medium

edit to add a black hole cannot eat that much matter and not produce something as an exchange maby in a range we cannot measure yet


edit on 11-10-2010 by XPLodER because: more stuff

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Devino

The wave equation must be written (Wolff12) in spherical coordinates because cosmological space has spherical symmetry. Uniform density of the medium (space) is assumed which yields a constant speed of the waves (and 'light'). Then the only two solutions describe the charge waves of common charged particles including the electron, positron, proton, and anti-proton. They are:

IN-wave amplitude = (1/r)[ Fmax] exp (iwt + ikr) (a)

OUT-wave amplitude = (1/r)[ F max ] exp (iwt - ikr) (b)

F= wave amplitude, k = mc/h = wave number, w = 2πf, r = radius from wave center, and energy = E = hf = mc2.

At the center, the in/out waves are joined by rotating the in-wave to transform it to the out-wave. Superposition of the two amplitudes to produce a standing wave can occur in two ways depending on rotation, CW or CCW. One is the electron, the other the positron, with opposite spins. Write the rotation operators as Rccw or Rcw . Then the two resonance amplitudes are:

The electron = E(-) = [- InWave + OutWave] Rccw (c)

The positron = E(+) = [+ InWave - OutWave] Rcw (d)

this is very interesting


posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by XPLodER

the black hole in the center is rotating and inducing rotation in the mass in the galatic plane
as the feild lines of the black hole radiate from the center they are weaker the further out they get but the faster they are required to travel but they weeker they get

The problem here is that the inverse square law dictates that the energy on the outskirts of the galaxy would be at its weakest yet the rotational motion is at the same rate. The galaxy acts like a rigid spinning wheel. The galactic bar spins at one rate (50 Million Years per rotation), the spiral arms another (125 MY per) and the stars at yet another (225 MY per) yet each of these spin in a rigid form. It seems apparent that there is definitely an exchange of energy going on here and I don't understand how it works. Personally I think dark matter just falls short and I am left looking for another answer. The question does remain, how accurate are these measured motions?

as the loops of radiated energy transverse the galactic plane they are inducing angular momentium onto the mass encountered as it travels on its horizontal plane. this aera this convergence of exchange is expressed as the spiral arms of our galaxy.

This is close to the same thought I have. The galactic force in the center is introducing angular momentum onto the individual stars by way of the galactic arm. If the distance from the center is indeterminate to the rate of rotation then this would mean that the farther out you go from the center, the more accelerations are being applied in angular momentum, i.e. greater centrifugal force. This is interesting if you understand the effects of time dilation and inertial mass from accelerations.

i think there would be a galaxo sphere simular to our suns helio or our magneto spheres

Yes, this is something I have thought about. A galactic bubble if you will. The question now is how do the effects of time dilation and inertial mass have inside of the bubbles due to accelerations? Time slows down due to acceleration (gravity being an acceleration in this case) and inertial mass is increased.
Would it be correct to say that accelerations are the cause of time and mass itself?
Can these bubbles contain a localized force of mass and time?
If there is a localized time (helio and galaxio-) what would happen if we ventured outside of these bubbles?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:18 PM
here is an alternate veiw of an atomic structure

it fits my model so im adding it


posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Tesla said radio and similar electrical activity is electrical sound waves in inter atomic matter and
I assume he is correct as Tesla researchers the likes of William Lyne still remind us.
Light being electrical from atoms would not be the Maxwell EM wave but is a sound wave.

I just read something about Tesla mentioning high frequency sound and think he was
suggesting the commonality of the wave type.

The exploding activity on Suns make sound waves of light and electricity.
Tesla meant to capture these waves in half spheres of metal pointed at plates
tied to capacitors.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

here is some interesting material on this collapse and expansion cycles of the sun
notice the similarity with sonoluminesence

part 1 is quite interesting and have included it

edit on 23-11-2010 by XPLodER because: add part 1 video

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 10:50 AM
I know about the iron last stage of thermonuclear reactions in a star.
The star collapse can be stopped by electron gas pressure.
Perhaps the brightness as Tesla mentioned if the electron was ever
to be found in free space it would shine as bright as a star.
A big in the star business

This might be the book I read at one time.

Looks like he made a few more

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 08:57 PM
this is a very interesting video on the exterior resonence imparting energy into the medium of water

similar to the friction on the outter helio "bubble"

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 10:21 PM
Sound does in fact effect motion, when I'm in the same room as my wife, and frequencies come out of her mouth, it moves me to another room.

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