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The ULTIMATE Project Blue Beam and Its Predictive Programming

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:43 PM
In this thread, I'll discuss the most important and interesting portions of Project Blue Beam and give many examples of predictive programming (I think some will surprise you). Project Blue Beam is so much more than "a fake alien invasion". Let's review it quickly. If you feel familiar enough with it, skip down to my next post.

The first is the 'space show.' Where does the space show come from? The space show, the holographic images will be used in a simulation of the ending during which all nations will be shown scenes that will be the fulfillment of that which they desire to verify the prophecies and adversary events. [...]

Then the projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into one after correct explanations of the mysteries and revelations will have been disclosed. This one god will, in fact, be the Antichrist, who will explain that the various scriptures have been misunderstood and misinterpreted, and that the religions of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, and nation against nation, therefore old religions must be abolished to make way for the new age new world religion, representing the one god Antichrist they see before them.

Naturally, this superbly staged falsification will result in dissolved social and religious disorder on a grand scale, each nation blaming the other for the deception, setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before.

Universal Supernatural Manifestations via Electronics The fourth step concerns the universal supernatural manifestation with electronic means. It contains three different orientations.

One is to make mankind believe that an alien (off-world) invasion is about to occur at every major city on earth in order to provoke each major nation to use its nuclear weapons in order to strike back. This way, the United Nations Court will require that all those nations which launched nuclear weapons to disarm when the invasion is shown to have been false. And how will the United Nations know that the invasion was false? They will have staged it, of course.

The second is to make the Christians believe that the Rapture is going to occur with the supposed divine intervention of an alien (off-world) civilization coming to rescue earthlings from a savage and merciless demon. Its goal will be to dispose of all significant opposition to the implementation of the New World Order in one major stroke, actually within hours of the beginning of the sky show!

The third orientation in the fourth step is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves used at that time will allow "supernatural forces" to travel through optical fibers, coaxial cables (TV) electrical and phone lines in order to penetrate to everyone at once through major appliances. Embedded chips will already be in place. The goal of this deals with global Satanic ghosts projected all around the world in order to push all populations to the edge of hysteria and madness, to drown them into a wave of suicide, murder and permanent psychological disorders. After the Night of the Thousand Stars, worldwide populations will be ready for the new messiah to re-establish order and peace at any cost, even at the cost of abdication of freedom.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:43 PM
So, we have a faked appearance of the "new messiah", a satanic demon, a fake rapture, fake UFO invasion, and satanic ghosts causing mayhem through electronic devices. Is there a proper sequence to these events? Yes. In short, here's the timeline:
2012 is the fake end of the world. Obama is the fake Antichrist, who rules for the Biblical 42 months (3.5 years). He will be removed from office on July 8, 2012 due to the "Obama was not born in the US" storyline. Because Obama and all his cabinet would be disqualified due to Obama choosing them, the line of presidential succession would skip VP Biden and go to the Speaker of the House, currently Pelosi, but I believe after the Nov. elections that Ron Paul will be made Speaker. Ron Paul will stave off an armed revolution while the US is in constitutional crisis and martial law while we go through this 2012 Blue Beam social engineering.
In August 2012 is the Mars Rover
Next, UFO's start to show up over major cities. People will think that this has something to do with "finding pyramids on Mars".
Sometime between August and December 21, 2012 will be the appearance of the satanic demon. This demon will be immediately followed by the "psychic disturbances"/ satanic ghosts via electronic devices that this appearance causes. This fake demon will appear from the Tevatron (similar to the Large Hadron Collider) in Chicago (where Obama the fake Antichrist is from). I'm not sure if the mass FEMA graves story out of Chicago is relevant here or not

The UFO's are nuked by various countries (but not by the US, remember, "aliens know how to turn off our weapons systems").
12-21-12. This is the day of the fake rapture (the UFO's beam them up) which is immediately followed by the televised Maitreya/ Christ speech. The UFO's leave. (Here's a very important point I want to make. The reason there is a fake rapture is to "get rid of all significant opposition to the NWO". How does this occur? The fake rapture makes people think that "no one good is left". Anyone criticizing the NWO will have no moral authority since everyone good is gone. People will be mentally "free" to do whatever their leaders tell them to do to their fellow citizens - namely round up enemies of the state and send them to the hidden concentration camps).
"5-19-13 EXPECT US" The UFO's return and the NWO dictator/ Antichrist is crowned.

To be continued

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:44 PM
Now for the Predictive programming. (All links from here on out are JPEG image addresses). For this I'm just going to stick to 2 comic book creators, Jack Kirby and Alan Moore. Kirby was rumored to be a Scientologist (founder L Ron Hubbard was a student of A. Crowley) and I think that it is likely true. I've used comic material from his "Fourth World" era (a thinly veiled reference to the "fourth reich"/ the NWO) - Forever People (1971) and Eternals (1977) (Eternals technically is not "fourth world" because that term generally applies to Kirby's DC universe comic book series and Eternals is a Marvel series but is definitely in the same era and thematic vein. Alan Moore wrote the DC comics League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Watchmen series (1987) and V for Vendetta (1988). He is a big time magician, worshipping a serpent god Glycon. Watchmen is about how a fake alien invasion brings a one world dictator to power. V for Vendetta is about a concentration camp survivor turned messiah.
Let's go through the timeline again.
2012 in general.
This page describes the 3 races (plus the space gods) - human, deviants (greys, reptilians, demonic aliens) and the blonds, talls, Greek gods, interdimensional good angelic aliens.
hollow earth home of "good" aliens-
In August 2012 is the Mars Rover. Pyramid on Mars from Watchmen.
Next, UFO's start to show up over major cities. People will think that this has something to do with "finding pyramids on Mars".
Sometime between August and December 21, 2012 will be the appearance of the satanic demon. Notice the "Institute for Spatial Science". This is a reference to the Tevatron and Large Hadron Collider. The demonic alien is coming from the building.
Here we see Moore say that the demonic alien is fake.
Here is another Moore story, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol. 2 with an alien invasion. The alien is very similar to the Watchmen alien - beak, tentacles, large brain.
Here's how they deal with the aliens in League.
Here's the same demonic alien attack from Kirby's Eternals.
Here it is again from Kirby's Forever People, but with an added twist. If you think that a mutated bird/ swine flu is on the way in 2012, and we're put into in home quarantine with orders to show up for mass vaccination, maybe you'll start to wonder what is in that syringe or patch.

The UFO's are nuked by various countries (but not by the US, remember, "aliens know how to turn off our weapons systems").
and here in League
Notice what happens in each instance. A type of “roar” from heaven.
Next comes the fake rapture.
But here again Moorre says the UFO (that are to rapture people according to Blue Beam) is fake, perpetrated by Illuminati freemasons (just like the Watchmen's fake demonic alien).
More rapture, by Kirby.
The previous nuclear attacks have triggered a response from the gods. The fake god/ messiah global TV announcement.
Here's the V for Vendetta tv announcement you tube clip. Notice that V mentions a future date that people should gather and clean up the place (the totalitarian police state). The antichrist dictator is going to win people over by railing against this police state. My guess is Ron Paul ushers in the NWO via railing against the totalitarian US police state. He gets the states to dissolve the Union and create a new constitution in line with the new messiah's directives. All things that would be in keeping with what he says.
Here's Kirby's version of this speech. (The speaker is Glorious Godfrey - God free.) Notice the mask motif as with V for Vendetta as when at the end of the V for Vendetta movie with all the people going forth with V masks on.
So, like I said earlier about the fake rapture creating a "moral freedom" because all the good people are gone, and people can treat enemies badly/ send them off to the camps, here is how Kirby describes the period immediately following the global TV speech.
The world is a "Happyland" (with hidden concentration camps) without any morality.
Here’s what happens when the Antichrist is made king. 5-19-13.

(It’s unclear if the rich business man stays the king or if it is stolen from him by the “sect”/ the illuminati dictator.) Again we see the helmet that has the power of mind-control from Kirby’s Forever People, but this time it is in the Eternals and the helmet has the power to nullify the mind controller Dromedan.

When the “good angelic” alien UFO’s get back from the rapture and “heaven”, electrical devices are going crazy. (Including an MIT robot). (Very similar to the Day the Earth Stood Still)

Hopefully, after looking over all these pictures, you can see that Rorschach’s journal which is sent to the newspaper at the end of Watchmen is an inside joke. The journal that can expose the lies of the alien attack and N.W.O. takeover is in fact a double for the Watchmen series itself.

And one last item. Check out DC’s address at the time of the Watchmen collected series trade paperback.

Thanks for reading.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:58 PM
That is a pretty crazy story man.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by jcrash

Great post man thanks for taking the time... If ships start showing up I would be very cautious.. I wouldn’t trust Disclosure what so ever..

Either way if all hell breaks loose don’t take up arms.. Don’t be forced to undervalue life. None of us have the right to take another person life.. Whatever way you dress it up its still wrong. You don’t deserve to have your life taken why should somebody or something else deserve to die at your hand.

This I’m protecting my country. I’m protecting my property or loved ones is a load of bollox. If people understood and valued life they wouldn’t be trying to take anything from you in the first place. If governments valued life they would never dream of sending kids to war or producing any technology that sole purpose is to take somebody’s life .
Anybody that has an active military and claims to justify killing and war is unbelievable. Especially the western allied governments who claim to be leaders of an intelligent civilisation governed by justice.


posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 03:43 PM
So you believe Ron Paul to play a part in the NWO? I never heard this in any other scenario so I'm wondering if I read what you posted wrong.
edit on 10/10/2010 by The Endtime Warrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 03:56 PM
I was really interested until the Infowars link. Seriously, please stop letting garbage sites like that rot your brain and distort your views. Other than that, the thread was quite well put together, so thank you for posting.


posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 08:50 PM
So, If all of this is to put a demon in power, I have to ask, Whut up with all the tech gear?
I thought demons had magick powers and stuff, so why would they need project blue beam, and demons in the DVR thing? Wouldn't they just show up and cast Majic Missile or the Djini Mind Trick?
Whats with all the tech?

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Wow I never knew of that

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by XigXag

If there is any deception to happen at all, it must be able to consolidate those who follow technology. Considering that there are demonic forces at play here, then it need not be revealed that a spiritual world even exists. These things will probably manifest themselves in a way that many will interpret them as marvels of technology. I could see the antichrist actually being more like a scientist or transhumanist...something along those lines.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 12:02 AM
Ron Paul would never become speaker of the house. Even if he was elected and Pelosi kicked out of her seat, Boehner would become Speaker.

And Boehner wouldn't even become Speaker unless Republicans take control of the House, which at this point is possible but not a sure thing.
edit on 10/11/2010 by spacekc929 because: addition

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

Yes, I think that Ron Paul is part of the NWO. How else would the NWO take power over us, politically? The upcoming push for a new Constitution is a bait and switch tactic IMO. Look at Rand Paul too. Why be a politician in Kentucky? Kentucky just so happens to be the number one state for per capita gun ownership. Texas while not no. 1 per capita probably has the most guns or close to the most guns in any state in sum total. The NWO needs to prevent a major revolution. What better way than to make friends with the people with the guns?

A lot will be revealed in this election. If Ron Paul is indeed made Speaker, I will take this as a major indicator of my theory being true.

About Boehner being made Speaker, why would this necessarily be the case? They will have a lot of new members. I suspect the story will be that the "Tea Party effect" will be the reason they give for Paul being made Speaker.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by XigXag
So, If all of this is to put a demon in power, I have to ask, Whut up with all the tech gear?
I thought demons had magick powers and stuff, so why would they need project blue beam, and demons in the DVR thing? Wouldn't they just show up and cast Majic Missile or the Djini Mind Trick?
Whats with all the tech?

Yeah, I am well read on Project Blue Beam, and have had two Gulf War vets tell me holographs and electronic mind control was used over there. I am also very well read on multi-dimensional entities such as Angels, Demons, and Jinn. According to the priests and scribes that wrote up on these beings, yes, they do have magickal powers that are far above any human technology. Only by knowing the being's sigil, name, and number association can one defeat, or control the being. So, if such a Demon (name means "inner self," so we are the demons) is to be brought forth, why is all of the holographic tech needed anyway? Just cast a circle and call them forth, like in the old days.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 07:01 AM
Very very interesting.... Infact this is probabley a more fitting idea as to the possibilities of it even being executed. Too be honest, I cant put it passed the 'powers that be'. I'm sure most of us know that 9/11 was entirely orchestrated. The "war on terror" is entirely orchestrated... elections, religion, economic crisis, global warming... the list goes on, its all entirely orchestrated! There are those in power who are unrelenting to sell out there own human race... but there HAS to be a reason behind that which comes to my question upon this topic.

Now, I read your post here sir... however, i'm not grasping the ULTIMATE GOAL... If this is to be executed and I am deeply concerned it will be very effective (not saying it will follow through entirely), but I do believe it will be heavily effective on a massive scale. What next? What is the ultimate goal BESIDES taking the rights and freedoms of the 'lesser population'? Why make weapons in space? If there plan is to make a one world government and redefine the aspects of religion to make it a one world religion, WHAT exactly is the ultimate goal to implement all of this senselessness? What direction does that even put the human race and life on this planet? Are those who are in control of this entire sabotaging campaign preparing for something major? What is it?

And also, as I've been asking the questions repeatedly through youtube videos of this particular topic and various thereof.... is this concluding that Alien life doesn't exist? And if that is also true, does that mean Alien life had no influence at all in the early stages of our species? The artifacts? The "Gods"? These Annunaki's and the sort.

Give me some reasonable speculations and I will consider that this plan to unfold is particularly logical to orchestrate. I mean, you have to realize this is something that seems to be coordinated on an extremely massive scale. I mean bigger than the Roman empire... way bigger than the Third Reich, extremely sophisticated. That is one huge huge huge hoax to fake and play out.

Also, another question about the nuclear weapons disposal. If they are shot at, from these "holographic images" of alien space-craft potentially threatening our planet as a 'hoax'... um... where the heck are these nuclear weapons going to hit exactly? I mean, holographic images are projections of light, they dont have a physical form to them and if they did, and these weapons exploded in mid air it would still 'cause huge huge massive ammounts of damage to our atmosphere, our earth... human populations would be whipped out instantaneously... there would be pockets of massive amounts of radiation that wouldnt sustain habitable... I mean, why would the powers that be risk that type of destruction for their own benefit? They have to live here to... which is why I am asking, what truely is the ultimate goal? Or is this all a covert way to mislead us from thinking that maybe an alien invasion is immenent... and these project bluebeams are possible defenses towards that.

I'm not saying I discredit the NWO conspiracy or the NWR conspiracy. I highly believe that all these events of war and nations raging for revolution are all apart of a bigger plan. I just cant really grasp the blue beam factor... I need more speculation from other opinion or atleast lead me in the direction to find that out because I have been looking everywhere to that question... Why? When there are rammifications after doing so? Why would they potentially destroy the planet in the benefit of enslaving it? There has to be another reason.... please explain if you can sir.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 05:20 PM
Aw, man, couldn't you have dug out a better thread out of the crypt than this one?

Seriously, though, this thread is rather embarrassing for me as my own research into this area has progressed rapidly since this particular thread was put together.
These threads I wholeheartedly stand behind as per Blue Beam:

I'm not saying I discredit the NWO conspiracy or the NWR conspiracy. I highly believe that all these events of war and nations raging for revolution are all apart of a bigger plan. I just cant really grasp the blue beam factor... I need more speculation from other opinion or atleast lead me in the direction to find that out because I have been looking everywhere to that question... Why? When there are rammifications after doing so? Why would they potentially destroy the planet in the benefit of enslaving it? There has to be another reason.... please explain if you can sir.

To sum it up, it appears our leaders are ultimately bound to their religious ideals much like many other people. Unfortunately, these ideals are founded upon Satanism. The occult rules them, has the most "cache" for the person who has it all. When one has it all materially, I guess, the next step up the ladder is to somehow see yourself as a god. And apparently Satanism is this route for them to see themselves as such.

The most revealing documents about the elites' mindset I have come across are the Scientology documents. I'm also starting to read founder L Ron Hubbard's Revolt in the Stars. [ I think many of the unanswered questions I have will be answered in Revolt in the Stars.] Please don't buy into people's smug dismissal of the ostensibly ridiculous things that Scientology describes. They are ridiculous because people don't understand the messages they are describing. They aren't meant to be taken literally. These Operating Theta documents describe Project Blue Beam in coded terms and reveal many new details about the 2012 psyops and nuclear activities.

In short, 2012 is their Satanic fulfillment of the Book of Revelations prophecies. 12-21-12 is the mid point of the Great Tribulation. The holograms are ritual magic to create the ascension of their Antichrist. Biblically, this great destruction that you are concerned by/ confused by is none other than the destruction of Babylon from Revelations. The NWO is Babylon going back online - this is the great initiation: everyone one chooses Babylon, the unholy spiritual and material system, or they refuse and are killed, if possible. Spiritually, you can think of it as Satan destroys Babylon to show God and people that they in fact DO love Satan and Babylon. This current way of life is underwritten by Satan. Satan goes on "strike" if you will, for a short time, and then brings it back online as if to say, "See, You really did miss me". People will choose the old way of living or not and be killed.

There's a whole lot more to it. I highly recommend to you my other threads for a more in depth look into Scientology and everything else.

EDIT to add:
To answer why aliens etc. The alien hoax is their parody of the Judeo-Christian God. Most likely, Xenu (Scientology "god") is the ruler of the Greys, clones because they are "mind controlled" (think Darth Vader as Xenu leader of Galactic Federation and Stormtroopers as Greys). It is this idea that they use to further their agenda.
edit on 4-2-2011 by jcrash because: added more

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