posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 08:09 PM
Why this there a need for so many international alliances, UN, EU, NATO ...etc?
The same question can also been asked for the corporate world. Why aren't there just one software giant? One dog-food company?
Competition. They all have different agendas, yet, similar goals - to make money.
It's almost the same with these organizations. They have different agendas. NATO is a military organization, an alliance which allows each member
country to defend the other member's country. The UN doesn't have this. They are rather peace-seeking, consentrating more on distributing food,
ensuring security and order and helping children. Most of the cases, I don't see this organization as effective as it probably should be.
As far as I have been with these conspiracy theories, the UN is simply useless. Unless they don't change the rules somehow, like allowing their
troops to actually do something, then I think the Illuminati-kind of a NWO is far away. If it is true, that is.