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Alien doppelgangers attacking humanity telepathically?

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by GOD HIMSELF

That is part of my point. It is just a matter of "Perception".

What? Someone killing someon else? We hear it all the time on the news. is it possession? Who knows.

Do you really believe the news?

I think alot of it is make believe.

Part of the delusion and power they wield over humanity is the power to decieve the masses.

edit on 10-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by GOD HIMSELF

That is part of my point. It is just a matter of "Perception".

What? Someone killing someon else? We hear it all the time on the news. is it possession? Who knows.

Do you really believe the news?

I think alot of it is make believe.

Part of the delusion and power they wield over humanity is the power to decieve the masses.

Hmmm, so the news of the Twin Towers? Regardless of who was behind it or not, it still happened. Again, what is made up and what isn't?

You have to understand that we are people of many differring backgrounds, knowledge, beliefs and idealogies, that make each of our "perceptions.

Sometimes, we are all looking at the same things, just from a different point of view.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by GOD HIMSELF

Hmmm, so the news of the Twin Towers? Regardless of who was behind it or not, it still happened. Again, what is made up and what isn't?

If many of the possessed are under the influence of an alien intelligence, that is playing them like puppets, is real then it is not so hard to believe that 9/11 was orchistrated by dopplegangers that they have placed in positions of power within the government.

It would explain alot of things.
edit on 10-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by GOD HIMSELF

Hmmm, so the news of the Twin Towers? Regardless of who was behind it or not, it still happened. Again, what is made up and what isn't?

If many of the possessed are under the influence of an alien intelligence, that is playing them like puppets, is real then it is not so hard to believe that 9/11 was orchistrated by dopplegangers that they have placed in positions of power within the government.

It would explain alot of things.
edit on 10-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

Again, your perception of things, simply because of what you have learned along the way.

We could also leave out the the "influence of aliens" and just say that it was the job of a few misguided men.

We could also say it was solely the job of some people in power looking for a pretense to invade other countries.

Obviously the best way to form an answer to ANY question is to gather evidence from all sides (point of views) and then make an informed decision.

But, to answer your thread question in a general manner? Is it possible? It might be, but We have NO evidence do we?

edit on 10-10-2010 by GOD HIMSELF because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit

Some people seem to be just totally losing it these days.

I am unaware of any who have been possessed who have escaped.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by GOD HIMSELF

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

... 9/11 was orchistrated by dopplegangers that they have placed in positions of power within the government.

Again, your perception of things, simply because of what you have learned along the way.

We could also leave out the the "influence of aliens" and just say that it was the job of a few misguided men.

We could also say it was solely the job of some people in power looking for a pretense to invade other countries.

Maybe we should genetically test the entire population.

Let's find out once and for all just who is human and who is not.
edit on 10-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by GOD HIMSELF

Speaking of jumping the gun, could you point out where I said medical attention?

I said to speak with someone better at assesing "feelings". That could range from a Pastor or Shaman to Medical Doctor or Mommy.

Like I said, I meant no offense. I have had similar experiences, and my advice was to find out more about why instead of what.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio

... my advice was to find out more about why instead of what.

Why is humanity under attack, instead of what is attacking humanity?

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

That is one of the whys.

I would check out "Why you get to know"

That one bothers me to this day, why do I get to know.

(Please understand, I share much of what you are saying. I have come to different conclusions, but the variables are the same

That is why I meant no offense, my first course of action was to make sure I was having valid experiences. So I advised the same. (Really sorry.)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio

I would check out "Why you get to know"

That one bothers me to this day, why do I get to know.

I suspect that the "why you get to know" would mean that they are manipulating you (And me) by indirrect means instead of dirrect possession.

A sort of containment process of those they deem to be dangerous and directly controllable.

And that is in itself a disturbing thought.

We're prisoners.
edit on 10-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

A sort of containment process of those they deem to be dangerous and directly controllable.

Ment to say directly un-controllable.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Is it possible that alien lifeforms have taken on the guise of human beings and are using hostile psychic powers to attack humanity?

They may have been on this planet for quite some time now. The ancient greeks may have been aware of thier presense.

Telepathy (from the Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθη, pathe meaning "affliction, experience

a doppelgänger is a tangible double of a living person that typically represents evil.

Hi In Nothing We Trust,

I think you are on to something and therefore gave your thread a Flag.

Today we are in the Prehistoric Times when it comes to research into the "other dimensions" which leading Physicists declare are actually part of our physical reality even if we cannot perceive them with our senses or measure them yet with instruments.

After all, not all of us walk around with pocket sized particle colliders.

However, we may have biological extrasensory means, the existence of which has been denied by mainstream science, yet which have elicited serious interest and substantial research budgets within secret military 'Black Operations' laboratories. Leaks from numerous whistleblowers have disclosed considerable information about certain of these programs, which have been ongoing in multiple countries for decades.

Beyond our knowledge of parapsychology, and aside from this interest in human telepathic or extrasensory abilities which can be termed 'astral projection', there is also the very serious issue of human vulnerability to outside influence. This has been seriously studied in depth for Strategic Defense purposes, should an as of yet undefined enemy seek to influence our troops by affecting their minds. "Possession" in this context would simply be a more extreme case of such an undue influence.

So we are today confronted with a situation where Possession - as in the movie AVATAR - is given very serious consideration as a key element of Military Counterintelligence. This is done not only by the impulsion of suggestions, programming, compelling orders or triggering of actions, but also by the grooming of attitudes and the conditioning of behavior. This is what is sometimes referred to as The Matrix within which we are projected into an artificially 'decorated' reality furnished with chosen objects with which we interact in loosely woven or tightly orchestrated scenarios. That today's governments are intervening in the fabric of this Matrix is undeniable, those responsible for said programs meeting openly in international conferences. However, we may consider that this Matrix pre-dates this intervention, and therefore is sourced elsewhere. Where is anyone's guess, and your thread is attempting to do just that.

There is also the case where undue and unreferenced influence is suddenly, sometimes violently against our will, trust upon us as in the case where an individual is subject to hearing voices, experiencing abductions or feeling that they are inhabited by multiple entities sometimes referred to as "legions of demons". Initially ascribed to possession by Evil Spirits using exorcism to expel them, later in history these phenomena were ascribed to mental illness called schizophrenia which medical psychiatry has nonetheless enduringly failed to do as much as describe and which it cannot pretend to find a cure. Today this is again being questioned, given what is learned of the human mind and our consciousness open to more influence than we may have been led to believe.

The issue of Alien Abductions is one that has attracted a great deal of attention due to its impact on society with many thousands of similar events experienced in every location in the world. That such an experience is REAL has been ascertained by leading researchers, some with more esoteric backgrounds and others with establishment credentials such as Harvard professorships. That these experiences are not entirely physical, as we have been accustomed to defining as the only measure of reality, is an entirely different issue pertaining more to our inability to understand than to the factual aspect of these phenomena.

Are these Demons? Are they humans using advanced secret technologies to warp our minds? Are there Alien Entities using unknown methods to control humanity through occult means traversing dimensional barriers? Whatever may be the case there is a consensus worldwide that something of this nature is going on, and has been going on for some time.

So your thread is most interesting, also with respect to its Doppelganger aspect which you will note I am currently exploring in the hopes of finding an explanation in the Clone Conspiracy threads in the ATS Skunk Works section. There is a distinct phenomenon which I would call "genetic patterning" by way of duplication of certain individuals that is not exactly simple to understand the motives for. However, in these cases, the aspect of Possession or passive mind control seems to be more established and lasting than in normal individuals. Is there an ExtraTerrestrial or ExtraDimensional connection? It's a tough call, and I hope your thread will help enlighten us.


posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

... there is a consensus worldwide that something of this nature is going on, and has been going on for some time.

There is a distinct phenomenon which I would call "genetic patterning" by way of duplication of certain individuals that is not exactly simple to understand the motives for.

Is there an ExtraTerrestrial or ExtraDimensional connection?

Have you done any research on RH negative blood types?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 02:06 AM
I think the concept of greek's and doppleganggers is a good thoughts, however I think that if it were true that the greeks would of left more of a clue around than just the cocept of a dopplegangger.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by demiroyale
I think the concept of greek's and doppleganggers is a good thoughts, however I think that if it were true that the greeks would of left more of a clue around than just the cocept of a dopplegangger.

What like archaelogical ruins or a temple or something?

I think they left us clues in the myhology. You can see the obvious doppleganger in the bible.

"Christ" / "Anti-christ"

THe concept of the doppleganger is found in lots of mythologies.

How about Janus the Two-headed Roman God of Gates, Doors and New Beginnings?


Or the Two-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire. Relief from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Istanbul.


The concept of evil twins is ancient and mythical. One of the earliest may be in the Zurvanite branch of Zoroastrianism. ... In this cosmological model, the twins — Ahura Mazda (Ormuzd) and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman) — were co-eternal representatives of good and evil. Ahura Mazda, representing good, was eventually expected to win the battle. The doctrinal foundation of Zurvanism lies in its interpretation of the Zoroastrian precepts of Free Will: Like Mazdaism (the other, and still extant branch of Zoroastrianism), Zurvanism emphasized that mortals always "have a choice between good and evil, and that one is always free to make the choice one way or the other." Zurvanism took this one step further and considered Angra Mainyu "evil" by choice, rather than by nature.

edit on 11-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:14 AM
What you the OP is describing seems to gel with what I have read on the montalk site regarding spiritless humans and organic portals. I too have observed what you have described and searched for explanations. You may find the following links helpful in an evaluation:

"What if you were to discover that certain individuals in government, corporations, military, academia, media, and the alternative research community are either reprogrammed versions of their former selves or artificial beings entirely? What if you learned these were under the complete control of covert forces possessing a vested interest in manipulating society? Then you would see a hidden order beneath the chaos in current affairs that leaves others with more limited understanding shaking their heads in puzzlement.."

(A free ebook expounding the quote is available at above link.)

Concerning Spiritless Humans (and Organic Portals), the link is:

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Golden Rule

I too have observed what you have described and searched for explanations.

"What if you were to discover that certain individuals in government, corporations, military, academia, media, and the alternative research community are either reprogrammed versions of their former selves or artificial beings entirely?

What if you learned these were under the complete control of covert forces possessing a vested interest in manipulating society? Then you would see a hidden order beneath the chaos in current affairs that leaves others with more limited understanding shaking their heads in puzzlement.."

I would probably call these people terrorists and throughly investigate them and everyone they associate with.

The problem is this is spiritual warfare so you can't see the enemy.

They look like you and me.

You don't know who to trust.

And they're winning.

You need a wildcard.
edit on 11-10-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:20 PM

The problem is this is spiritual warfare so you can't see the enemy.

They look like you and me.

You don't know who to trust.

And they're winning.

You need a wildcard.

Yes. That wildcard is fearlessness.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Armageddon is a psi war. The simplest way to win is to withdraw from the theater of combat, call all the sheep back home to the paddock.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Golden Rule

Armageddon is a psi war.

The simplest way to win is to withdraw from the theater of combat, call all the sheep back home to the paddock.

I imagine at this point there are many who are ready to become psi warriors.

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