Hi Guys,
I had a really, really strange lucid dream in the early hours of this morning and thought I'd share it here, for any of those who haven't heard of
this topic:
A lucid dream, in simplest terms, is a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer
Frederik van Eeden (1860–1932).[1] Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.[2][3]
Lucid Dream
Okay lets get started, I've known for a while now that I've experienced Lucid dreams before; I remember one in particular where I suddenly became
aware I was dreaming and actually had some control of what I did in the dream, in this instance I "woke up" in the dream and decided I wanted to
In my previous Lucid dreams I've had some degree of control but it's always been limited, for example I may be able to perform a particular movement
or action but after that I lose the control and the dream goes into a regular dream.
Early this morning I woke up at approx 4:15AM and decided to go for a cigarette before going back to bed, I lay there tossing and turning for about an
hour and couldn't get back to sleep so I went for another cigarette in my living room.
It was quite peaceful sitting there looking out of the window into the darkness and listening to the sound of the wind and after I finished my cig I
felt that I'd be able to go back to sleep so I, once again, went back to bed.
After more tossing and turning and generally feeling uncomfortable I finally felt like I was nodding off, I could see weird shapes and colours with my
eyes closed (completely normal) and started to relax.
Now this is where I'm unsure, I drifted off into a dream but at the same time I still felt like I was awake, it was a pretty strange feeling because
common sense states that you cannot be awake and asleep at the same time.
I'm not going to go into all the details of the dream (some parts are private
) but I will list the parts that I think are relevant here on ATS.
By the way, at this point I'd just like to remind you that for the first time ever I had complete control of everything I was doing in the dream, it
really was like the dream was actually happening in real life. It sort of felt like when you've had a bit too much to drink and you know your still in
reality so to speak, but everythings a little hazy.
I will also add that I had consumed a fair bit of alcohol last night after a stressful week so I'm not sure if that contributed to the experience.
Anyways, I dreamt of some mundane things such as walking around my flat, speaking to my neighbors and some other more unusual things such as meeting
people that I've not spoken to in a long, long time.
Most dreams don't usually make much sense as it's said that a dream is a combination of the thoughts/experiences/emotions felt by an individual during
the day and they become interwined in the mind.
The parts that I thought were interesting were at one point I dreamt of being on top of some sort of futuristic floating platform in the sky, it
reminded like of something you would see on Minority Report, it was surrounded by some sort of force field I presume and I was manning a strange
looking weapon station which in the dream I knew was some sort of laser cannon.
I'd embed a picture but after having a look on Google I can't find anything remotely similiar to what I dreamt and unfortunately my graphics skills
are non-existant.
The second thing that was pretty interesting was I dreamt I was in a flat, not my flat however, and as I'm sitting there looking through the window
some sort of alien crafts passes by at extremely short range, so short in fact that I'm able to see each and every individual window, it sort of
looked like a the front of a skyscraper but in a triangle shape and obviously much smaller.
Throughtout the whole experience I still felt awake and at one point I decided to wake up, however when I closed my eyes I went straight back into the
dream, after speaking to my girlfriend she suggested maybe I was in a very light sleep however I haven't mentioned the lucid part to her.
That's it guys, let me point out that I'm
not stating that I had a paranormal experience or that I was abducted by aliens etc I'm absolutely
certain what experienced was a lucid dream, just thought I'd share the experience on here with you guys.
It was actually a fantastic experience and I fully enjoyed it, at one point I felt like I had my own matrix type world where I could create whatever
scenario I wanted!
I'm a little disappointed though because I doubt I'll get to experience that type of dream again any time soon but I'm definitely going to research
Lucid dreaming techniques, I want to do that again!
Feel free to add your thoughts/opinions/questions....
Edit: I just wanted to add that I'm not making any type of prediction or prophecy (we've had enough of those recently) regarding the alien parts of
the dream, I'm simply including them because I thought they were interesting to people here on ATS.
I'm also pretty sure that the alien sections of the dream probably come from something I've read on here but like I said I'm focusing more on the
actual lucid dream experience rather than the contents.
edit on 9/10/10 by Death_Kron because: (no reason given)