posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 10:38 PM
As long as people keep insisting their rights must be framed by the constraints of "Constitutional", or "civil", or "legal" rights, then be rest
assured those rights will be regulated to the point of diminishing returns. As long as people remain convinced that the only way to affect change is
through the mechanism of government, then be rest assured that everything will remain the same, with the sole exception that what does change is that
everything continues to get worse, while a desperate attempt is made to keep everything the same.
All closed systems tend towards entropy. Entropy is useless energy. The best way to avoid finding ourselves in a system headed towards uselessness,
is to maintain systems that are opened, and not closed. The federal government of the United States of America is not an open system, it is a closed
system well on its way towards entropy, if not all ready there. It is a closed system because we the people have closed it. We have closed it by
granting that system more power than any system can reasonably contain. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
We the people have tolerated more usurpation's and abuses than should have ever been tolerated. We have foolishly acquiesced to authority that
cannot exist without our acquiescence. As long as people keep insisting that the only possible way to gain freedom is by grant of government, those
people will never be free. We do not need politicians in order to exercise our right to speak freely. We do not need politicians in order to
exercise our right to publish, or broadcast freely. We do not need politicians in order to exercise our right to worship in whatever religious or
irreligious manner we choose. We do not need politicians to peaceably assemble. We do not need politicians to keep and bear arms.
Conversely, in order to have our freedom of speech heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. In order to have our freedom to publish or
broadcast heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. In order to have our freedom to worship heavily regulated, we need politicians to do
this. In order to have our right to peaceably assemble heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. In order to have our right to keep and
bear arms heavily regulated, we need politicians to do this. It should be noted, that in this context, the term politician can be easily exchanged
for tyrant.
As long as we keep waiting for government to give us permission to be free, we will keep waiting.