posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:48 AM
One twist was last night, so spoiler alert if you haven't seen it yet.
We learned Thomas is Sophia's son. In addition, it seems like Lee is still in, and they fingered another mole. Last night's episode certainly put
CT's in a daring light, huh? (with them racing out of the building, and letting off a bomb behind them). Of course, any decent CT would have never
been traced with the call from the reporter in the first place (kind of a weak point of it, as was the fact that they (the G-men) didn't have anybody
covering ALL exits, even the roof). Still though, a pretty good episode.
Was interesting to see a human side to the head spook G-man. Certainly explains the hard-ass approach, and now, we even feel he is justified in doing
Of course, had it been me, I would have had EVERY man on the ground team shipped to the four corners of the Earth, and replaced with new men as I
personally watched each blood draw and DNA test. Not to mention, ANYONE who had ANY records gap or hardship that could be exploited would not be
considered for the team.
So, what the heck was up with those little girls at the end? That was a pretty LOST-like cliffhanger, huh? It seems as if they may be testing
something on these girls maybe?