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A Question about Medical Facilities and Communicable Diseases

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posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 01:51 PM
surviving breast cancer twice and being exposed to medical facilities during surgeries has made me susceptable to staph infections out of lack of good practices.

My question is should medical facilities be required by law to display a certificate that these communicable diseases are free of these places. and what can be done by our governments to insure that medical facilities are tested and properly updated at intervals of time safe for the public.

I have been recently treated for an eruption that appeared on my body and the E R physician stated they have no cure and only treatment is to have it lanced yet again in the same facility that contracted such a disease, so they want my hard earned dollars in outrages charges for something the same hospital communicated upon me without my knowing or discretions.

Is this the way our medical professions are practicing safe effective medical care????

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by pink_guys64

You raise and excellent point! I think they should most definitely display the various warnings of potential threats. Unfortunately I don't know much about the US medical system but I can tell you about the UK's NHS.

We have a system here where hospitals have to provide full disclosure of their MRSA status and appropriate regulations are then put in place to prevent spreading the infection outside, and within the hospital. These regulations even include bans on bringing flowers into the hospital and are very strict. There was even a ban of sitting on hospital beds for visitors to help curb the spread.

Personally I try to avoid the hospital at all costs. I recently had my ears syringed where my left ear was the problem. I thought I may as well get them both done at the same time. The result I currently have a massive infection in the right one most likely because of the moisture left behind after the procedure.

I think although you have some unfortunate experience with staph infection, your immune system must be pretty bad ass to get over cancer twice. That is really awesome!

You may just be particularly susceptible to that particular form of infection, just like I seem to be particularly susceptible to every throat infection going. Interestingly though I have never had food poisoning or the flu even when those around me have and we all shared the same circumstances. Every cloud I suppose.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Bumping this up as this is a very interesting topic.

I know for a fact that the General Hospital in my area is totally filthy, I went there some years ago and the filthiness of the washroom was so bad that I went down the street to the nearest gas station to pee!

Good post pink.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 05:33 PM
I am a Ex firefighter /EMT and have been in many hospitals.

I also have Sarcoidosis and have in my research found that people that work in the medical profession have about 7 times higher rate of Sarcoidosis then the general public. nurses, EMTs, lab techs, ETC ETC,

Hospitals will never tell there employees that contract Sarcoidosis that it may be a work injury or that they can get workman's comp for this disorder.

So far no one has found the cause of sarcoidosis or why it spreads in hospital workers.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by pink_guys64

The rooms and halls could be cleaned with steam machine. It gets hot enough to kill the germs and bacteria. I think the problem is lack of efficient and thorough sanitation.

I have seen some ER's that look like a bad BBQ restaurant with "sauce drips" on the walls and hairballs on the gurneys. I have seen some that do not empty the garbage for two or three days.

And as far as the care....I wonder if they are deliberately experimenting on people or whether it is just incompetence. I seriously wonder about the experimentation.

If I were you, I would try to learn as much as I could to take care of myself. Sure, there may be times you need the medical people, but the environments are nasty, imo.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 06:05 PM
I work in a facility that will not use common anti-bacterial agents for cleaning the facility. We do not have the problems associated with resistant staph for that reason. We use a product called Pure 24 that is just citric acid and colloidal silver. It is not what we use to clean but we wipe down everything with it. It kills MRSA. We use a UVC hand wand to sterilize surfaces between cleanings.

If the right products are used the facility will not have as much problem.

We also use nothing but pure organic extra virgin olive oil based soap for hand washing. We do not use or prescribe antibiotics. We use colloidal silver jell for wound dressings.

We are an alternative cancer treatment clinic so we have a different way of looking at things over conventional medical practices. If all facilities would use our procedures for cleaning and treating patients and hand washing there would be a lot less disease spread by medical facilities. It is all about the choices we make.
edit on 9-10-2010 by wayouttheredude because: because I submit before reading and fine errors. Its madening.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Alethea

thank you for the inspiration and I am presently talking with medical professionals via internet about the foundation for MRSA which my staph infection has progressed, I heard of a powdered clay of some chemical not sure the type but it can be applied to eruptions and draws out the infection.I do know that the ideal culture for MRSA is it attacks lactic acid in the body and reproduces with sugar in the body.

I have a problem with that as I am hypoglycemic and consume more than 10 lbs of refined sugar every month, it is how i keep weight on my body

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by wayouttheredude

thank you for the information

whatever it is I jus wanna find something that will kill it within the body, I have very high metabolism and high immune thanks to a herb called huang qui or astragalus- I have had friends take it and were due to die of HIV and lived an extra 4-5 years

can you send me the information in an email my name @

I would be greatly in your debt if you could as I have close friends that work in motels and nursing homes

thank you again

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 12:53 AM
I'm not sure any certs a hospital could provide would be worth the paper they're printed on. Because of disinfectants that wipe out all but the strongest germs, things like mrsa have taken over the remaining real estate. Probably a conspiracy.

There's this honey called 'manuka' from New Zealand, which is supposed to fight off mrsa. The salve version, for your skin, is expensive. The normal stuff isn't filtered quite as fine against impurities, and costs $38 for a jar. 3 times that for the stuff you use on your skin. It may be worth a shot, and cheaper than saying hello to a doctor.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by starless and bible black

anything is better than what i am presently facing , although thanks to ATS I have found some other alternatives they need to be explored and researched a bit more. I have this so called precription ointment that can be applied and helps the toxins not spread

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by pink_guys64

I heard of a powdered clay of some chemical not sure the type but it can be applied to eruptions and draws out the infection.

You are probably thinking of bentonite clay. I use a Dr. Shulze product that has activated charcoal, bentonite clay, flax seeds, ect. I have used this for drawing out poisons from wasp stings, etc. Also, a while back I had a deep cat bite. I washed with soap and water immediately, but by the next day my skin was swollen and drawn up. I have heard some scary stories about infection from cat bites. So I used a poultice I made from the Dr. Shulze formula. (I waited about 3--4 days before I did this---I should have done it sooner, but just thought I was immune to disaster!) My entire arm had begun to get very sore and sensitive and hot---so I knew I had infection setting in. It took about three days of poultices, changing the poultice about 3 times a day and I suppose it was drawing out the infection. I really believe it could have turned into something very bad if I had not done this.

Originally posted by pink_guys64
I have a problem with that as I am hypoglycemic and consume more than 10 lbs of refined sugar every month, it is how i keep weight on my body

When my friend lost a lot of weight due to c.diff and had to get weight back on, I used Hemp Protein powder and made smoothies with it. It worked very well and he was able to gain both strength and weight. Just a suggestion. And raw honey has more calories than sugar and much better nutrition.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by pink_guys64

If you are fighting a MRSA infection I would suggest a colloidal silver IV infusion at about 1 PPM of a pure nano-silver hydro-sol like Argentyn 23. It will need to be administered daily for about 10 to 12 days. At the same time an oral administration of 500mg of Berberine 2 or 3 times per day for the same period will help as well.

This is just a suggestion of a possible source of action. You will have to find a licensed nature-path to administer the IV treatment for you.

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