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posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 09:39 AM
Forcing prayer and demanding the Pledge be taken out yet they adovate Islam in schools?

Now what they stand for, protecting our rights is good, but the ACLU is out of controll with the censorship.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
They aren't liberals, they are just whiney little b*tches who don't like anything other than pissing people off. If they can find a way to piss someone off, they do it! ACLU only represent themselves and no one else.

kinda like michale moore then right?

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 12:06 PM
As long as we allow judges to be elected or appointed that put words and ideas into the constitution that are not there organizations such as the ACLU will be able to legally manipulate the people through judicial fiat. Want to stop the insanity - start with electing judges who literally interpret the constitution.

I believe the constitution said "Congress shall make NO law" in regards to religion. To me that means simply what it says "no law" either for or against, congress (government period) has no authority making any law pertaining to religion. The doctrine of seperation while appearing reasonable has morphed into a reason for the government to make law where it has no business making it at the behest of organizations like ACLU and activist courts.

The ACLU is a good concept and does/did good case work until it was overun with counterculture types after the 70's - its mainly been a downhill ride since then towards fringe political goals, Yeah every once in a while they'll get behind an issue like Limbaughs but I think thats more to keep up appearences.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Geez, what happened to ATS? I still have yet to see one stinking example.

What is this, warm and fuzzy central?

I just gave a few examples jethro, if you want to love em fine, thats your right, but alot of people don't so get off their ass , if they think their hypocritical double standard aholes then thats ok too..

It is what it is.... Sugar coat it all you want but the aclu isn't what it once was.. And to preach to us how the qu'ran should be read in school but then go around and try to take crosses of flags and mangers off church property is disturbing and scary.

Islam wants to be the dominant religion all over the world, they want to convert everybody forcefully, they aren't a peaceful religion and for the ACLU to back them up is very frightening, and someone as smart as you is defending them? What the hell.. One minute your totally conservative the next your in the middle and then one minute your left...

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 07:40 PM
No offesense to anyone...but you know muslims...they are weird.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 07:58 PM
IMO, the middle east is the most backwards region on the entire planet. and they are taking their religion to extreams! i say fight fire with fire with these people. no offence to anyone im just voicing my opinion, and if you have a problem with my right to voice my opinion i suggest you call the ACLU your your nearst liberal and complain.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 10:34 PM
Keeping the Boy Scouts from camping out in Balboa Park in San Diego because the Boy Scouts were ruled to be a religious organization. Never mind that the BSA had been part of Balboa Park "way back before the ACLU had even been hatched from the Communist Party" according to the author. The ACLU teamed up with a lesbian couple and some agnostics who "felt excluded", to ruin the experience for these young boys.
ACLU sux

What a waste of taxpayer and judicial resources.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 03:02 AM
I used to support the ACLU more than i do these days....
indeed they support the "extreme" ends of the stick when it comes to applying things like equal and free speech...only the people on the frings of society that are at the edge of the legal boundaries are testing the limits...the rest of us live under the "norms" that this culture presents.
This is why it seems they get a bad rap for being a fring group...
they are trying to apply the "equalities" to all situations, even if the culture at large does not see things the same way.

They have done some good things, but i agree that some of their stances go into the extreme and are counter cultural interests...IE the right of any democratic society to decide where their cultural boundaries are for their they are all inclusive or not.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies

Islam wants to be the dominant religion all over the world, they want to convert everybody forcefully, they aren't a peaceful religion and for the ACLU to back them up is very frightening, and someone as smart as you is defending them? What the hell.. One minute your totally conservative the next your in the middle and then one minute your left...

What are you talking about?

I HATE a good portion of what the ACLU does, but I don't want to get rid of them.

OH MY GOD, KJ IS DEFENDING THEM. Nope, not me. I also think the KKK are a bunch of blathering idiots, but they do have some good points and we should not get rid of them either.

Is it so hard to grasp that the only think I was annoyed at, was the fact that this thread was mainly composed of infantile "I don't like them, they are liberal Nazis" posts.

If people don't like them so much, get some links, bring up a point of contention and then we can have a discussion.

Maybe I don't think that because the Pit is supposed to have been more relaxed that it should be a bastion of retarded posts.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies

First they take the california crucifix off the Flag and not KNOW what ot replace it with just as long as it's gone.

Then they want a school in North Dakota ( I think) To practice the QUR'AN,

then they demand a Church in Birmingham Michigan take down the manger which symbolizes Jesus' birth at CHRISTMAS.

Then they decide to stroll in two town swinging their anti christian gun demanding people take down anything christian because we need a fair balance of muslim religion and christianity??

Excuse me but the muslim religion in the us is a minority religion just like the mormons, just like the anglicans, ect.. Why muslim??

Anybody else have any info about these aholes?

Yes I sound angry because I am... These people piss me off.
*pie in their faces*

Anti American, thats what they are.

[edit on 25-6-2004 by TrueLies]

Where did you hear this trash? I hope you checked your sources. THE ACLU is not just liberal. It goes into protection of the Bill of Rights no matter what side of the fence one is on. That wild eyed liberal Dick Armey recently joined because of his concern about the Patriot Act. Please quit listening to the nuts on the radio or in the print that don't tell the facts correctly or twist them so much. If you are truly concerned about your rights you would be a member also.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 02:28 PM
Madman here are actual news links from several news sources.


Above is a source where the ACLU threatend to sue a Colarado school over having Christmas in the school. Qoute "It insists the school must ban all references to Christmas in its annual holiday program, including secular songs such as "Jingle Bells."

Source 2

The ACLU sues a Cali county over a tiny cross in its county flag.

Source 3

A school has its students practice Islam in school, and they conduct Islamic prayers. The discrict is eventually sued, but not by the ACLU. They are too busy attack Christians parying in school rather than Muslims.

That enough for you Mad?

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 03:06 PM
Sooner or later, the ACLU will defend someone that you hate. Sooner or later, the ACLU will defend someone you respect. I wish the ACLU-bashers will get it through their heads that the ACLU defends everybody.

ACLU defends student's right to quote Bible in yearbook.

ACLU defends Christian 'Anti-Santa' ads

ACLU defends baptisms in public park

America is for everybody, not just the people you agree with.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Madman here are actual news links from several news sources.


Above is a source where the ACLU threatend to sue a Colarado school over having Christmas in the school. Qoute "It insists the school must ban all references to Christmas in its annual holiday program, including secular songs such as "Jingle Bells."

Source 2

The ACLU sues a Cali county over a tiny cross in its county flag.

Source 3

A school has its students practice Islam in school, and they conduct Islamic prayers. The discrict is eventually sued, but not by the ACLU. They are too busy attack Christians parying in school rather than Muslims.

That enough for you Mad?

Do you not understand that it is not right for a government to push a certain form of religion upon school children? That is what has happened in the middle east and other areas. Look at the results.

I personally don't want the government involved in my or my children's religious or spiritual practices. I don't want the government promoting one over another. It is not there business. It is mine and God's. Surely you understand that? Yes, I am Christian.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:35 PM
The governement was not forcing in any of those situations.

Does the gov tell you to be a Catholic by having a nativity scene in public?
Does the gov tell you to be a Catholic by having a small cross in a flag?
Does the gov tell you to be a Catholic when students on their own in school pray?

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
Do you not understand that it is not right for a government to push a certain form of religion upon school children? That is what has happened in the middle east and other areas. Look at the results.

I personally don't want the government involved in my or my children's religious or spiritual practices. I don't want the government promoting one over another. It is not there business. It is mine and God's. Surely you understand that? Yes, I am Christian.

That's right, so you would or should understand that children shouldn't be forced to study the qu'ran in elementary school because the ACLU thinks it's a good idea muslim religion be brought into our schools.

Civil liberties for all is one thing, having to pick and choose what battles you want to fight is another, especially if it doesn't coincide with American traditional values. Muslim religion isn't what school children should be studying. How about the consitution, what it was built upon, why it came to be, our founding fathers ideas, ect...

Not having open arms to the muslim religion when it teaches to kill Americans and British becausey they are "pigs", it's bad enough palestinian tv has a show where a little girl sings how she wants to be a suicide warrior against the west, do we actually want our own American born children turning into one of them, do we actually want another 9-11 to happen??

I don't, and i'd sure hate for the children of America to start another 9-11 because the ACLU embrased the Islam religion and tried to promote elementary school children to study the qu'ran.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
I don't, and i'd sure hate for the children of America to start another 9-11 because the ACLU embrased the Islam religion and tried to promote elementary school children to study the qu'ran.

EVERYONE, LOOK AT THIS. This has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read on this site.

Heck, I'm reading the Qu-ran right now and nothing is happening to cda kaf ewq

C ds



ARRRRRRRRRRRRG. CAN'T...........CONTAIN.................THE...............JIHAD.

Must buy plane ticket to New York.

Must put low grade explosives in my shoe.

[edit on 1-7-2004 by KrazyJethro]

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
The governement was not forcing in any of those situations.

Does the gov tell you to be a Catholic by having a nativity scene in public?
Does the gov tell you to be a Catholic by having a small cross in a flag?
Does the gov tell you to be a Catholic when students on their own in school pray?

The gov didn't force them to do that, because they aren't supposed to get involved in religion...

Meanwhile the secularists are getting involved and trying to bring christian/catholic practices down, if the government can't get involved in religion , neither should secularist organizations.
Leave it alone. Let people express their religion via nativity scences, whats the big deal, the cross on the flag wasn't a problem for 40+ years and now all of a sudden because godless people come into town it's become a big brooha.

But yet it's the religous people that are out of control right??

And the ACLU has the right to preach to people whats right and wrong when they are totally out to lunch??

And KJ, you just totally missed the point. Apparantly you aren't aware that islam thinks america is the great white satan and that we are pigs... You don't think it's possible for American children who study that will grow up thinking that?? Look at the mirror and take a good laugh at yourself.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by curme
Sooner or later, the ACLU will defend someone that you hate. Sooner or later, the ACLU will defend someone you respect. I wish the ACLU-bashers will get it through their heads that the ACLU defends everybody.

ACLU defends student's right to quote Bible in yearbook.

ACLU defends Christian 'Anti-Santa' ads

ACLU defends baptisms in public park

America is for everybody, not just the people you agree with.

the aclu will defend the KKK and neo nazis, but if they even look at a african american wrong, they[ACLU] will turn around and sue tthe said "organizations" they are leading us to a communist society where every one is equal. well let me tell you something, this is a freaking demoracy! it only promises equality of oppertunity, not conditions. if it were equality of conditions it would be communism, which is where the ACLU is going. they want everyone to be equal. well heres another fact, people arent equal. sure they shoudl have equal rights and all, but people are not equal. they need to take these commie ideals and just cram 'em. if people dont like certin things, they should have the right to voice their opinion on the matter and not have to worry about being sued over it. it shouldnt matter if its muslims, gays, or anything.

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