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Bob lazar lies!

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:52 PM
I am fairly well educated regarding Lazar's case. I feel like he is telling the truth since, to my knowledge, has made no personal gains from his claims. He has only received mockery. Correct me if I am wrong. As to why he was not killed I have stated in other threads. He became well known too fast and the government realized that he had to be untouched due to the public to catch on that he really was involved in what he claims. The only thing they could do was to wipe out his educational and professional history to try and discredit him.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by johnnie_walker

bob lazar is full of it and in my opinion was set out to pacify all of us by the gov so we, wont see the slight of hand

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 09:41 PM
Actually, if "someone with top clearance tells outsiders what is really going on" several things can happen.

One, you get caught by someone whose job is to monitor forums, and you've made comments you really maybe ought to not have. In that case, they kick it upstairs, the entire forum is combed by staff to see what else you (and anyone like you) has said, then they get the forum to remove most of the more sensitive stuff. At that point they start trying to figure out who you are, if the forum doesn't keep records and/or you're using TOR or the like to post, this part can take a while, but they'll find you eventually. Then you get a visit. Then you go on an airplane ride at your expense to the people whose NDA you might have violated, you get a lot of interviews, a polygraph, they make you wear a dunce cap in the hall (sort of) and after everyone bangs it around, they decide you really technically didn't do anything, but some of the other guys did, but you should have known better than to "speculate accurately on projects you knew to have been classified and that although you had no direct participation on the project, your participation in similar projects gave you 'special insight' into the problem which allowed you to reveal classified information without actually having had access to it". Half a dozen people lose their jobs and clearances, you get a mild derog, and learn to keep your mouth shut better. Sometimes.

Two, they decide you're a menace to the project and send the FBI after you. You get arrested and go to jail to await trial.

Three, if what you did meets a certain set of criteria you can only meet on an SCI project, you can actually be executed without jury trial, but it's never happened.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by johnnie_walker
How about if you guys don't like me threads or what I say then don't post r comment. It's that simple
and stop talking # about what I have said in the past. And if you truly have never heard of someone being silenced by the government then you have severe mental problems. How about you read other sources of info rather than stick to this one site.

So if someone doesn't believe what you have to say then they have mental problems?wow that's a pretty stupid assumption there buddy.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by johnnie_walker
Bob lazar believes our souls go to the moon! What is he smoking? Jesus is the manager of our souls and he decides when the world ends...

Actually the soulcatcher theory was based on John Lears work, not Bob Lazars testimony.
Your statments actually make you a liar at least equal to Bob Lazar according to your own reasoning. So why should your thread get any interest?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by johnnie_walker

Um, google 'Bob Lazar Dead'.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 11:50 PM
Did you ever consider that he was not murdered for talking the truth so that people with your perception could trivialise his information and taint the entire UFO conspiracy into a never returning dark abyss, wiping its existence from humanity and rendering it a fairy tale. Murdering Bob Lazar's truthful information with the views of sheep? That being said I am not Bob Lazar and I do not know or will ever know if he is telling the truth for it is only his word.


posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 06:41 AM
Can we please see some evidence for Bobs lies? Anything at all other than he's not dead. - Not saying you're wrong it's just common to put some weight behind your claim.

And the certainty with which you state Jesus is very offputting. Evidence??

In fact i would go as far to say that both of these statements are about as proveable as ach other. BUT at least we know Bob was alive and walking the earth...

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 05:16 PM
Kidnap Bob Lazar, give him serum of truth in a drink
Put Bob Lazar on a lie detector while under the effect of the serum

Why? Why is this never done? Because it's more interesting to have some silly conspiracies and make guesses? FU!

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
Kidnap Bob Lazar, give him serum of truth in a drink
Put Bob Lazar on a lie detector while under the effect of the serum

Why? Why is this never done? Because it's more interesting to have some silly conspiracies and make guesses? FU!


You believe the reason why nobody has kidnaped Bob Lazar, druged him with "serum of truth" while questioning him under a lie detector test is only because it´s more interesting to keep a conspiracy alive?

Who should kidnap him and what is this "serum of truth", how does it work and why would it affect a lie detector test?

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 06:35 AM
I also believe Lazzar may be telling some truth, how much I do not know but having looked at the schematic's for his sport's type I am not feeling really comfortable almost as if I am reading dis-information.

At our current level of technology it may be feasable to create a faster that light drive that doese not breach realtivity, I'll explain.

some of you may have heard of Quantumne entanglement, how it has been in laboratory condition's possible to entangle a sub atomic potential charge in a twisted photon that has been split prysmatically in to two photon's and to move the sub atomic potential charge out of the other half of the photon at the other side of the test apparatus thereby moving the charge instantly between two point's, this is possible because the photon behave's as a single photon no matter how far apart the two halve's are they each behave as a whole photon and what effect's one half effect's the other half so when the charge was entangle in one half it was also present in the other half meaning it existed in two place's at the same time.

Theoretically (and I have mentioned this elsewere) if you have a photon generator that send's a photon into a tube or conduit apparatus one meter long at the mid point and it is split then sent to the top and bottom you can entangle a charge at one end and dis entangle it at the other, the photon has travelled only half a meter in either direction at the speed of light but the charge has been DISPLACED at twice that speed over the meter of tube.

Now imagine you could lense the photon so that it could encapsulate a large macromolecular object and still do this, imagine you had the tube or WAVE GUIDE in the center of the object and could entangle the object inside the photon and disentangle itself somehow from the other end, now no inertia is emparted on the object as it is not moving and please consider it is also not teleporting as it merely passing through what I shall call Photonic space instantly between two point's limited to twice the speed of light but with further refining by a mathematician there may be a workaround there, and all of this for less than it would cost to drive your car down the road.

The reason Mr Lazzar is still alive is because it is easier to discredit and ignore him, if however he had not spoken out and is speaking the truth then he may have conveniently disappeared as so many do whom are classed as a risk to intelligence,.
For instance we recently had an MOD decoder in london whom was found dead after a week in his bathroom closet in a zipped and padlocked holdall despite the fact at his clearence level and working for GCHQ (a supposedly british but in reality american intelligence asset used for there monitoring internal american communication's amongst other thing's) check calls are made on such individual's regularly as well as intelligence agent's rapidly responding to the slightest lack of communication, He decoded something that he was either not supposed to or that was deemed sensative enough to have him silenced by the US secret service and he was left to rot so the time line would be obscurred in order to hamper any civil investigation.

When princess diana died she was murdered in the back of the ambulance and the paparzzi that drove the fiat panda was found with a perfect circular radial fracure around a hole in his forehead and the back of his skull missing by the first fireman on the scene who later changed his testimony as they were not going to allow the future king of england to have a muslim half brother or sister, diana was pregnant with dodi al fayads child and despite it being illegal in france she was embalmed too soon to destroy evidence of the feotus, she was seen by several onlooker's walking to the ambulance (so not unconsciouse).

As long as we are the sheep they can and will do anything they want.
edit on 28-1-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by LABTECH767
I also believe Lazzar may be telling some truth, how much I do not know but having looked at the schematic's for his sport's type I am not feeling really comfortable almost as if I am reading dis-information.

Please, PLEASE don't wake the Lazarites.
We finally got them herded back over to the UFO forum.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:04 PM
I personaly like the theory that he was working with the government to try to draw attention to area 51. So that any spies that heard about it would try to go there and make catching them easier

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:18 PM
My oppinion:

1. I believe Bob Lazar. He passed lie detector tests, the objects he was talking about flying at Area 51 were seen by multiple witnesses and his description of the cafeteria and other sections of Area 51 were rather accurate.
2. I am not sure which scientist you remember anouncing the end of the world, but I sure remember a lot of religious leaders and the like to have done it multiple times so you scored in your own goal with this one.
3. I don't think Bob Lazar ever said he believed the souls of the deceised went to the Moon.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by FosterVS

Yeah, Sorry there I get carried away but hey it is interesting or it would not be a thread still look what they did to poor wiki leak's, some of the stuff they disclosed did put live's at risk but at least they stood up for freedom and truth and without those two thing's justice, democracy and fair society's are doomed to enter the history book's as ideal's of the past and as the victor's they will claim they were failed concept's that everyone is better off under there kind and benificent control because we will sleep walk into our own slavery.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by ilian51378

You are correct the general design of his sport's type is a classic UFO type, hey even billy meyer with his dodgy image's that have the string still visible are similar though despite my obviouse scepticism some of mr meyer's early image's 'may' be genuine but hey when you have a cult status and image to maintain maybe you just have to supplement and make more colourfull that strange experience you had.

Lie detector's are not infallable and trained operative's can fool them indeed most trained lie detector operator's are the actuall detector as they are merely interpreting the reading's from the machine, I certainly would not trust somebody's life to one and in british law they are inadmissable due to there unreliabillity.

And as far as UFO's are concerned I have personally seen one (not very spectacular just a metallic reflective sphere moving at high speed against gale force wind's just under a cloud layer about two hundred feet up) and know several other's who have but UNIDENTIFIED is the operative word here.

Still I very much doubt we are the only intelligent race in the universe.
edit on 29-1-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by johnnie_walker
Bob lazar told John Lear what was going on and what he saw at grrom lake. When someone with a top secret clearance tells outsiders what is going they are normally silenced and killed by the government. Why isn't Bob lazar dead? Because he is fake and was far from the truth about what was really going on. Bob lazar believes our souls go to the moon! What is he smoking? Jesus is the manager of our souls and he decides when the world ends... Not the dumb scientist who have been wrong everytime they've predicted the worlds end. Anyways bob has no idea what's really going on. Don't bash me for saying this as it is my opinion. I would like to know what you say about bob. This is for discussion and I don't wanna hear anything about me and what I said. I want your opinion.

What a pointless thread. By the title of your thread, I figured you were going to share some new info with us. I don't know, perhaps SOMETHING....ANYTHING that suggests that Bob Lazar lied about SOMETHING?

Your title makes it seem as if you caught Bob Lazar in a lie. All you did was talk about how you don't believe Bob Lazar. The only reason you give for not believing him, is that you are christian, and his beliefs aren't in the same little box labeled "christian" as yours are.

Sorry, but epic thread fail.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
Kidnap Bob Lazar, give him serum of truth in a drink
Put Bob Lazar on a lie detector while under the effect of the serum

Why? Why is this never done? Because it's more interesting to have some silly conspiracies and make guesses? FU!

Why is kidnapping and drugging whistle blowers never done? Hmm.....

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by johnnie_walker
Not the dumb scientist who have been wrong everytime they've predicted the worlds end.

Funny, I don't recall scientists doing this.

Actually that's not 100% true...the "dumb" scientists have told me that the Earth will die when our local star dies, and they've warned me about the chances of a comet impact or gamma ray burst, so I guess technically you're correct. Dumb scientists HAVE predicted the end of the world.

But I'll take us "dumb" scientists over thumpers any day.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by johnnie_walker
Jesus is the manager of our souls and he decides when the world ends.

Well, we are the manager of our own souls, because we have free will.

And as for Jesus deciding anything, how is that even possible when everything has been preordained and working in accordance with signs and seals and portents and astrological happenings already recorded thousands of years ago (if you believe that stuff)? Seems to me like it's already been decided.

As for Bob Lazar, why bother to kill somebody who can't prove anything?

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