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Former Senator Mike Gravel Spearheads California 9/11 Truth Commission Initiative

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 12:42 PM

He supported and worked on the NYCCAN 2009 ballot initiative in New York City that would have established a local commission to conduct an impartial, evidence-driven investigation into the events of September 11, 2001. 80,000 New Yorkers signed the petition, far exceeding the requirement for the proposed City Charter amendment to be presented to the voters on the November ballot. However, the City of New York refused to place it on the ballot citing legal insufficiencies in the petition, and the State Supreme Court ruled in the City’s favor.

Senator Gravel also moderated the DC Press Conference and mock debate that Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth organized on September 9, 2010 and spoke on a panel and outlined his vision for the California 9/11 Truth Commission Initiative in NYC at the How The World Changed After 9/11 on September 11, 2010. Senator Gravel arrived in California on October 7, 2010 to meet with local 9/11 Truth activists, take signatures to Sacramento, and spearhead the effort to navigate through the State Ballot Initiative process. He will be in California for a couple of weeks to check on the level of support for the idea, and to begin to overcome the legal hurdles. At his first meeting with the Northern Caliornia 9/11 Truth Alliance on October 7, 2010 attendance was doubled, about fifty people turned up for the regular bi-monthly meeting after Senator Gravel's visit was announced to the group a few days before, and a lot of interest and support for the effort was expressed.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Former Senator Mike Gravel, the man who courageously helped bring the Pentagon Papers to the attention of the American people, seems to now be focussing on helping Californians expose the truth about 9/11. It's people like [former] Sen. Gravel that may just keep this movement above water, considering the extraordinary efforts of certain influences to keep the truth concealed and encourage ignorance.

The message sent out to the California Truth Movement about the California 9/11 Truth Commission Initiative:

As concerned citizens, we are joining together to raise funds to file an initiative in California to enact a "9/11 Truth Commission law." Once passed, this new commission untainted by politics and with subpoena powers to investigate 9/11 and its aftermath, the Afghan and Iraqi wars and the global War on Terror generally. Once the initiative process is under way in California, identical initiative measures will be filed in other initiative-enabled states such as Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Ohio Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and others. These numerous filings will make the need for a new investigation of 9/11 a political issue in the presidential and congressional elections of November 2012.

Millions of people are aware of the problems with what we've been told happened on 9/11. To take just one thing, the freefall collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 looked exactly like a controlled demolition with explosives, and 1300 architects and engineers are calling for a new investigation, with subpoena power. I'm with a group that wants to implement this new investigation through a voter initiative. Could I count on your support?

The collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on the afternoon of 9/11, an event that baffled engineers, now appears to be the most obvious of many smoking guns. Architects and engineers, scientists, military officers, and actors and artists have organized themselves, along with the Building What? Campaign, to seek the truth. Neither the Obama administration nor the US Congress has responded to repeated requests for a new investigation of 9/11. Mainstream media avoids the issue, taking its cue from government officialdom. Those contributing to ad hoc investigations, bringing forth new facts, are characterized as conspiracy nuts.

In order to evade the conspiracy characterization, our rhetoric will only focus on the need for a new investigation, devoid of the politics associated with earlier efforts. This strategy will be reinforced by the selection of distinguish persons to serve as commission members who will be identified in initiative filing documents ; some commissioners may be foreigners. Commission candidates will be recruited from the global 9/11 Truth Movement. The commissioners will appoint the all-important director of the commission.

In summary, a 9/11 Initiative campaign will:

Focus attention of the Global 9/11 Truth Movement on an actionable goal
Necessitate the raising of substantial funds to finance the initiative campaign
Have a website to facilitate citizen participation, fundraising, and financial transparency
Seek out and vet distinguished, qualified persons, to serve on the commission
File identical initiative measures in several states to make the 9/11 Initiative a national issue
Circumvent the government and the media by going directly to the people
Result in a commission with subpoena powers and the necessary public funding

Create an official body untainted by political interests able to pursue the facts surrounding 9/11 regardless of where they lead We need your help.

I can't see why any liberty loving American who believes in the principals of justice and freedom, can logically and honestly oppose a true indipendent investigation into not only the events of 9/11 itself, but also the resulting cover-up and consequences thereof.


edit on 10-10-2010 by airspoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Nice scope, I'm sure it won't hurt to have the anti-war crowd padding the numbers

Oh, and I wonder if they will have learned from NYCCAN's mistake.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by airspoon

In summary, a 9/11 Initiative campaign will:

Create an official body untainted by political interests able to pursue the facts surrounding 9/11 regardless of where they lead We need your help.

I hope the voters of those states will realize the importance of their vote. Can the damage of 9/11 be un-done?
This would be a giant step.

Originally posted by airspoon

Neither the Obama administration nor the US Congress has responded to repeated requests for a new investigation of 9/11. Mainstream media avoids the issue, taking its cue from government officialdom. Those contributing to ad hoc investigations, bringing forth new facts, are characterized as conspiracy nuts.

I can't see why any liberty loving American who believes in the principals of justice and freedom, can logically and honestly oppose a true indipendent investigation into not only the events of 9/11 itself, but also the resulting cover-up and consequences thereof.


Well said.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:47 PM
I'm all for it
however I don't think
the US Gov will allow it
to happen. So the only way
it's gonna happen is
with a Revolution
to take the criminals
out of the positions
blocking it.
I also believe that
finding out the real truth
will cause our government
to fall anyway.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I think we can replace them as fast as we can depose them.

If the actions of our government have been against our wishes, and without our knowledge caused events which have plunged us into near third-world police-state status, why would we not replace them?

Our removal of these criminals should be one of the major goals of this, and subsequent investigations.

edit on 10-10-2010 by Dogdish because: removed pitiful attempt at humor.

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