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My personal take on Freemasonry, why i didn't join.

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:03 PM
I was always curious about joining Freemasons. I thought they were cool and i would love to be enlightened. I was interested in the Mason's before Dan Brown came out with the DaVinci Code. I read it which made my interests in freemasonry grow. I also beIieved Freemason's were getting a bum rap from society. Prominent U.S. citizens were freemason's along with some Founding Fathers. It seems the Founding Fathers made the Constitution to protect the citizens from corrupt governments. So I'm thinking, These Mason's seem like a nice group, why are people sketchy about them or think they are evil?

I only knew one person who was a mason. Not a close friend, but a friend of my cousin. I knew him about 3 years or so before my cousin told me he was a Mason. I have only hung out with him about 10 or 15 times and he seems like a regular guy. The next time i saw him, i told him i just found out he was a Mason and i was jealous and wanted to join but never pushed myself.
He told me its very easy to join. He would sponsor me, and he told me there was an open house at a lodge near me in less then 2 weeks, near the end of March. He didn't belong to that lodge but would go with me there for that day.
I was very exited and was asking my cousin to go with me also. He kindly declined. My wife was a little sketchy.

I meet him at the lodge for open house. The Lodge was in the Historical District of the city. Only about 10 minutes from my house. I had passed by the lodge countless times before that day, and had never noticed the mason lodge sign. We walk in the building, sign in, and meet and talk with the Masons there. Everyone is dressed regular except the head mason there. He wore a black suit but wore his purple Mason stuff over his suit. Looked to be about 45 years old, maybe 50 tops. My cousins friend stayed about 20 minutes with me but leaves for his lodge which was about 40 minutes away. I got some free coffee and donuts and continued walking around introducing myself. It was about 5 real older masons like between 60-75 years, a couple around my age, 30, and probably 15 people walking around open house looking to join. The older masons there were retired military or navy.
On dislpay was a couple of glass cases like you would see in a jewelery store. All filled with buttons from historical mason's coats, gold symbols, and other mason stuff which was cool to see. Old drawings of Solomon's temple were on the wall. It really was a beautiful building. Lots of cool old wooded chairs. And it seemed everything that was wood, was carved. There was a table set up with pamphlets of mason stuff, the club for mason women, the club for children, dvd's on masonry, the Shriners club, and lists of older masons that i had no clue were masons. Like Davy Crockett among others. Even a reporter from the paper came in to do a story on the open house. He took pictures of me reading pamphlets and i knew i was going to be in the paper the next day, which I was. I continued to read some pamphlets and info, and i was leaning on joining the Shriners, For all there donation work to children and needy family's, i thought that was cool. But i still didn't make up my mind yet.

So far it was a cool experience and i was glad i came. The Masons seem like a close group of good guys, good guys who have helped make this country, explored the moon, done great things in history, from ancient times, till today.
The Mason showing some of us around said we were going upstairs. Upstairs was really cool. There was a huge rectangular room with small wooden chairs along both long sides of the room. The paint on the wall was gold and blue vertical stripes which continued onto the ceiling. More Masonry stuff up there i didn't understand, but was looking forward to learning. It looked like a big courtroom actually.
Our "tour guide" mason then said "if you join this week and pay your dues, you could get your first three degrees all at the same time, at the same ceremony, before summertime. Because the higher ups don't give out degrees in the summertime." But, why not in the summertime? Is my 350 dollar dues and degree fee going to be used for the higher ups to go on summer vacation? It was like $150-200 to join, and $50 dollars each degree. It struck me as a little weird but i have enough money.

Here is were i felt something telling me not to join the masons, even though i was really interested. I already knew about the induction ceremony. I knew that you went through something really weird in order to become a mason, i just didn't know what it meant in performing the initiation. I didn't understand what it meant for you to say those things, and what it meant for them to say those things and perform those acts. That always stuck in my head. So the "tour guide" says, "after you pay the dues and the money for the first 3 degrees, you'll have your cermony."(or whatever). "It might seem a little weird at first. Everyone is dressed kind of weird, and you'll have to go through this old tradition kind of ceremony."

Here is where i believe a higher power helped me make the right decision. Flame me if you like, i believe it to be true.
So i say, "yeah, i've heard you have to say and do some weird stuff, what does it all mean? (notice the direct question..)
He says, "Don't worry about it, we will help you through what your suppose to say and do, so it's not hard or confusing." (Ohh, notice the non-direct answer!)
That may have worked on me if i was concerned about screwing up my speech or tripping during the ceremony like a normal idiot, but not if i weren't questioning the hidden meaning of the ceremony.
So I told him i had to talk it over with the wife. We shook hands and i left with my pamphlets. Since then i have done a little research into Freemasonry and talked to people i know who have researched it. I have come to the conclusion that the ceremony, has to do with them killing you, and then they give you back earthly life by reviving your corpse. They do something like bop you on the head,(pretend to kill you) and pull you back up(resurrect you). Things that have a hidden meaning that they wont tell you. I don't know what else they do or get you to do, but i'm sure its more stuff that has hidden meanings that i wont like. I wonder how many people they have tricked into not thinking about the ceremony until afterward? I feel bad for anyone who joined, not understanding the ceremony. How much bigger can masonry get? What if the majority of people were masons? The mason's don't go against each other, so if they got really big, who would stop them? If they keep gaining members, its going to be a whole world society? Is that what they are trying to accomplish?
So i was really interested in masons for awhile, I went there and had the opportunity to join, but am so glad i didn't. Thats my take on it anyway. During the ceremony, i think you might give up your soul to freemasonry, something i think you might want to hold on to. After the ceremony, you hang out with a bunch of cool guys, do good things for your community, but at what price did you pay?..$350 dollars, or something more...

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:19 PM
I turned the offer a few years ago.

Its interesting when you say childrens club also.

My father is a Mason. When i was very young he enrolled me into the 'Sea Cubs' which is the club before the 'Sea Scouts'. I never lasted as im not to good with authority and i always have a million questions.

The ceremony is about being reborn and letting go of your beliefs. When you join you are a Mason, your allegiances are to the society.

My allegiances are to the 'People'.

Masons call themselves brothers. Some Masons i have met have called me their brother, but my brother is my mothers son! and my brother does not lie to me or deceive me!

Nice thread S&F

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:20 PM
Any thoughts ATS? Anyone else have a similar intuition to not join when being so close. Has anyone you know that joined, say they wish they didn't, but didn't say why?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma

The ceremony is about being reborn and letting go of your beliefs. When you join you are a Mason, your allegiances are to the society.

Thanks Dr Cosma. The ceremony is why i didn't join, otherwise they would have got me. I just hope people understand what it means before they join.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:28 PM
Before joining I was just as scared because of my Christian beliefs. I told myself that the first sign of anything that goes against my faith I will discontinue. I have been an active master mason for 9 years now, and my relationship with My God the Father has grown exponentially. I refuse to go on he-say she-say, If I want to find something out, I grow a set of balls and find out for myself.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
I turned the offer a few years ago.

Its interesting when you say childrens club also.

My father is a Mason. When i was very young he enrolled me into the 'Sea Cubs' which is the club before the 'Sea Scouts'. I never lasted as im not to good with authority and i always have a million questions.

The ceremony is about being reborn and letting go of your beliefs. When you join you are a Mason, your allegiances are to the society.

My allegiances are to the 'People'.

Masons call themselves brothers. Some Masons i have met have called me their brother, but my brother is my mothers son! and my brother does not lie to me or deceive me!

Nice thread S&F

As a freemason, My allegiance is first to God, then my family, then myself, then as a prior Soldier my country and the people I was sworn to protect. Loyalty to the craft is dead last. HEll I missed lodge meeting last night because my girlfriend cooked dinner....and it was good

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by BluePillOrRedPill

How do you know what theceremony consist of if you have never been to one. A true mason would not tell you the truth about what goes on simply because we said we would not, not because its a huge satanic secret. A mans word is bond. And a mason is OBLIGATED to keep his word.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by BluePillOrRedPill


I dont believe in the ideology of 'i know' and 'you dont'.

Members will defend whatever lie they think theyve been sold as truth. Which is understandable.

I have a friend who is Muslim and there is no way i can have conversations with him about stuff because in the end, the Quaran is right to him. Which i understand.

My Grandfather was in the army for 23 years, theres no way he will believe anything but their ideology.

My best friend is in the foreign legion. Same thing he believes in what hes being told.

So my point is many Masons will defend what they THINK is true.....

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by SirKnightE
If I want to find something out, I grow a set of balls and find out for myself.

i was writing something here to come back at your comment but i erased it, i'm trying to get away from that stuff on ATS.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by SirKnightE

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
I turned the offer a few years ago.

Its interesting when you say childrens club also.

My father is a Mason. When i was very young he enrolled me into the 'Sea Cubs' which is the club before the 'Sea Scouts'. I never lasted as im not to good with authority and i always have a million questions.

The ceremony is about being reborn and letting go of your beliefs. When you join you are a Mason, your allegiances are to the society.

My allegiances are to the 'People'.

Masons call themselves brothers. Some Masons i have met have called me their brother, but my brother is my mothers son! and my brother does not lie to me or deceive me!

Nice thread S&F

As a freemason, My allegiance is first to God, then my family, then myself, then as a prior Soldier my country and the people I was sworn to protect. Loyalty to the craft is dead last. HEll I missed lodge meeting last night because my girlfriend cooked dinner....and it was good

So if your God says it is ok to kill the people, what are your allegiances there?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by BluePillOrRedPill

You have a pretty good understanding of the ceremony, but it is you that do not understand the true meaning of the ceremony. His answer was intentionally vague, because you have to experience the ceremony first hand. It is against our obligation to tell it to you in advance.

If you had trusted your instincts about the men and the history, and if you had decided to join, then you would have experienced the ceremony, the meanings would have been explained and illustrated in a number of different ways, and you would know that all the conspiracy talk and paranoia is laughable.

As for the money. I guarantee it didn't go to summer vacations. The fact is, most Masons have other obligations and families, and summertime is a difficult time to bring a large group together for degree work. We don't do a whole lot in the summer, and we don't do a whole lot over the Holiday season. It is logistics, not some nefarious plot.

As for the "3 degrees in one day" that is a new phenomenon that most older Masons don't like. It cheapens the experience and rushes you through it with the intention of getting you into lodge faster, but without the true background and understanding you need. It is called a "1 day degree." I did it. I was disappointed, and I wish I had done the longer versions. Since then, I have participated in many, many long degrees, and they are far more entertaining and educational. We stopped doing the 1 day degrees at my Lodge.

If you have any more "specific" questions, and you would like a first hand account, please feel free to ask, but please stop purporting to know more than those of us that actually went through it.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by SirKnightE

As a freemason, My allegiance is first to God

And that is Great. What is your opinion on Jesus? Do Freemasons believe in Jesus. I hear FreeMasons all the time on tv and in the news..God Bless you, In God we trust, God save the queen... But what about Jesus?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by BluePillOrRedPill


I dont believe in the ideology of 'i know' and 'you dont'.

Members will defend whatever lie they think theyve been sold as truth. Which is understandable.

I have a friend who is Muslim and there is no way i can have conversations with him about stuff because in the end, the Quaran is right to him. Which i understand.

My Grandfather was in the army for 23 years, theres no way he will believe anything but their ideology.

My best friend is in the foreign legion. Same thing he believes in what hes being told.

So my point is many Masons will defend what they THINK is true.....

So how do you know for a fact what you know is true if you have not heard or seen it for yourself? Can you tell me what color shirt I am wearing based off what everyone else believes on the internet?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by BluePillOrRedPill

Originally posted by Dr Cosma

The ceremony is about being reborn and letting go of your beliefs. When you join you are a Mason, your allegiances are to the society.

Thanks Dr Cosma. The ceremony is why i didn't join, otherwise they would have got me. I just hope people understand what it means before they join.

Dr Cosma is not a Mason, and he is wrong about the ceremony.

Please tell me what you think the ceremony means?

Again, I can't tell you exactly what goes on during the ceremony, because it is intended to be "experienced" not just "told."

The reason it needs to be "experienced" is explained very well on THIS website. It is extensive to read and understand, and I daresay that very few Masons actually understand all of it, especially on their first couple of experiences. However, it has nothing to do with letting go of any of your beliefs, or changing your religion in any way.
edit on 8-10-2010 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by SirKnightE

But i have....

My point there was im not in favour of secrecy

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by BluePillOrRedPill

Jesus Christ is MY lord and personal saviour, Masonry does not restrict anyone from there chosen deity. But fortunately most of these socalled "secrets" in masonry are based out of the same book I read from on a daily basis. I gaurantee you all of our secrets are found righ tin the Holy Bible.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by BluePillOrRedPill

Originally posted by SirKnightE

As a freemason, My allegiance is first to God

And that is Great. What is your opinion on Jesus? Do Freemasons believe in Jesus. I hear FreeMasons all the time on tv and in the news..God Bless you, In God we trust, God save the queen... But what about Jesus?

There is no "Freemason Belief" on any particular God. In Lodge, we don't even use the word "God" we use the more general term Grand Architect of the Universe or some variation of that. Most Masons are indeed Christians, but there are also Muslims, Jews, etc.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by BluePillOrRedPill

Originally posted by Dr Cosma

The ceremony is about being reborn and letting go of your beliefs. When you join you are a Mason, your allegiances are to the society.

Thanks Dr Cosma. The ceremony is why i didn't join, otherwise they would have got me. I just hope people understand what it means before they join.

Dr Cosma is not a Mason, and he is wrong about the ceremony.

Please tell me what you think the ceremony means?

Again, I can't tell you exactly what goes on during the ceremony, because it is intended to be "experienced" not just "told."

The reason it needs to be "experienced" is explained very well on THIS website. It is extensive to read and understand, and I daresay that very few Masons actually understand all of it, especially on their first couple of experiences. However, it has nothing to do with letting go of any of your beliefs, or changing your religion in any way.
edit on 8-10-2010 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

When did i say i was a Mason lol

see thats the kind of tactics you been lie
edit on Fri Oct 8 2010 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma

Originally posted by SirKnightE

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
I turned the offer a few years ago.

Its interesting when you say childrens club also.

My father is a Mason. When i was very young he enrolled me into the 'Sea Cubs' which is the club before the 'Sea Scouts'. I never lasted as im not to good with authority and i always have a million questions.

The ceremony is about being reborn and letting go of your beliefs. When you join you are a Mason, your allegiances are to the society.

My allegiances are to the 'People'.

Masons call themselves brothers. Some Masons i have met have called me their brother, but my brother is my mothers son! and my brother does not lie to me or deceive me!

Nice thread S&F

As a freemason, My allegiance is first to God, then my family, then myself, then as a prior Soldier my country and the people I was sworn to protect. Loyalty to the craft is dead last. HEll I missed lodge meeting last night because my girlfriend cooked dinner....and it was good

So if your God says it is ok to kill the people, what are your allegiances there?

I would follow the will of my God, fortunately MY God does not require me to kill anyone :-)
edit on Fri Oct 8 2010 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

I never said, that you said, you were a Mason. I only said that you are NOT a Mason, so why would anyone take your word for what goes on in the ceremony, or what the true meaning of it is. You are exactly wrong in what you declare to be the meaning of the ceremony. Not your fault I suppose, you are just summarizing a bunch of rhetoric from non-Masons. The ceremony does not have you letting go of your beliefs as you stated.

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